Mr nice guy


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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I am a nice guy. I realise women are attracted to bad boys. Its harder than I thought NOT to be a nice guy. If I died tomorrow, people would say I was a nice lad. It's who I am.
I've cut out a lot of wussy behaviour with women. I don't text them much at all & go 50/50 where money is concerned, but deep inside the core, what they will see is what I am ..a nice guy..hmm proving harder than I thought to get away from that.

I'm placid, reserved, laid back & quiet. I know what needs to be done it's just proving harder than I thought =) Rainman.


Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2013
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I think everbody's got it wrong...

Nice guys don't finish last. Pus$ies do.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Being a nice guy is not the problem, the perspective you act it out from is. When you are nice, are you doing it from fear of what will happen to YOU if you don't? From my experience of being a nice guy with low self-esteem I did it ultimately out of selfish reasons. Now it's more about giving just because someone deserves it and I have the resources to, and cut off the ones who don't. Essentially the same act put in a more functional perspective.


Master Don Juan
Dec 30, 2012
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Grewd said:
When you are nice, are you doing it from fear of what will happen to YOU if you don't? .


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2014
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There's not a lot of joy to be found in being the bad boy, unless all you're interested in is sticking your **** in women. If that is what you want, then great, be the bad boy. That said, nice guys finish last is as true now as it ever was. Aim to be a great guy. Treat everyone with respect and love but EXPECT nothing less in return. That's basically what a lot of the micro game stuff on here is about in regards to flaking, low quality women etc. There's nothing wrong with being nice, just don't be a doormat. Make sure it's about improving your life first.

P.S. Women are attracted to MEN. Be a great MAN.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Lots of good advice on here.

I heard this quote once, I thought it was Zig Ziglar "It's impossible to be an honest person but a dishonest salesperson."

Meaning, you can't make yourself be dishonest if you've got it ingrained in you like George Washington. There's nothing wrong with that. That's admirable quality. But, there's also ways to bend your own rules, like how, you know, Spock does it.

I've never considered myself a bad boy, I've at times, dated many women at once, banged different chicks in the same day. I don't see that as wrong though. I don't see that as being a bad boy, some may consider it that. I really rarely lie to chicks, if ever. I sometimes won't tell them everything, "forget" parts of certain story. But, I've said it before, I don't think you need to lie or have to bull$hit too much.

Embrace being a DJ, banging chicks, letting them experience a part of you. They know you're seeing other chicks, why wouldn't they? You don't need to tell them they're the only one for you. Why would you? That would probably decrease attraction anyways. Just don't tell em $hit and let them assume, or tell them that you're currently "dating". Let them figure that one out. Surprisingly, they usually won't try to dig for details, and if they do, you need to get the frame back, and let them know it's personal. She wouldn't want you telling other girls what you two do.

Think James Bond, he's not an a$$ hole, he's a good dude, and he's bangin all kinds of b1tches.

You're an Alpha, you're a man, you're running around bangin chicks, that's what men do!!

I know it can be tough sometimes because you feel you should get back to a chick right away or call a girl back because her plans for the weekend are set on your decision. So she's waiting. But just think, she wants to do that kind of $hit, she wants to wait on a man. It's in her DNA to wait all week and hope a certain guy will take her out that weekend. If a guy says on Monday, that he wants to take her out sometime this weekend and she should get back to him by Friday.....she's going to lose interest. No excitement, no mystery, no drama. Nothing to wonder with her friends about, no "updates" on mystery guy asking her out yet. And if you don't take em out that weekend. She may be dissapointed, again they like drama, so she'll think maybe next weekend, or someday. As long as you're treating them right (fvcking them, and NOT leading them on), you can do whatever the fvck you want.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2014
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Peaks&Valleys said:
As long as you're treating them right (fvcking them, and NOT leading them on)....

I like the point you're making for the most part but can you explain a bit more what you mean here?
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Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Not sure exactly what you're asking, but I don't mind diving in a little deeper and giving it a shot.

It's my philosophy, my outlook. When I'm in a long term/exclusive relationship I don't cheat, and I don't expect the gf to cheat. If she does she's out. No fvckin around. However, when I'm spinning plates, i.e. "playing the field" I date and fvck whoever I want (or can), whenever I want (or can). And I'm honest about that too. I don't throw it in girls faces, but they know one way or another that I'm seeing other girls, or at least entertaining the option to see other girls. I'm not saying I've never lied to chicks, but for the most part I try not to put myself into that position where I would have to lie. If you set the rules at the beginning, she tends to respect them. Just as long as when I'm with her, for the time being, all my energy is focused on her, which usually includes sex ....which they hopefully and should like and want.

I also don't lead them on, giving them a false hope that we may go exclusive sometime in the future, if I truly don't believe that I will ever want to. So in that sense, if you're taking care of your plates i.e spinning them, banging them, making them happy for the time that you're with them, with this scenario, then you're free to do whatever you want when you're not with them. And no one can tell you otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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PairPlusRoyalFlush said:
You can still do fine with women. Just avoid women that appear to be groupies for trashy men and focus on high quality women. You won't be cleaning up the HB10s in nightclubs but that's ok.
Good way of putting it. Don't be a nice guy. Be kind. Have a backbone but still treat people well. :up:


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
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Rainman4707 said:
I'm placid, reserved, laid back & quiet.
None of those characteristics make you a "nice guy". One is perfectly capable of being placid, reserved, laid back, quiet...and absolutely evil. In fact, being seemingly easygoing, quiet and laid back is a common trait among serial killers (not to say that everyone who display such traits is a potential serial killer, of course).


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2014
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Beast Coast
Yo. **** this 50/50 on the money ****. I pay, because I'm the dude in the relationship. They need to realize this. Women get pissed about a guy paying only when they want to flex their miss independant muscle, then they get pissed when you make them pay. I make it known from the get go I'm the guy, I pay you look pretty.