Here is another Texas Method inspired routine I just came up with:
Squat variation 5x5
OHP or BP 5x5
Snatch 8x2
Weighted abs 3x5
Front squat 3x3 or Back squat variation 2x5 (light)
OHP or BP 3x5
Clean 8x2
Jerk 8x1
Weighted pullup or Weighted chinup 3x5
Speed squat variation or Squat variation 1/3/5 RM
OHP 1/3/5 RM or BP 1/3/5 RM
Deadlift 1x5 (maybe incorporate platform deadlifts here)
Floor glute-ham raise 3x5
Weighted abs 3x5
I like this one better because it allows more time between the 5x5 squat day and the deadlift day.
I plan to alternate between narrow stance deep squats, "hybrid" squats as taught by Mark Rippetoe, and front squats. If I did a back squat variation for 5x5 on Monday, I will do front squats for 3x3 on Wednesday; and if I did front squats for 5x5 on Monday I will do a back squat variation for 2x5 @ 80% of what I did for 5x5 on the previous back squat variation days.
As for the upper body, I will alternate between bench press and overhead press. The opposing exercise will serve as the "light" work, I will max on Friday, and then alternate for the next week. I'm going to drop dips for now and just work on my bench press since I'm very weak in that movement, and I've decided to stop doing rows. Rippetoe says they're not really necessary, and with deadlifts, cleans, snatches and weighted pull/chin ups, my back will be getting plenty of work anyway.
I just started training at a serious gym and they have chains and bands so I'd like to start incorporating those into the speed work. This gym also has bumper plates so I'm going to try incorporating the Olympic lifts. I still have to get used to the idea that I can just drop the bar. They also have deadlift platforms, so I may try deadlifting from a deficit, maybe lower the platform an inch every week then max from the floor, and then cycle back onto the highest platform. I will have to do more research on that.
I was doing power cleans before but I'm going to switch to snatches, full cleans and jerks from the rack, and once I learn the form maybe the clean & jerk. Right now I'm doing a power snatch because I'm too scared to drop into a full squat position with a weight overhead
I will probably only max on the squats every few weeks, and do speed work in between. My BP and OHP are still so low that I don't think speed work is necessary, and cleans & snatches serve as deadlift speed work since they're explosive pulls from the floor.