Most People Are Boring....


Senior Don Juan
Nov 13, 2006
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Best thing you can do is go out there all by yourself. That's how you will meet tons of like-minded people.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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jglide123 said:
Hey, I think it is just me not vibing with the culture I live in....

Moreover, environment effects our mental state. I happen to live in the South, where most people are family and church oriented. Most people say my city is a "great place to raise a family." Most young, single people agree that this area is boring. I have a good job here, so I'm tied here for at least three more years.

I agree that any place is all about what you make it. However, how much can you make of a place that just doesn't offer much?
Well, I know what you mean, I live in a pretty crummy place myself. But I've always taken that expression to heart: "Boredom is the sign of a shallow mind". By the time I was in my mid 30s, I had accumulated so many hobbies and interests that I had to stop dropping them because I didn't have time to sufficiently devote to them.

I've never really cared much where I've lived because I could always find something to amuse me. And I didn't even have internet for a lot of that time, and that provides a wealth of information. There really is no excuse for boredom. In hindsight though, I think this attitude may have backfired on me a bit, because if I was more bored I might have moved to a more interesting place.

I had a friend who was always desperately unhappy, and he was always finding a new place to move to. It looked to me like he was running from his problems (which he was), so I decided that wouldn't be me. But I probably overdid the "home is what you make it" mindset, because I never did move anywhere better, although I've done all right here, so who can say?

What a lot of young people mean when they say a place doesn't offer much is "why aren't there more places to party around here?".


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
zekko said:
Well, I know what you mean, I live in a pretty crummy place myself. But I've always taken that expression to heart: "Boredom is the sign of a shallow mind". By the time I was in my mid 30s, I had accumulated so many hobbies and interests that I had to stop dropping them because I didn't have time to sufficiently devote to them.

I've never really cared much where I've lived because I could always find something to amuse me. And I didn't even have internet for a lot of that time, and that provides a wealth of information. There really is no excuse for boredom. In hindsight though, I think this attitude may have backfired on me a bit, because if I was more bored I might have moved to a more interesting place.

I had a friend who was always desperately unhappy, and he was always finding a new place to move to. It looked to me like he was running from his problems (which he was), so I decided that wouldn't be me. But I probably overdid the "home is what you make it" mindset, because I never did move anywhere better, although I've done all right here, so who can say?

What a lot of young people mean when they say a place doesn't offer much is "why aren't there more places to party around here?".

Well, perhaps my mind is shallow (LOL).

The solution for me will be travel, though. I'm going to make a more concerted effort to visit more cities, and utilize social networks more deliberately to find people who share my interests.

I have hobbies: movies, books, martial arts, writing. It's my social life that has taken a hit recently. Most of my college friends are gone, and it's unbelievably difficult to develop a social circle around here. It's just challenging finding like-minded individuals. I mean, how many people really have more than a couple of real friends? Most of us have acquaintances who we deal with here and there.

I'm not really complaining about it. I'm mostly venting, and wanting to know if people out there are in a similar situation, and how they cope....