Most women are deeply unhappy. (The facebook generation)


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
I think most women are deeply unhappy.

Here's why.

There self worth is based on the amounts of facebook likes they get. The amount of male attention they garner. etc

No matter how much attention they get it's never enough. They want more and more. It's a fvcking addiction that can't be satisfied.

How empty must your life be if you live for facebook likes and attention.

I have a good laugh at the constant stream of seemingly Happy pictures that women post but deep down, however cynical this may sound they are unhappy.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2014
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Most definitely and the amount of guys who lack social skills via the interwebs hoisting these women up and constantly throwing out compliments like they were earned by posting a selfie.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
You will be happy with the big fat +REP I just sent you. Excellent post.

My ex GF, 41 yo at the time, was so addicted to FB that she would sit on the crapper after FBing while using the crapper and be there 30 minutes after dropping off her load.... Still with her pants down to her ankles not having moved because she couldn't disconnect from her phone/FB for long enough to pull her pants up and walk to another room.

To say she needs serious help is an under statement. I bet she posted 50 times over a 24 hour day. I used to get in our home router from work and shut the LAN port down just to fvck with her. :crackup: She would call me IMMEDIATELY in a panic and DEMAND that I help her fix it even though I was at work. When I didn't she would tell me how controlling I was, use mobile data, and blow 1G of mobile data in no time. Once I told her son what I was doing and he laughed his a$$ off and said "Sadly, she need some time away from FB.".

I really think American women have a serious problem with this up there in severity with drinking, gambling, drugs, etc. I think the entire Internet needs to be shut down for 30 days and let everyone detox and figure out how to function without it. It is absolutely sick to watch people when they don't get their fix of Internet especially FB and social media.


Don Juan
Mar 11, 2014
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I went on vacation recently to Thailand with a chick I was somewhat seeing, mistake #1 that was...long story short we were there for a good two weeks and went to some islands off the coast by boat and this ***** was on her phone in some of the most isolated places in the region. It was at that point that I made a sound judgement to toss her to the curb.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
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Social media has affected women in a bad way, no question.

The less attractive ones who in the past would have been easily attainable get ruined by orbiters, and develop a giant ego. I have watched that happen to several women, some of which could have been good relationship material. It seems no matter who they are, they can make a Facebook page and instantly have a flock of white-knight orbiters give validation.

As for the ones you're talking about, the women who go out on the weekend drink, smoke, fvuk, and try to portray they're living this wonderful life. Throughout the week they typically post comments saying things like "Where is my life going?" "I don't have any true friends" "I have to get it together" they have always been fvcked in the head. They're chasing a thrill/high that can't be satisfied from male attention alone, so they live a hollow existence doing things to make them feel alive.

It's sad how social media has in some aspects made dating harder, and will only get worse. However it has made the bad women more obvious, so at least we have that.
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Don Juan
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
I think guys need to give some of these chicks less fuel by not having all those apps like Snapchat and Instagram. They are hot beds of attention seeking women. I deleted everything but book of face and even at that I still refrain from liking pictures and if I do I typically make a rude comment like nice tits because that is essentially what they are putting on display.


Master Don Juan
Apr 20, 2014
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True OP. Too true. My ex freely admitted that 'people use social media to validate themselves/seek approval'. Equally when we broke up there was no end of validation seeking on insta and FB. All the while behind closed doors shes texting away to me, saying how unhappy and confused she is. I can see it in her selfies, that glazed lifeless look behind her eyes. Need to stop checking her profiles.... Let's say it's been one day.

On a more interpersonal level, before the social media explosion 5-10 years ago, another ex-gf told me that there is a certain social etiquette among women that every time they meet, there is some unwritten expectation that they exchange compliments, usually regards their appearance. Notice this next time you're with a group of women, espcially if one or two haven't seen each other for a while; it'll be 'Oooo, love the dress', or, 'Ya har looks amaze, babes'. Once you notice it the first time, you will all the time! They will often comment on men's appearance too. They complain about objectification all the time, but they are among the worst culprits.


Sep 25, 2014
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Zapp Brannigan said:
Social media has affected women in a bad way, no question.

The less attractive ones who in the past would have been easily attainable get ruined by orbiters, and develop a giant ego. I have that happen to several women, some of which could have been good relationship material. It seems no matter who they are, they can make a Facebook page and instantly have a flock of white-knight orbiters give validation.

As for the ones you're talking about, the women who go out on the weekend drink, smoke, fvuk, and try to portray they're living this wonderful life. Throughout the week they typically post comments saying things like "Where is my life going?" "I don't have any true friends" "I have to get it together" they have always been fvcked in the head. They're chasing a thrill/high that can't be satisfied from male attention alone, so they live a hollow existence doing things to make them feel alive.

It's sad how social media has in some aspects made dating harder, and will only get worse. However it has made the bad women more obvious, so at least we have that.
The bolded especially. Social media only brings out and highlights what was inside all along. It's actually a great tool for shedding useful insight on people especially since it allows them to DO IT TO THEMSELVES.

