Mother-Daughter Approach..A No, or a Go?

Distant Light

Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2005
Reaction score
New York
Damn its sad to see alot of guys have limiting beliefs. Since when have people been getting smacked in the face for opening a mother and daughter? That was just retarded I have yet to even find a girl that would even dear smack me on a opener. But anyway yes it could be done if I was to do it I'd open the moms. Or if you want to try and slip in ninja style, DHV the moms with some stories on XXXX that way you can number close the mom to do XXXX. Moms will be fascinated by you and then you can start running game on the daughter when you meet the moms again because now that the moms been diss armed she would try and encourage her daughter because you seem to be a good man in the mothers eyes. (In the DHV stories you can convey what you want the moms to think of you as, e.g successful man, Fun guy, etc)