MVPlaya's DJ Boot Camp


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I think I have to redo week 1. I hope I can catch up because I still haven't gotten all my HIs out. I'm so AFC! I'm dissapointed in myself. How can I put more effort into changing into a person that completes his assignments on time? I think the only thing that's stopping me from becoming a Don Juan is that I need to get it together, and start getting my butt out there.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by 2c2bt
I think I have to redo week 1. I hope I can catch up because I still haven't gotten all my HIs out. I'm so AFC! I'm dissapointed in myself. How can I put more effort into changing into a person that completes his assignments on time? I think the only thing that's stopping me from becoming a Don Juan is that I need to get it together, and start getting my butt out there.

I got all my HI's out and its Week 2 and I still don't feel COMPLETELY comfortable with them. So... you know what I do? I keep doing Week 1 and Week 2 at the same time. Especially since Week 2 is 2 weeks long.


OK, I started a convo with some guy at the BART Station. (Bay Area Rapid Transport - Kind of like a trainstation.) Nothing much to report there, however, I got my Week 3 & 4 convo in:

I go to this Persian conference at a university where there is a political discussion and fundraiser, I spot this hot chick who is working with the conference as I walk inside but pay little attention (however, I make a mental note). When break begins, I see her but don't approach because there are 20 something people around her stand and she is constantly being asked stuff by everyone. At the end of the break, when things cool down, I walk over to her stand, make eyecontact (she is talking to someone) and pick up the book she is selling at her stand and read the back cover. When the person she is talking to is done I wait a few seconds and say:

MV: Have you read the book?
HB: No, we just got them in. So we haven't had time.
MV: So you don't know if its too good?
HB: Some lady walked by and said she read them all and she thought they were pretty good, so I don't know.
MV: Oh by the way, I'm MVPlaya.
HB: I'm HB
DJ: I see you're hear with the [club], you do a lot of these events?
HB: Oh yeah, we have these fairly often.
DJ: You go to Cal.
HB: Yeah we all do.
From there we talk, I ask her about her major, figure out she transferred. Etc. etc. Then my younger brother walks by and ruins the convo. So I say bye, walk back inside.
Another break starts and the hallway is crowded so she's busy. I walk to the end of the hallway and call some friends who I talk to until the end of break. When break's done I walk over to one of the fundraising stands (not hers). And talk with the girl there (there are still people around but its more quiet and relaxed), then the HB walks over right next to me and talks with her group of friends, bumps in to me but I don't make any contact. She walks back to her stand, I say:
MV: See all the books are gone.
HB: Yeah, 35 in half an hour. Btw., I'm sorry, I can't remember your name, what is it again?
MV: MV, you're HB right?
HB: Yeah.
MV: Do you speak Farsi? (Coz she couldn't exactly get my name, Persianfolk usually do.)
HB: Oh no. I'm Mexican.
From here I'm genuinely surprised, ask her what brings her to the Persian club, etc. etc. We talk, then I say.
MV: I gotta get back inside, why don't you give me your number, maybe we can hang out sometime.

Convo's: 6
Numbers: 1
Last edited:


New Member
Oct 16, 2003
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wow MVPlaya, that was incredible. I'm just letting everyone know that I'm still alive and I am definately not about to give up. I plan on doing week 2 over again with 100% effort this time. On a side note, I'm starting to see DJ tendancies to spill over into other areas of my life. I attended a conference where the ceo of sbc, a multi billion dollar company, spoke and I conquered my fears and asked a question:D . Other than that, I must keep trying for more convos because so far I have around two or three. OH yeah, if you guys want to see the difference between confidence and no confidence watch average joe. A bunch of the guys psyched themselves out before the show even started.WBAFC. haha


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by rickosuave
wow MVPlaya, that was incredible. I'm just letting everyone know that I'm still alive and I am definately not about to give up. I plan on doing week 2 over again with 100% effort this time. On a side note, I'm starting to see DJ tendancies to spill over into other areas of my life. I attended a conference where the ceo of sbc, a multi billion dollar company, spoke and I conquered my fears and asked a question:D . Other than that, I must keep trying for more convos because so far I have around two or three. OH yeah, if you guys want to see the difference between confidence and no confidence watch average joe. A bunch of the guys psyched themselves out before the show even started.WBAFC. haha
I'm glad you're still committed. Hey, check out the list of our Week 1 "graduates," talk to the guys, PM them, make sure they stay on the program.

