I took a week off then started HST yesterday mostly because i feel like it. 5x5 is just not going anywhere at the moment and i'm bored of it. That's pretty much it.
I'm trying to lose fat now so i'm getting about 2500-2700 calories a day and taking 5g of BCAAs before morning cardio of 30-50 min 3-4 days a week. I'm not expecting huge gains from HST just yet. Maybe after the first HST cycle I can up the calories if i lost enough fat.
I'm going to alternate squats and deadlifts. Well not really alternate. I think i will do deadlifts only on wednesdays. Usually you don't see deadlifts in HST but hell if i'm giving those up. I will do a true alternation of dips and DB bench though - different one every workout.
I will do 2 weeks of 15s. 2 weeks of 10s. 2 weeks of 5s.
As far as sets, I will do:
2 for the 15s, 2 during first week of 10s, 1 during second week of 10s, 2 during first week of 5s, 1 during second week of 5s. FOR THE MOST PART. I won't do 2 sets of 15s or 10s for ALL the exercises. I'll probably try to do it by how I feel that particular day.
The progression works as follows.
5-10 lbs per lift per rep set intervals.
This is formatted like crap but i dont' care. For example pendlay rows work like this:
Rows (for the 15s weeks)
Week 1
Mon 85x15
Wed 90x15
Fri 95x15
Week 2
Mon 100x15
Wed 105x15
Fri 110x15
As you can see there's a constant progression up to my current 15 rep max. Then you do the same type of progression for the 10s and 5s week up to the maxes for those rep ranges. Then you're supposed to do a week or two(?) of negs then take a week off (decondition).
# reps, workouts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
15r, 137.5, 145, 152.5, 160, 167.5, 175,
10r, 162.5, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210,
5r, 202.5, 212.5, 222.5, 235, 247.5, 260, 0
15r, 162.5, 170, 180, 190, 200, 210,
10r, 202.5, 212.5, 222.5, 235, 247.5, 260,
5r, 237.5, 250, 262.5, 275, 290, 305, 0
Pendlay Row,
15r, 85, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110,
10r, 105, 110, 115, 120, 127.5, 135,
5r, 122.5, 130, 137.5, 145, 152.5, 160, 0
15r, 67.5, 70, 72.5, 75, 80, 85,
10r, 77.5, 82.5, 87.5, 92.5, 97.5, 102.5,
5r, 97.5, 102.5, 107.5, 112.5, 117.5, 122.5, 0
EZ Curl,
15r, 40, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 53,
10r, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 65,
5r, 62.5, 65, 67.5, 70, 72.5, 77, 0
DB Pullovers,
15r, 32.5, 35, 37.5, 40, 42.5, 46,
10r, 42.5, 45, 47.5, 50, 52.5, 56,
5r, 52.5, 55, 57.5, 60, 62.5, 67, 0
15, 150, 157.5, 165, 172.5, 182.5, 192.5,
10, 182.5, 192.5, 202.5, 212.5, 222.5, 235,
5, 215, 227.5, 240, 252.5, 265, 280, 0
Since dips, db bench, squats, deadlifts alternate somewhat, i will just skip that particular weight in the progression on days i'm not supposed to do them... which will have a larger progression per workout of that exercise.
WORKOUT 1 Monday 11-13-06
BW=190.2 lbs (apparently lost a few lbs. probably some water since i stopped taking creatine. hopefully some fat too)
Squats 137.5x15, 137.5x15
Dips 140x15, 140x10 (i'm 190 lbs and used 50 lbs of assistance)
Pendlay Rows 85x15
Press 67.5x15
EZ Curl 40x15
Bent Arm DB Pullovers (this is a good tricep exercise that really hits the long head - the meaty part) 32.5 x 15
Abs 60 x 10