Soreness is lactic acid built up. You should make sure you properly stretch before and after any exercise. Also, proper cool down is important as well, in minimizing the buildup. Other than that, I don't know what else can be done. I enjoy being sore, b/c it tells me I've busted my ars well enough on the day befores workout. I've been working out for 3 years, and I've just gotten used to diff muscles being sore.
Once your body adapts to the workload, your soreness will greatly decrease, or possibly be non-existant. I know that I would not get sore if I worked out with the same weight I worked out with 2 years ago.
I remember back about a year ago I played football with some friends for about 3 hours straight. After that, we played ultimate frisbee for about an hour, and then later we hiked about a mile through the woods. For about 5 or 6 days after that, my legs were so sore I was actually limping when I walked! Now keep in mind, this is at a time in my life where I was jogging on a normal basis (up to 45 minutes 4 days a week)! My body was just not used to the all-out balls-to-the-wall sprinting I was doing every 30 seconds for 4 hours.
I remember a friend came up to me in the hallway, and thought that I had a sprained ankle or something, lol!