MulHolland Drive


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Just watched that move, WTF was the point of the movie?

It just seemed a twisted and confused plot to me.

How does Watts meet the girl after the accident, and then become the dead girl (Diana) that they went to visit? Doesnt add up...........?


Don Juan
May 9, 2004
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lol clooney, you need to watch more art house movies. You probably followed the first half of the movie right, then suddenly you were all like WTF. That is because for the first half of the movie, until the scene you see her get up out of bed she is dreaming! All the characters have different roles etc.. Then the second half is a series of stuck together passages which is her real life. They are all in random order, so you can piece them together as you like. She is pretty much a failed actor and her ex gf became a top quality actor by sleeping her way there. So she hires a hitman to kill him. The End.


Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Just watched that move, WTF was the point of the movie?

It just seemed a twisted and confused plot to me.

How does Watts meet the girl after the accident, and then become the dead girl (Diana) that they went to visit? Doesnt add up...........?
No one can possibly understand the movie after watching it once. Even Roger Ebert, who is a very intelligent man and whose opinions I deeply respect (and almost always agree with), totally misread the movie. When he reviewed it, he said that he thought the movie wasn't supposed to make any sense, but everything in the movie has its explanation.

The first three-fourths of the movie is a dream happening inside the head of a suicide victim for the few seconds between blowing her brains out and being dead. The first three-fourths are her convoluted desires of how she had wanted life to go. The last fourth explains how things actually transpired and lead up to her suicide. When she starts trembling inside the theater, that's her body realizing she's about to die, and the shocking ending with the grandparents is guilt finally catching up with her of her horrible deeds.

I consider Mulholland Drive to be within the top three greatest films I've ever seen. To have full appreciation of the movie, watch it at least several more times. There are so many little things. For instance, when the girls call up Diane's house, Watts says "It's weird for me to be calling myself."

Edit: basically what WBAFC said.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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I love Lynch films and Mullholland is fantastic! There are lots of explanations for it and Lynch even released some tips for understanding the movie. The beauty of these films is that they're so deep and really get you thinking.

I agree with the above posters. It was a dream (notice near the beginning the camera heads towards a bed) inspired by real life events as seen in the latter part of the film and constructed like a Hollywood movie with real people being assigned character roles.

I find it ingenious how certain things that she observed in reality get interpreted in the dream.

If you thought this was confusing, try watching Lost Highway! I'm STILL baffled by that film!


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Yeah, it was actually a movie that kept me engrossed throughout, which doesnt happen very often at all. I usually stop watching a movie after the first 30-40 minutes. Just as I usually do with books I read.

Ok, I understand it now, thanks guys. Now I just gotta try and explain it to my girlfriend, ha ha, we were both like, WTF, fair enough, at the end. Trying to analyse it and give our explanations, but both of us just laughed and I said that boys from this site would know the meaning of it. Thank god I posted here, cause that movie was tripping me out.

So Many Ways

Master Don Juan
Mar 19, 2004
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The movie was a total mind****. What I interpreted from what I recall (I saw this movie on cable 3 years ago) was that the whole thing went in a circle, from that accident in the beginning to the end scene.

I told a couple of my buddies to watch it and their reaction was " lesbian scene though"

Movie was a total mind**** though, sometimes it's cool to watch a movie where you have to figure things out.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Just watched that move, WTF was the point of the movie?
Like all of his films there is no point, its basically hazey sh!t given merit by pretentious wankers.

"Wow I didnt get it, but fvck I bet I'll appear artsy, cool and unique if I talk about and pretend I enjoyed the non plot"

In a nutshell.

Jariel said:
I love Lynch films and Mullholland is fantastic!
Who'd a thunk it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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I haven't even seen the movie. If titboy thought it was bad, it has to be good!

I can always trust your lack of judgement (.)(.), thanks:up:

DeepDish: What are the other two greatest films in your opinion?

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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Like all of his films there is no point, its basically hazey sh!t given merit by pretentious wankers.
Since we are obviously talking to a scholar, what exactly was the non-point of Blue Velvet? At what point was it not compelling? At what point was Dennis Hopper's character acting less than mindboggling amazing? How did Lynch fail to produce a movie which upon its first viewing creeps the hell out of its audience?

