

Master Don Juan
May 4, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by Stud

my true response to you is to head down to an old folks community. not one of the assisted living places where people can still get around good and have their wits about them. i'm talking go to an alzeheimers place or if you have someone in your family that has it. look at them. i mean really think about what they have in their life. the answer of course, is nothing. they are completely dependant on other people to survive.

Now look to yourself. do you realize that in about 60-70 years, thats going to be you? this all the time you got man. why would you want to mope around and piss about your day?

look at the guy you see in a wheelchair, struggling to do the activities you take for granted. just gettting around town is a hassle for him, and you got a puss on? do you really want to be that guy, who at age 80, looks back on his life, and says damn, i wish i woulda done this or that? in my 18 years of life, i already have oppurtunities that i passed on or missed out on for one reason or another. they haunt me daily. just imagine being that guy, and having to think of whole life time of missed chances. thats not who i want to be. is that who you want to be?
i like this guess, and i think you should listen to him (lorenso)