Do not go in with goals like "I'm trying to make her fall for me!" It doesn't work like, and regardless what "the game" might seem like, the object of the game isn't to figure out how to "get girls to fall for you"!
The object of the game is to "learn how to become a guy that girls fall for"!
Notice the difference! It's very important!
I guarantee you one thing. If you go into this with expectations you are going to get burned. Trust me, I have had, (and still do have!) the exact same problem. I'm very focused on "results, results, results!". And in this game, that can be a very detrimental to your progression. If you are always concentrating on the results (i.e. the future), who is going to look out for what you are doing RIGHT NOW?
This first date of yours is just an experiment. The less you care about the result, the more attractive you will be. Now, I'm not saying that you should have an attitude of "not caring". That's completely different. I'm saying that you should have an attitude of "not caring about the RESULT." Those are two different things. If you have the first attitude, you won't enjoy yourself, and neither will she. You won't care whether you're having fun or not, and she'll sense that.
If you have the second attitude, then you'll be LIVING IN THE MOMENT. It'll be easier to have fun every second of the date, and what's going to happen in the next hour won't matter to you. You'll only be concerened with what's happening right now, and having fun right now! She'll sense that, and it's attractive, because it literally eliminates any hint of neediness.
Now, if there's one thing in specific that I would change about my first dates, it would DEFINITELY be this:
Now that doesn't mean start groping her or go for a kiss when you first see her.
It means that you break the touch barrier within the first 5 seconds of seeing her. Put a hand lightly on her shoulder as you say, "Hey! How's it going", then take it away. If you make a joke, or you agree on something together, make her give you a "hi-5". Doing these types of things makes her feel that you are just naturally a kinosthetic person. If she senses that, then most physicality will be totally natural and expected, making the kiss, or another close quarters physical contact will be much, much easier. Contrast with the scenario if you don't touch her from the very begining, and you have distance between you the entire time. Then if you go for a kiss, chances are it'll be akward as heck, or you'll get flat out rejected!
If your vibe is good, and she says something rewarding give her a friendly squeeze while you're both laughing. If you've had enough contact before reaching your venue, then when you leave, it should be a mere afterthought to walking arm in arm down the street. Once you reach this point, it's on. You can move from there to holding hands, then to arm around the shoulder, and by the time it's time to kiss, physicality will be an afterthought. The akwardness of the kiss if you have one will be gone, and it will be natural.
For the love of god, this is the most important thing (as long as you're already decently outgoing). Don't think that you are being a gentleman by not touching her at all during the first date! That's completely wrong! BUT, you also have to make sure that you don't make yourself look creepy. When you put that first arm on her shoulder, keep it there for no more than a few seconds. Then you can build up your kino, to bigger and better things.
Here's another trick that I've field tested that works for the end of a date.
If you kiss a girl and the date has gone really, really well, and you're sure that she's feeling a good vibe, and CONNECTION has been built between you:
If you kiss her, and you don't get a long or seductive kiss, but get something short, but sweet, and you can tell she felt good after it.
Just look her straight in the eye, smile seductively and say, "That was nice...but now, kiss me like you MEAN IT."
Chance are her heart will skip a beat on the inside, and by the time you're moving in for a REAL kiss, you'll have made her first date fantasy come true.
I've field tested this two times already.
GL, and remember, this is you gaining experience! Yay!