Look, just because you didn't have the attention span to give enough effort to understand Mulholland Drive with subsequent viewings, don't knock as pretentious the others who did.
I agree with the above posters. It was a dream (notice near the beginning the camera heads towards a bed) inspired by real life events as seen in the latter part of the film and constructed like a Hollywood movie with real people being assigned character roles.
One thing I found fascinating about the movie is that it gradually changed styles. The beginning felt like a bad B-movie with stilted acting, which was entirely the point: it was Diane's idea of good acting. But then afterwards the style changes to being exceptional acting. (And did anyone notice that in the very beginning, the license plate of the limo was "2GAY4U"?)
If you thought this was confusing, try watching Lost Highway! I'm STILL baffled by that film!
Sadly, the DVD is no longer produced. I need to get to eBay sometime.
What are the other two greatest films in your opinion?
Magnolia and Dark City. :D


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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( . )( . ) said:
Like all of his films there is no point, its basically hazey sh!t given merit by pretentious wankers.

"Wow I didnt get it, but fvck I bet I'll appear artsy, cool and unique if I talk about and pretend I enjoyed the non plot"

In a nutshell.

Who'd a thunk it.
Or some people get sick of the usual predictable plot of Hollywood movies. Something that keeps them guessing and makes them think is actually worth zoning in on for at least a couple of hours.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Or some people get sick of the usual predictable plot of Hollywood movies. Something that keeps them guessing and makes them think is actually worth zoning in on for at least a couple of hours.
Sheeesh dont make out as if a Lynch movie is some awesome alternate to the rest of the trash Hollywood throws out. I loathe the typical Hollywood drivel as much as the next guy but to imply Lynch is some pioneer to save us from the usual garbage is bollocks.

Deep Dish said:
Look, just because you didn't have the attention span to give enough effort to understand Mulholland Drive with subsequent viewings, don't knock as pretentious the others who did.
lol and this is the usual cookie cutter retort a Lynch fan will normally reply with.

"Oh you just didnt get the DEEPER message cause your not attentive enough to see the finer points etc etc yada yada"
or something similar, usually coming back to how theyre "smart" and the people who see a Lynch movie for what it really is (sh!t), are unintelligent. Always making out as if they caught something the rest of us dummies "missed"

Again, pretentious wankers who have yet to find a true identity and wine slurping, "refined" 40 something women seem to be the main audience for Lynch garbage.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Deep Dish said:
One thing I found fascinating about the movie is that it gradually changed styles. The beginning felt like a bad B-movie with stilted acting, which was entirely the point: it was Diane's idea of good acting. But then afterwards the style changes to being exceptional acting. (And did anyone notice that in the very beginning, the license plate of the limo was "2GAY4U"?)
Good observation! That was something I hadn't picked up on, but now you mention it, I see exactly what you mean! It was all quite corny and sickly sweet to begin with, then took a dark turn, and the quality of acting followed too.

As for titman accusing this film as pretentious, I don't believe it is. I'm not into pretentious art house movies, foreign flicks and that stuff, and I hate pretentious people! But I genuinely enjoy Lynch movies for a lot of solid reasons. Because it takes a lot of time to figure out, that draws me deeper into it and leaves me thinking about it for a long time after. When I discuss it with people, I learn new things (like I just did from Deep Dish) and can enjoy it on different levels. His direction, dialogue and audio direction also have a way of building incredible tension, which I find immersive.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2004
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Just a general observation of Lynch movies for those who have trouble understanding them...

Unlike most films, Lynch films are not meant to be taken literally. In Lost Highway, Fred talks about hating camcorders and explains that he prefers to remember events in his own way, and not necessarily how they happened, which is what Lynch strives to achieve in his movies. They are supposed to be a character's perception of events, where reality gets mixed up with subconsciousness, symbolism, dreams, psychosis and so on.

Another example is Twin Peaks. The TV series was directed in a dreamy, romanticised way (with a reddish filter), which is a reflection of Dale Cooper's upbeat attitude and how he generally perceived Twin Peaks. The prequel Fire Walk with Me, was told from Laura Palmer's perspective and the entire look and feel changed. Twin Peaks became a very dark, cold and unwelcoming place.

