Most People Are Boring....


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
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Winston-Salem, NC
It's very difficult to get a group of people together to do something spontaneous (i.e. a road trip, hitting up a random party, etc.) I'm sure much of my outlook has to do with the people I know, but generally speaking, in my opinion people are very much controlled by society (especially those past the age of 25).

I understand wanting to follow cultural norms to fit in, but how far do you take that before you become a robot? Most people live in a box, limiting themselves by age, race, and culture. Also, most people are fiercely cliquish....

All these things make life boring and depressing! You really have to find adventure. I mean, you really have to be in relentless pursuit of action, because most people seem content with going to work, coming home and wasting hours watchin' T.V., and going to sleep, or some similarly boring routine....


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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jglide123 said:
I understand wanting to follow cultural norms to fit in, but how far do you take that before you become a robot? Most people live in a box, limiting themselves by age, race, and culture. Also, most people are fiercely cliquish
I agree with that. Most people NEVER leave their comfort zone.

All these things make life boring and depressing! You really have to find adventure. I mean, you really have to be in relentless pursuit of action, because most people seem content with going to work, coming home and wasting hours watchin' T.V., and going to sleep, or some similarly boring routine....
I don't agree so much with that. Most people are not living boring lives. There is drama, excitement, difference if you're willing to look. The problem is people don't open up to new outsiders immediately and people don't try to open them up. Therefore you don't know what they're up to.

Most people I know have reasonably eventful lives and seem to enjoy them. Sometimes you need to drop the pursuit of adventure and take life as it comes though.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
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Winston-Salem, NC
I respect that perspective, but I don't know many people who live lives that I find exciting or interesting. Sure, people seem reasonably happy, but that's probably because they've become accustomed with their lot in life (just my opinion). And yes, not everyone wastes their lives away as I described above, but it seems very common where I live.

Take life as it comes? That sounds a bit too passive of an approach for me. I mean, I'm not gonna go out here like Indiana Jones, searching in dangerous places for rare gems, but I do like to really take life by the horns and go find FUN things to do. Carpe Diem is my maxim!


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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jglide123 said:
Take life as it comes? That sounds a bit too passive of an approach for me. I mean, I'm not gonna go out here like Indiana Jones, searching in dangerous places for rare gems, but I do like to really take life by the horns and go find FUN things to do. Carpe Diem is my maxim!
Maybe I should have said how my best times come organically. Not when I'm trying to go out and have the most interesting fun I can but when I have a couple good friends and the good times that come from that.

Most good times I have are pretty on the fly.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
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Canada, eh?
I am in the same boat. And I can attest to the fact that life begins outside of your comfort zone, in the challenge. I ve spent a lot time in my life being idle and it didn't seem boring at all, but now that I ve changed I look at my past self and there is no way I am going back. I ve made a bucket list and crossed a bunch of things off of it already. You just gotta realize that world is your playground ; ) and then there is no stopping you. I recommend you take up an adventure sport of some sort such as hiking, mountain biking, backcountry skiing, paragliding, etc. I do pretty much everything outdoors now. Paragliding is by far the most rewarding sport, though pricey.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
PapiChulo said:
I am in the same boat. And I can attest to the fact that life begins outside of your comfort zone, in the challenge. I ve spent a lot time in my life being idle and it didn't seem boring at all, but now that I ve changed I look at my past self and there is no way I am going back. I ve made a bucket list and crossed a bunch of things off of it already. You just gotta realize that world is your playground ; ) and then there is no stopping you. I recommend you take up an adventure sport of some sort such as hiking, mountain biking, backcountry skiing, paragliding, etc. I do pretty much everything outdoors now. Paragliding is by far the most rewarding sport, though pricey.
I agree man!

Like I was saying in my original post, you really have to just go out and find adventure. I'm almost 30, and there are still plenty of places around the world that I want visit. I've come to realize that most people are sedentary, and trying to get 5 of your friends out of the house to do an outdoor activity is almost mission impossible! Small wonder why we have the highest obesity rate in the world!

So most of the time I end up doing activities solo, not really because I prefer to be alone, but because most of the people I know are inactive. It's a bit of a challenge breaking into another social circle, because people are quite cliquish were I live. They have to know you from school, work, a social event, etc. before they include you in their circle....