Reason I deleted Facebook a few years ago. Completely unnecessary especially if you already have everyone on it's contact number.

The amount of buffoonery, attention seeking, 'one-upping' was off the charts. You don't even need something like FB to see the thirst for attention, validation from chicks and dudes themselves need for "approval" from chicks on there. It literally occurs on almost ANY social media site. Dudes tripping over themselves to compliment complete strangers they'll never meet in hopes she pays them attention. Chicks going into histrionics, and every other blown up minute drama or sort of attention seeking they can get.

You really have to wonder if a lot of these people were held by their parents enough as an infant. Social media is almost like a virtual daycare center for grown infants who never got their fill of attention as children.

It's their lives though..

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
SmoothStroke0331 said:
I think guys need to give some of these chicks less fuel by not having all those apps like Snapchat and Instagram. They are hot beds of attention seeking women. I deleted everything but book of face and even at that I still refrain from liking pictures and if I do I typically make a rude comment like nice tits because that is essentially what they are putting on display.
The problem at hand is all the guys who don't know any better. For every one guy who doesn't validate, you have ten orbiters posting BS like "You should totally be a model" or "So pretty :eek:"

Media always portrays things like Facebook and Snapchat as an "unwritten" way of picking girls up. Guys are being taught this is the "sure fire" way of getting the girl they like, so they unintentionally become orbiters, and not realize they're greatly hurting their chances, and making an attention wh0re worse.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Zapp Brannigan said:
However it has made the bad women more obvious, so at least we have that.
Another positive, something I just touched on briefly in another thread these past few days: Using her phone against her as an opening pickup line, and/or closer too..

Here are some openers:

Lefty's Opener: "Hey you ever put that thing down? The Internet just called told me to tell you to save some for the rest of us"

Lefty's Opener: "I just saw smoke coming out of that thing. You are on it too much. Want me to call the fire dept.?"

Lefty's Opener: "You should check with a doctor about surgery to get that thing unstuck from your hands"

Lefty's Opener: "Al Gore just called as the inventor of the Internet. He wanted me to let you know that you have used too much Internet today"

Lefty's Opener: "Facebook just put out a message today saying their servers are slow as a result of one user in (your town). I didn't believe that was possible until I saw you on that phone!"

Lefty's Opener: "Didn't you hear all of the cell towers are going down for maintenance in a few minutes and will be down. But us real humans will be here to talk to if you are bored"



Don Juan
Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Zapp Brannigan said:
The problem at hand is all the guys who don't know any better. For every one guy who doesn't validate, you have ten orbiters posting BS like "You should totally be a model" or "So pretty :eek:"

Media always portrays things like Facebook and Snapchat as an "unwritten" way of picking girls up. Guys are being taught this is the "sure fire" way of getting the girl they like, so they unintentionally become orbiters, and not realize they're greatly hurting their chances, and making an attention wh0re worse.
So true brother.:rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2015
Reaction score
I think it goes a little deeper than this.

It all boils down to her family and her childhood.

****ed up family teach women: "Oh you just need to be beautifull and catch a male and youre good". It dont work this way when you live in a society of presumably equal sexes. It just dont. It makes it too easy for girls, which makes them unhappy.

Then her mother, the old ho, is on facebook too liking her duckface selfies along with the orbiters.

But there are diff kind of girls at least in my country. I noticed women who embraced their sexuality are the most decent since they know what they want. In a world where sex is used for pleasure thye use it correctly.

Women who pretend to be saints and play asexual are the dirtiest *****s and dont even deserve my ****, they recieve any form of attention as a praise to their personality, and sex is a form of attention, not a source of pleasure and are completely deluded and live in a different realm than the real world. And more and more people start living in this realm and it sucks **** Ill be the last one to go there.

They get used by players and use beta chumps as boyfriends. Been the player, been a chump I know the 2 sides. But Im a fool no more. They cant sustain an emotion for longer than 5 seconds which makes them completely incapable of any interaction in my book.

Forget quantity, seek quality, and quality is not in the exterior.

Most girls these days are like that, which is sad, but there are rare gems.


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
Zapp Brannigan said:
The problem at hand is all the guys who don't know any better. For every one guy who doesn't validate, you have ten orbiters posting BS like "You should totally be a model" or "So pretty :eek:"

Media always portrays things like Facebook and Snapchat as an "unwritten" way of picking girls up. Guys are being taught this is the "sure fire" way of getting the girl they like, so they unintentionally become orbiters, and not realize they're greatly hurting their chances, and making an attention wh0re worse.

+1 rep. Even beyond that there's countless other apps and new ones being created for more and more attention "fix".

You really have to wonder how bad society would completely lose it God forbid social media were to just disappear overnight.

Psychiatrist offices would be BOOMING with business.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
TarantulaHawk said:
The bolded especially. Social media only brings out and highlights what was inside all along. It's actually a great tool for shedding useful insight on people especially since it allows them to DO IT TO THEMSELVES.

Reason I deleted Facebook a few years ago. Completely unnecessary especially if you already have everyone on it's contact number.

