girls that are really beautiful , are beautiful by anyone standards . Anyone who is saying differently just likes to straw pick stupid arguments .Since I first started writing in this forum, it has always been the case that a lot of guys try to set the general standard. "We're talking about an 8, not an 8 cause you think she's cute". Do you realize that my taste is the only thing that matters to me? What do I care what your rating system is LOL
same thing with men ,men that are really handsome are handsome by universal standards
I do not like black women as an example , but from time to time I find one that I am “ man , she is hot . I would like to sleep with her “ , because well , she is beautiful
What I do not like about this kind of forums is that you either get the guys who complain about women , either guys who come up with “ man , game is the only thing that matters “
if you want to get laid , it is simple . If you want to sleep with beautiful women constantly then things gets more difficult , especially if you do not have above average overall fundamentals
arguments like “ hot is whatever gets my d1ck hard” usually means that as long as she is not Uber fat You would bang her . Pawgs do no go under the Uber fat category , as you most likely know
and if you want to go by the whatever makes your d1ck hard standard, even a guy touching accidentally your upper arm part can make your d1ck hard . Would that make you homosexual ?
you know , at the end of the day , if you have your eyes closed your d1ck will be hard as titanium , no matter if your d1ck is sucked by a playboy mate , a cave troll or a ladyboy from Thailand
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