Master Don Juan
Sep 8, 2009
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a society in which money rules everything, well that pretty much cause people to be boring and non-spontaneous.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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I just had to look at your location. Ha. Its the culture down here, but I like it. You would probably like it better up north. I couldn't deal with the same things you want. Theres big social crowds, partying, and a more fast-paced city life scene. Its quiet and boring down here, but theres no drama, chaos, and not a lot of jerks. Lots of nice people. You cant have boring without nice, or exciting without mean, it seems. I'll take the former.

Judging by your other posts, you'd be more suited up north. I Ieft for the opposite reasons of wanting peace, and found it. Might be something worth looking at. What you describe is a culture thing. It was a lot different up north.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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Don't get me wrong, I like blazing away at the firing range, and scaring myself on a mountain road, but....

What really excites me is improving or developing a new work process, tweaking a system to make it more productive, solving an analysis problem that would stump my peers. That's how I get my rocks off.


I find it is usually the people who shout the loudest about other people being boring that are usually the most boring of people around.


Master Don Juan
Mar 13, 2010
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Ironically enough, what makes people boring, is a fairly interesting subject. Taking OLD as an example, most people are apt to identify themselves with things they hope other people will find interesting - stuff they probably do less than 1% of the time they're awake (overseas travel, adventure sports, fine dining, yadda yadda).

Now, I just don't buy it. That identity they're selling, isn't the person I'm going to end up dating. I don't even mean in the sense that they've embellished the truth a little. I mean the real person actually IS the schlub grinding out the nine to five, Monday to Friday. And that's cool! THAT's where life happens, and I think "interesting" people are the ones who can find some artfulness and joy in the routine aspects of their lives. Just doesn't look as good on Facebook.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
perseverance said:
I find it is usually the people who shout the loudest about other people being boring that are usually the most boring of people around.
Based on your wisdom, maybe I'm the boring one. Kinda like the guy who claims everyone around him is crazy, when really he is the crazy one. Maybe you're right.....

Floyd, what part of NC are you in? You make an excellent point about it being the culture I live in. Perhaps if I moved up North in a bigger city, there would be more opportunities, more people, and more activities. It's just easy to get discouraged when almost no one you know wants to get out and meet new people....


Don Juan
Jul 20, 2006
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jglide123 said:
Based on your wisdom, maybe I'm the boring one. Kinda like the guy who claims everyone around him is crazy, when really he is the crazy one. Maybe you're right.....

Floyd, what part of NC are you in? You make an excellent point about it being the culture I live in. Perhaps if I moved up North in a bigger city, there would be more opportunities, more people, and more activities. It's just easy to get discouraged when almost no one you know wants to get out and meet new people....
Winston is a nice part of NC especially for hiking, the bar/big city scene is not great though. I mean you have Hanging Rock, Pilot Mountain and Stone Mountain all very doable for day trips. Plus weekend camping/hiking in the Pisgah/Smokies is very nice (highly recommend this).

I'm further east and would love to be closer to the mountains especially with fall coming up soon.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2011
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I live down south, by the ocean. Dont want to get too specific, here. One of the first things Ive noticed is that people are way more traditional down here. Nobody ever does anything. No one has a life. They stick with their families and very close friends. People in their 20s still go with their family everywhere . Most people from my area up north dont even know their families . Ha ha. A lot of them are married, and dont have anything to talk about other than their SO's (being that they never DO anything). Everyone is pretty calm, polite, peaceful, well-mannered, inoffensive, shy, and reserved. No noise, no big social groups, none of that. There are as many churches down here as there are bars up north. Theyre EVERYWHERE, and the culture shows. Its completely different in almost every way. Religion, family, and marriage is at the forefront of the culture. Most people who party, socialize, get in trouble , are loud, etc are from the north. We had a few from Jersey, New York, and Cali. Very easy to spot.