Good thing you asked the question. I always did speech tournaments in High School (top 5 in my State) so Public Speaking's never been an issue for me, but I can tell ya, even though I will debate anyone in front of any audience, a cold approach scares the S___ out of me. About SBC tho, tell the pres his company is gay and that I couldn't connect to the net 3 months straight and that that SOB capped my internet download rate to 40k/sec even though I paid for the premium deal which is supposed to give me an actual download ratio of 240k/sec. Tell him he's a greedy filthy pig. That's your bootcamp assignment for this week. You complete that and you will always be a Player in my eyes.

And about Average Joe, what is it with all these psyched up f@ggots just crying about "he is my friend, and I miss him" (crying over a loser he met 4 days ago) and "I got so mad, I'm not like this" (crying that for once he had the balls to talk back to someone). My god, that girl has more balls than these guys.

By the way, Week 2 is almost over. Week 3 is coming up... so guys, log in your results.

This time the Week is over, I don't care if you don't come around this time, I want to play before New Year and I sure as hell ain't waiting another Week for someone who read the msg, decided, ooh, sounds fun, lets learn that, and then wasted everyone else's time. If you are committed. you are committed, if you are not, well, the only women you'll get are the ones who are easier to get into than a community college. So, enjoy the "community college" level women or try some "private tutoring." There is plenty of room for you in AFC-ville.



Convo'd with some guy for 10 minutes. Nothing I'd care to share or you'd care to read. Tomorra I gotta hit the magic 10, so 3 tomorrow cause I'll move to Week 3 tomorrow: talking to hot chicks.

CONVO's: 7


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
I've talked to atleast 10 chicks. Problem is, only 3 of them were new. Count the fact that this college is small with no town around and that I recently got a girlfriend, and you have limited convo chances with new people. :p


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by crazykid
I've talked to atleast 10 chicks. Problem is, only 3 of them were new. Count the fact that this college is small with no town around and that I recently got a girlfriend, and you have limited convo chances with new people. :p
I feel you... well. you live in Alabama so you are working with a limited number of resources ;). However, it can be just as tough talking to an HB you see around and know their name but just don't ever really talk too. So keep at it. BTW., Week 2 was about strangers, any strangers, not just HB's. Right NOW is about HB's.

About the girlfriend thing, damn... yeah that can be a minor problem. But all you are doing so far is talking so if she starts griping she's got issues.

Two questions though Crazy:
1) What college do you go to? (Is it Christian-Conservative?)
2) How many kids go there and what percent are female?
3) How do you Next when there simply is no other female in the town?


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score

Week #3 - Approaching and Initiating Conversations with Girls

OK, during weeks 1 and 2, we got practice approaching and initiating conversations with strangers. By now your attitude and confidence have most likely improved, and you are now ready to approach girls you would like to date. The goal here is not to get their number, but rather to maintain a friendly 2 - 10 minute conversation with ten girls whom are strangers to you.

Expected time to complete reading and exercises: 3 - 10 Hours.


Hmmm... I still haven't hit 10 convo's. I don't "feel" ready for this week. If MotU was trying to get me out of my comfort zone he succeeded excellently. Well, I'll see what I can do. I'll just do what I've done before, run weeks concurrently, so I'll just do them all at the same time.

I've stopped saying HI's to strangers and I no longer do the eye-contact thing. BC-Vets, is that good or bad.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
It's bad you should keep those up , they keep you confident and keep your reactions quick so you don't choke as much.


Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, I think it has become clear to me that EVERYONE has flaked on me (my thread fell down to page 9... 9!!!). Damn, this makes Boot Camp so much harder. Week 3 is technically over and I have had about 4 convo's with HB's. None of them were special or long in any way so I don't "feel" like I made any progress here. My last week has also been VERY busy so I didn't have time. Well, I'm going on to Week 4 and I guess I'm just going to count a PU convo double as a Week 3 convo too.

Anyway, here's the rundown:
Convo 1:
At library, with some cute chick... no babe. Talk for 5 - 10 minutes... decide against getting number.
Convo 2: With girl at speech tournament, nothing special either.
Convo 3: 86 year old HB10 at convalescent hospital, got her #. Will call tomorrow.
Convo 4: HB 7 from Espagnol who I never talk to (coz she's stuck up). We chat for 6-7 minutes outside of class.

Well... time for what is probably the SCARIEST week of all time.
By the way, where do you guys do this #-fest? I don't want any "residue"... is it preferable if I do this elsewhere (meaning... not at my school). Where did you guys do your Week 4 and why there?

Hit me back,


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
I did mine at uni, it seems like a number fest now but th normal flake rate will probably cut it down to something a bit more manageable :(