My Approach/Self Improvement Journal

Jan 9, 2012
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Hey guys, I've been here for a while lurking mostly, reading the DJ bible and whatknot. I read some threads of people saying we needed more field reports and stuff on here so I decided to do this thread.

I'm OK with girls I guess, hooked up with a decent amount, laid a few, but would like to get better obviously. Since coming here I've definitely become more confident with girls...I think that even more than the techniques that you get from this site the mind set that the bible gives you is extremely helpful.

Anyways I'm just going to be logging my physical improvement/approach regimen here. Feel free to read, comment, bash, whatever. :D


Don Juan
Jul 6, 2012
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What are your goals?
Jan 9, 2012
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Good point, probably should outline those.

Physically: I used to run cross country/track in highschool. I was never that fast, but I was in way better shape then I am now (18:20 5k was my best time). In terms of running cardio I'd like to get back to the point where running 3 miles isn't a big deal. College (aka beer) has seen to it that I'm not as chipper as I used to be, haha.

With lifting, last summer I was alot stronger. So I wanna improve in that area. I'm looking into some workout programs...probably going to do something like a push, pull, legs routine on a 3 day rotation. Did legs today, so that's good I guess.

Concrete Goals:

3 x 5 at 175 lb bench press
3 x 5 at 225 lb squat
20 consecutive wide grip pull ups

Obviously diet goes strongly with that as well. I'm going to try and lay off the processed foods, need to lose some excess bodyfat. I also got a big tub of whey protein for building muscle.

Girls: I'm definitely way better then I used to be, but not where I'd like to be. After reading the bible I tried to axe away my AFC habits. Right now I'm spinning a couple plates, none all that great looking...(a couple of 6's maybe). I don't care about being single...I guess my only goal is to be able to go after the chicks I really want and succeed at getting them. Right now I can't help but feel that HB 8's are out of my league...I'm not a bad looking guy, girls think I'm cute and I've hooked up with some girls who I think are at least 7's, but I definitely lack confidence with really attractive women

To say it concisely, I want to get a better grip on the cold approach, and get better at gaming girls I meet at college parties, on the street, or wherever.

Concrete Goal:

I've decided that I want to start by forcing myself to cold approach 5 girls a week, at least.
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Jan 9, 2012
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Got a good workout in today...chest, tricep, shoulders. Diet has been good, very little to no processed foods.

Went to the library to print something, saw a cute girl from my town. She saw me first, so she tapped me on the shoulder and we started talking. Just catching up, what are you doing this summer and blah blah blah. Would probably hook up with her given the chance and should have gotten her number, but it totally slipped my mind...If nothing else it would've just been a good networking move, oh well.

Going to a party later...This cute chick (HB 7.5) who is my buddy's ex is gonna be there. She has showed high IL with me before, and I could've hooked up with her but I held back because I didn't want to go behind my friend's back. Probably won't hook up with her for the same reason, but I'm going to be drunk and we all know what happens to the male brain under those circumstances...

Hopefully some other cute girls will be available to game on. :)