People down here arent as aggressive, sexual, etc. Women dont really go balls out in their flirting. Half of the time, you cant even tell if theyre flirting . Most just stare from a distance. A lot of passive aggressive, nice girl type behavior. They dont come up to you, and start touching, groping, talking sexual, etc. I dont see people teasing, negging, making out, or even dating. They all get married, hold hands, cuddle, etc. Not a lot of wild, exciting behaviors. Its like nice guy / haven. Even on the non PoF dating sites, women wanted to watch movies, go to the park, cuddle, and get married. Not necessaryily in that order.

Most people go to the beach, camping, mudding, and thats about it.

Im not used to any of this. When I lived by the Illinois / Wisconsin border, everything was the exact opposite. I like thechange, but Im going through culture shock. Add in some PTSD from the previous location, and you have quite the mind****. I fit in better down here, but Im used to how it is u p there. My body is down here, but the mind isnt. No familiarity . Change is hard and such. Even though I ****ing hated it. You might like it.

Still writing on the PS3 so it might look like ****. Cant even see what Im writing. WTF designed this POS console? :trouble:


Don Juan
Jun 25, 2012
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This is the truth! Yesterday was my second day of college and I met two people, a guy and a HB, and we just went around at this mixer sitting down at tables next to random groups and talking to people introducing ourselves. Within ten minutes we were walking around campus with a 10+ posse just having fun, and we eventually went to hang out in a dorm and attracted more people by just having fun. I guess once you leave college the adventuresome aspect of everyone's personality gets crushed out of them...


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2012
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Fenix94 said:
This is the truth! Yesterday was my second day of college and I met two people, a guy and a HB, and we just went around at this mixer sitting down at tables next to random groups and talking to people introducing ourselves. Within ten minutes we were walking around campus with a 10+ posse just having fun, and we eventually went to hang out in a dorm and attracted more people by just having fun. I guess once you leave college the adventuresome aspect of everyone's personality gets crushed out of them...
Lack of free time to roam around at planned mixers and heading back to shared living situations where tons of people are already at also may put a damper on roaming around with a posse



Don Juan
Jun 25, 2012
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Ulysses said:
Lack of free time to roam around at planned mixers and heading back to shared living situations where tons of people are already at also may put a damper on roaming around with a posse

Haha, yeah that's incredibly true. When classes start tomorrow I'll see how sociable everyone is lol.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
stephen_dedalus said:
Winston is a nice part of NC especially for hiking, the bar/big city scene is not great though. I mean you have Hanging Rock, Pilot Mountain and Stone Mountain all very doable for day trips. Plus weekend camping/hiking in the Pisgah/Smokies is very nice (highly recommend this).

I'm further east and would love to be closer to the mountains especially with fall coming up soon.

Perhaps the best part about living in this part of NC is the mountains. I live about 30 minutes from Pilot Mountain, and I've had a handful of dates there. Never been to Pisgah, but I'll certainly consider going before Winter hits.

Floyd, I can't say that Winston is as bad as you described your location, but it is similar to be sure. I think my biggest issue is how cliquish it is here. People don't seem to want to expand their social circle and try new things. Hey, it's nothing wrong with not wanting to mingle with others. But it seems like almost EVERYBODY kinda keeps to themselves, and are very reluctant to try new things with different people....


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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jglide123 said:
Based on your wisdom, maybe I'm the boring one. Kinda like the guy who claims everyone around him is crazy, when really he is the crazy one. Maybe you're right....
Hmm, you may be on to something. There's something I read many years ago that I've always remembered: "Boredom is the sign of a shallow mind". In other words, an intelligent person will find ways to entertain himself.

If you are complaining about everyone being boring, then they must be boring you, which means you are bored.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
zekko said:
Hmm, you may be on to something. There's something I read many years ago that I've always remembered: "Boredom is the sign of a shallow mind". In other words, an intelligent person will find ways to entertain himself.

If you are complaining about everyone being boring, then they must be boring you, which means you are bored.
Hey, I think it is just me not vibing with the culture I live in....

Moreover, environment effects our mental state. I happen to live in the South, where most people are family and church oriented. Most people say my city is a "great place to raise a family." Most young, single people agree that this area is boring. I have a good job here, so I'm tied here for at least three more years.

I agree that any place is all about what you make it. However, how much can you make of a place that just doesn't offer much?