Most women are not attracted to honest men. They're attracted to men who are the best at faking their intentions


Aug 29, 2021
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It's really as simple as that. Tons of women talk about recommending men to be more honest, to be more upfront about their actions, to be clear with what they want, etc etc. This rarely works. The only time this would work is if the person is at such a level of status or looks level, or if the woman is getting some huge financial incentive from the man already, to where she simply has to put up with his honesty.

Because if most men were honest, apart from a few exceptions, if they could snap a finger and not have to know much about the girl, not have to spend weeks of conversations or to go on dates before meeting women, and quite literally **** them as soon as possible, they would. And most women do not want that. In fact, a good 50-70% of men would **** a stranger woman approaching them on the street. Almost no woman would do so the other way around.

True honesty would make women hate men more. Instead, most are completely comfortable and more comfortable with men who ironically lie about their intentions and keep their mouths shut until they have sex compared to a man who is more forward with his sexual intentions.

Liars will always recommend to others that “honesty is the best policy.” This gives the liar a supreme advantage. In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is King.


Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2019
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You make it sound like sex is hard to find, it's not.

Lots of women love fuucking immediately, especially when they're young. Some start to see that they have power over desperate men with their pusssy so they start trying to use it as a bargaining chip.

Other women have more self respect and simply hold out because they're filtering for higher quality men, someone to build a future with. It's not so much a bargaining chip for them as it is a test of a man's caliber.

Being dishonest or fake with a woman just to get laid is a desperate move. Why not just work on yourself and filter for women that are interested in who you naturally are? Besides talk is cheap, your actions speak for themselves. What a waste of time to fake your life just to get some pusssy.

Real men are unapologetically honest in their actions with themselves and with the women they're interested in. A man's desires are often signalled through implications, not directly spoken. So are a woman's tbh, maybe even moreso.

For example I never bring up to my girl that I doubt her faith in me, (by going through her phone, complaining about her guy friends, etc). The implication is that I trust she's making the right decisions to grow our relationship in a healthy direction.

I don't sit her down and tell her this directly because my actions are already signalling my trust in her, and my expectations. We have a common understanding of what's appropriate, and what to strive for.

It's the same with women, they don't want to sit you down and tell you how to be a man or what they expect. They want the same thing you do, for your expectations to line up so that you simply click and the relationship feels natural. That way you two can focus on being in the moment, which is what women usually refer to as having 'the spark'.

If you want a one night stand with an incompatible woman then sure, lie, but imo you are much better off simply filtering for compatible women and being yourself. If you don't like the women life is sending you then work on inner game until you're sent better ones.