The amount of buffoonery, attention seeking, 'one-upping' was off the charts. You don't even need something like FB to see the thirst for attention, validation from chicks and dudes themselves need for "approval" from chicks on there. It literally occurs on almost ANY social media site. Dudes tripping over themselves to compliment complete strangers they'll never meet in hopes she pays them attention.

You really have to wonder if a lot of these people were held by their parents enough as an infant.

It's their lives though..
Very true. It's amazing to see the way complete strangers will borderline cyber stalk chicks they like, and then they're sitting there laughing at it all. I've overheard several bi**hes talking about the guys who do that, and they love it and lead them on. I don't think they see potential danger in that, for all they know the guy could be a psycho.

Like you said it's a great tool. It's always interesting to see what kind of shocking stuff the bad women will post for anyone to see. This really phony acting slvtty chick I know posted a drunk Vine clip last week where her shirt ripped when she was in a friends car :eek:. Checking social media is almost like tuning into a Truman Show, you'd never know what you're going to see, and it's all real.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
A girl I was seeing a while back was way into FB. She'd spend hours looking at people's pages. Guys she barely knew would post "Likes" to her selfies, which she took constantly, and some would comment. She "complained" about this a few times, but I saw right through it. She wasn't complaining. She loved the attention, and she made a point of telling me that guys were commenting on her pictures, obviously to let me know that there are other guys who are into her. I found the whole thing pretty pathetic actually. Some of these girls who are average at best, get a huge ego and think they are a 10.


Sep 25, 2014
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GS750 said:
A girl I was seeing a while back was way into FB. She'd spend hours looking at people's pages. Guys she barely knew would post "Likes" to her selfies, which she took constantly, and some would comment. She "complained" about this a few times, but I saw right through it. She wasn't complaining. She loved the attention, and she made a point of telling me that guys were commenting on her pictures, obviously to let me know that there are other guys who are into her. I found the whole thing pretty pathetic actually. Some of these girls who are average at best, get a huge ego and think they are a 10.
Same excuse when they dress provocative. They "aren't doing it for attention they just like to dress that way." Riiiiiighto. :rolleyes:

That's their problem. Same with online dating nonsense. What these chicks fail to realize is there's a huge difference between getting hundreds of one handed emails/ picture "likes"/ compliments a month and actually being the type of chick that would make any man worth his salt want to stay.

Though dudes are just as guilty on there. It's like a virtual bizarro world of infant attention seeking syndrome. Hilarious for a while, then becomes boring and pathetic.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
BREAKING NEWS...MOST people are unhappy...

personally, I don't see the difference when guys seek approval by fvcking a lot of women to women posting picks on social media...
SamTheHobit said:
...I have a good laugh at the constant stream of seemingly Happy pictures that women post but deep down, however cynical this may sound they are unhappy.
Why is it funny?
Zapp Brannigan said:
...The less attractive ones who in the past would have been easily attainable get ruined by orbiters, and develop a giant ego...
First of all, the women with giant egos are simply wearing a social mask, it's usually a major sign of insecurity. Not to mention it's easy to break through so I don't see what the complaint is about.

Second why should you care about LESS attractive women?


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2013
Reaction score
SamTheHobit said:
I think most people are deeply unhappy.

Here's why.

There self worth is based on the amounts of attention from the opposite sex they get. The amount of male/female attention they garner. etc

No matter how much attention they get it's never enough. They want more and more. It's a fvcking addiction that can't be satisfied.

How empty must your life be if you live for other people's validation and attention.

I have a good laugh at the constant stream of issues trying to attract someone that people post but deep down, however cynical this may sound they are unhappy.

Zapp Brannigan

Senior Don Juan
Jan 31, 2014
Reaction score
3agle 3yes said:
BREAKING NEWS...MOST people are unhappy...

personally, I don't see the difference when guys seek approval by fvcking a lot of women to women posting picks on social media...

Why is it funny?

First of all, the women with giant egos are simply wearing a social mask, it's usually a major sign of insecurity. Not to mention it's easy to break through so I don't see what the complaint is about.

Second why should you care about LESS attractive women?
The women you speak who wear the social masks have always been insecure and big headed, and they're easy enough to spot. They aren't who I'm talking about since they've always been that way.

The women I was referring to in that quote are the ones who actually had some depth about them, and might have been good relationship material that get ruined by social media. They're usually pretty but still less attractive and feel insecure because of it, all the gratification and ego boosting orbiters change them, and they become very big headed and shallow. I know several women who were ruined this way.

As for "Why should you care about less attractive women?" Because typically the "prettiest" women act the worst. Even famous ones who are the most "beautiful" behave like wild big headed wh0res, Jennifer Lawrence, Ariana Grande, Kate Upton, and The Kardashians all come to mind. That kind of behavior I can't stand and it typically kills whatever attraction I had for them. The less attractive ones without egos are typically good to be with. Because yes they're pretty but also have depth to them, aren't trying to coast by on looks, and tend to actually appreciate men.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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double post