Movie Date..walked out


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2003
Reaction score
Don't give up so easy. Don't go 'steady with her for a few weeks too. You still don't know who she is or anything about her. Two dates does not a wife make. Just keep it loose and cool for a while. Find out who she really is and let her ask to be exclusive.


Master Don Juan
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Well, it seemed obvious to me that you should have not taken that 2nd date but whatever, you did. Your life. Then you come back here and tell us "oh she ain't that immature, I think I want to be exclusive with her" .

D E S P E R A T E.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
Lol dude what are you talkin about? Desperate is asking her on another date. I wasn't even planning on going out with her that day.

Jerky Boi

Master Don Juan
Feb 10, 2004
Reaction score
I've been playing hard to get for a while now, and it really has been working. I usually don't see her all that often since we do go to different schools too so I didn't really see the big deal in going. We both really had a good time and I'm glad I went. This time I got to talk to her and got to know her better and I truly believe that I left better off than I was before :) I've been single forever and it really doesn't bother me anymore all that much. Desperate you say? I understand where you're coming from though. Some of you may think that trying to further a relationship with someone is risky, and not too smart but the way I look at it, I really don't have anything to lose. She's definitely worth it. I even told her after the first date that the reason I walked out that day was because I did get the impression that she was immature. Like I said before, I'm 100% positive it was her friend's influence. Because on the 2nd date it was just me and her and I have to say, it went a lot better. By the way, thanks again for all the advice guys :) it really did help.


New Member
Feb 4, 2004
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Originally posted by Jerky Boi
Here's the story. I meet this girl and get her number on the same day. I talk to her for a few days on the phone for about 10-15 minutes a time and eventually ask her if she wants to go to the movies this weekend. She accepted..Well, come to find out, when I get there, 4 or 5 of her friends and about 5 other guys were coming! By the way, this girl's a little bit younger than me as well. I accept it, since I'm already there and go ahead and go. We sit down, and she's constantly throughout the duration of the movie either talking to her friends, getting up, being immature, leaving and coming back repeatedly, and just ignoring me. I initiated conversation a lot, but she never would sit and just talk to me. Well, probably on her 5th or 6th trip outta the theatre, I tell her friend to tell her that I'd talk to her later, and just leave the theatre. I ended up spending the rest of the night with my friend. I glanced at the caller ID and of course, she had called. I didn't call her and back and later on in the night, I ended up getting online. She IMed me asking why I'd left and what not, then asking me if I wanted to go to the movies tomorrow. I told her I had to see what I was doing and I'd call her later. My question is, do you guys think I should go or not again?


You did a great job leaving. It shows her you'r not to waste your time man. Keep that attetude.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
New York
You did a great job leaving. It shows her you'r not to waste your time man. Keep that attetude.
I agree..As a man your time is precious and she should feel worthy that you decided to spend it with her. This girl needs to grow up. Don't call her, If you get a chance show her how you can make another girl extreemly happpy. Dont waste your time there are plenty of mature beautiful women who would never do this..
By the way this girl was flat out disrespectful show her your not ****in around and you don't take any bs( i think you did that when you walked out) Good Work and Uphold pepoles respect for you
