My best failure today: how to recover? ha


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
the players:
Me: 18 yr old freshman
L: HB8 from class, invited me out as the only freshman to her 21st birthday celebration. We flirt, L recently just got single(IT SEEMS! i didn't know..)
F: HB8 16yr old little sister of L

I show up at L's apartment, grab me n my boys a beer each, and hug L n wish her a happy birthday. Minute later she calls her cute little sister over to introduce her to me. cool. I say hi, talk **** to them about beerpong and how my boy and I will own them, and flirt alil with F. L asks if i need to be introduced to anyone, and then corrects herself "nevermind you're outgoing, you've got it." a minute later i turn around and see them both staring at me as L whispers something, and then they crack up laughing cause I just caught em.
Play some cardgames, F kinos me abit, cool with me man haha. As I said, i thought L still had a boyfriend.

F isolates me. shes going into a back room to make a call, and I brush by her, we talk and as I'm saying I'm going back to the party she bends in and starts making out with me. I go with it and then go outside to see my boys smoking.
My boy just goes "that was a test, good job, you failed."
"Yeah i did, sh!t."
"L has been flirting with you all night, hahah nice. Well make the best of time with her lil sis haha"

I return inside and L is giving me the middle finger. "You guys can make out but thats it, no touching her." fine.
later on L tells me why she introduced me to her sister, “Because I told here there was this cute guy in my Design class, and I thought she should meet you.”
12:15 we head off to the bar and get in, some of the older girls make fun of me n F for holding hands haha “what is this, highschool?” fvck em.
All night me n her lil sis talk, I learn that shes 16, NOT 17, and that L is single. “What, do you have a thing for my sister or something?” Not sure what I said, but it probably didn’t play well in my favor with F.

Blurry-parts, next thing I know F is making out with this lesbian friend of L’s. Hilarious. I told F I didn’t care when she came to apologize. I leave and I go to hug L goodbye, and she starts making out with me. I leave shortly after, laugh my ass off and can’t believe I just made out with 2 sisters in one night.
I was one of 2 guys L made out with that night thou, and the other guy was 22, and didn’t end up sleeping with her.

I'm actually really attracted to L, and wouldn't mind a date or two, but I'm not sure how to transition now, or if i just actually burned that bridge.

In my conclusion the older sis was prob letting her sister check me out and see if I'm a "worthy"/likeable guy because shes embarrassed about my age and doesn't want to confide in her friends? I'm not conceited I just have a good feeling L is attracted to me. she claims to "Not remember anything after the first 3 shots at the bar." and yet she remembers F with the lesbian girl...BS lol.

Thanks :)


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2007
Reaction score
The Paradise City where the grass is green and the
I had the same kinda thing happen to me recently...except with an aunt (30ish) and her niece (18)... I dunno the best thing to do, just roll with it I guess...which is what it sounds like you did. Women are weird man, you just gotta get while the gettin's good, if you know what I mean.

Probably shouldn't have made out with the sister though if you were going for the chick in your class, though. At least she knows you're a sexual guy's better than not making a move at all on anybody that night and going home with dry balls.

DJ Wrangler

Don Juan
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
San Luis Obispo, CA
I dont think you burned any bridges at all! and in any case you just need L to realize that age really doesnt matter, Im 19, a second year and college, and let me tell you age doesnt matter. Last year i hooked up with a 25 year last year and we were together for a little while till i transfered schools... plus i dont like the concept of dating underaged girls and I use the term "girl" for a reason. I dont think you really want to start anything with that. just pursue L and forget about F, if L brings her sister up, you always have the excuse of alcohol!?

Hope this helps,

DJ Wrangler

Don Juan
Jul 30, 2007
Reaction score
San Luis Obispo, CA
True, thats a huge deal now, shes 21, she'll wanna go out to bars and stuff and you better be able to go along or else she'll find someone else... better get yourself a fake!


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2004
Reaction score
I have one already so thats no big deal.

Okay so say I havent burned the bridge, I'm sitll kidna confuse.d Do i jsut like...try to party with her again this upcoming weekend? make her ass drive me to get some food?
man being a freshman in the dorms is seriously killing my longterm game: i've already lost 2 older girls this year because of my age/lack of a car or apartment.