Anyway, just thought I'd share that for anyone who is interested.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
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"Oh you just didnt get the DEEPER message cause your not attentive enough to see the finer points etc etc yada yada"
When it comes to attention spans, I certainly wasn’t referring to someone watching the film for the first time. Everyone will agree that it’s pretty much impossible for anyone to understand the movie after the first screening, without cheating. It took me four times (and some help) to grasp the general concept of what was really going on, but the understanding was the hardest to come by and the film was the most complex and perplexing film I've ever seen to date. So, when it comes to attention span, it’s about how long, how many viewings, someone cared to care and paid attention to the nuances. For most people, that attention span ended after the first viewing, saying to hell with David Lynch, that f*cker. But for those who stuck around and gradually unlocked its answers, we were rewarded with a great satisfaction. Everything does ultimately make sense and it was so emotionally engaging and psychedelic. We're not being pretentious and being able to appreciate the film is open to probably anyone who cares enough. Most people didn't care, which is fair enough, chalk it up to differences in theatrical tastes, but again it's unreasonable to be obnoxious and condescending towards those who did. But no hard feelings, boobs, I've never liked your opinions and so I don't feel too personally offended.
In Lost Highway, Fred talks about hating camcorders and explains that he prefers to remember events in his own way, and not necessarily how they happened, which is what Lynch strives to achieve in his movies.
I'm going to need to watch it again, because I didn't pick up on that and because that's a tremendously true insight into human memory.

David Lynch has a new film coming out called Inland Empire which is at the Cannes Film Festival a few days from now(!).
StudioCanal declined to talk about the project, which it has been trying to keep top secret. Laura Dern, Justin Theroux, Harry Dean Stanton and Jeremy Irons all star in the film which Lynch has been shooting under the radar for two years... Lynch won't say when it will be finished but the aim looks to be a world premiere at Cannes next year.

"It's about a woman in trouble, and it's a mystery, and that's about all I want to say about it," said Lynch recently. The title refers to the bleak residential area on the edge of the desert near Los Angeles. The film has also been shot on digital video.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Deep Dish
It took me four times (and some help) to grasp the general concept of what was really going on
10 odd hours of a Lynch film, looking for some "concept" to grasp? Thats time well spent, no wonder nearly all your posts are 3 page diatribes that could be summed up in a sentence or two.

And no, no hard feelings.


Dec 15, 2004
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ART vs Entertainment the battles goes on............


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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I am not a movie buff, so I dont even know any other movies "Lynch" has produced (if he is the producer), except the other ones the other guys have stated, but I have not watched them, so I am not making out this "Lynch" guy is anything. Dont put words in my mouth titman.

I was simply stating that I get bored after watching the start of ANY movie, and this is one that for whatever reason, actually grasped my attention for the entire duration of the movie.

I also hate "art" movies and such. And HATE when people do watch garbage movies and try make out there was some kind of "hidden message". However, this one was something to figure out and think about, more than I can say for 99% of other Hollywood flicks.

Just my opinion.

But it was definately interesting hearing what the movie was meant to be about. And yeah, now you point it out, it was funny how the acting changed. Was over the top "I wanna be an actor" acting to begin with, and then their true skills were easy to see as the film progressed. I think the reason the acting was like it was in the begining also, was because Watts was trying to act all innocent and sweet, just another extreme to make you see what Hollywood can ultimately do to a person. Even the most innocent and sweet person can be corrupted.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2002
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Also, any of you guys seen "stay" the newer movie? Also with Naomi Watts?

What the hell was that about? Confused me also.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Apparently I'm not the only one who finds Lynch movies a crock of toss. Just remembered why I use to enjoy reading this guys sh!t.
People who like David Lynch movies are idiots.

Every time I hear anyone talking about a David Lynch movie, they always say "it was a pretty good movie, but I didn't understand it." Repeat that last sentence out loud to let it sink in. They liked the movie, but they didn't understand any of it. So essentially what they're saying is that they just like to see the moving pictures.

I can just imagine those drooling idiots watching Mulholland Drive: "wow.. this is a great movie... I wonder if I can find any crayons to chew on." Then after the movie is over, they flock to some coffee shop to get a $10 cup of tea so they can have a satisfying intellectual conversation about the movie that they didn't understand. If it's not the coffee shop, then it's at school or at work. They stand around with their dumbass friends trying to decipher the movie like there's some deep meaning or hidden message to it. News flash: there's no deep meaning or hidden message BECAUSE DAVID LYNCH IS INSANE.

I had the misfortune of being suckered into seeing Lost Highway a long time ago, and I woke up this morning remembering how much that movie pissed me off. When I was about 10 years old, I remember riding my dirt bike up a big jump at my house, flying high in the air, sliding off my seat and racking myself in the nuts on the support bar. To this day, I don't know which is more painful: watching Lost Highway or landing on my nuts from six feet.

55,287 idiots pretend to have some deep understanding of ****ty David Lynch movies.
Do a search and you'll find thousands of morons praising David Lynch, thank fvck for this guy.