most likely breakup reason


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
hey guys i have concluded that in most situations, people break up mainly because of your GF's interest level drops.
I am a good dj, but i have one question that have no answer. How do you keep her interest level up?? i have a fun relationship but lately her interest level seems to be dropping,i always try to have fun but i just read an article about guy losing his girl cause interest level drop and he didnt spot it.
So: how do you spot her interest level is dropping, what are the signs?
and-the big question:how do you raise it up??:confused:


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Greet her the next time you see her wearing a gimp mask and holding a toilet brush.

If you think she's about to leave you, why bother trying to create more interest - why would you want to be in a 'relationship' with a whimsical idiot anyway?

Frankly if I thought a girl who I was in a relationship with was losing interest I'd tell her it's best we split up as I'd like to sleep with other chicks without feeling guilty, leaving her upset and wondering if I've been cheating on her. Chicks like that deserve it.

I digress, if you want to jump through hoops and try to prove to this girl that you're worth sticking around.. I'm sure plenty will offer advice.

The Muscly Jerk


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
gonna have to agree with musclyjerk here.

Don't jump through her hoops. If she's losing interest, then there's not really much you can do about it.

One thing i've noticed is, the harder you try, the more they lose interest. Don't worry so much about it. If you have fun with her, then keep her. If you don't, or you think she's losing interest, then just break it off.

What makes you say she's losing interest? There has to be something that has provoked you to post a thread on it.

How long have you guys been going out?

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
If your doing the same boring sh1t over and over. Always on the phone, always together, and always in contact. This can drop interest because you start to do a routine and it starts to be predictable. (Just like sex)

You have to learn how to spice it up and add some mix. Play around and think of stuff that you can do and even make up stuff as you go. Don't get all serious and logical. When your hanging out with a girl the whole intereaction should be FUN! Don't try and be all serious and all cuddle up kitty with your LTR 24/7.

Even though I haven't had a LTR in a while the girls that I do have a somewhat relationship I always make sure I'm unpredicatable that way she doesn't have a clue of what is going to happen next.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
lol man i am a DJ, how could i be needy??!!! we go to the same school, we been out for nearly 2 month now, i know thats not a long time and stuff, we always have fun(except last fri when we went ice skating and i was pissed off), i havent seen her in 2 days and we r seeing each other tommorow.
I have only called her 4 times, but i text her nearly everyday.
Thing is she is not very affectionate, last time we met she was busy working on her present for her sis, now i understand priorities and stuff, but i dont seem to be very high on her list.
She says i worry too much and that shes not affectionate when shes not very lively, thing is shes always been cold, now i understand that some girls are slow to warm up so i am going to give it time, but its pissing me off.
You know when they do that push and pull thing, u no they r doing it and its still pissing u off?? yea. thats the thing.
I dunno if shes really lost interest or not, i think not if i stand on 3rd person perspective, but she never calls me, never trys to seek my proximity and all that, now i understand all the DJ rules and i should next her, but all my friends(who are girls and who are friends with her) tells me that shes a decent girl, plus we lost it to each other and i dont want to next a decent girl who i lost it to.
So wat do you guys think? i do like her, but the way things i going, i just think she likes me but dont show it, i know 2 month is not alot of time, so i am just going to have fun and forgett about it. Thanks for advice guys.


Master Don Juan
Jan 8, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, Texas
Bro, I've been in your situation... She's not going to change.. If you've been together 2 months and she doesn't seem affectionate already, then move on and find another before you get hurt. Girls like that act cold and don't usually change. Start giving her less attention and I guarantee she'll be chasing you.. And not the other way around.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 29, 2004
Reaction score
leave first. just tell her like the muscly jerk says that you want to see other people. then go see other people. you can have a good time with any girl but it takes a special ***** to drive you nuts.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 20, 2006
Reaction score
lol dan. Anyways i was joking with her on wednsday about coming to mine after school on thur, she got confused on my texts and i thought she stood me up, so i risked getting hit by cars 3 times and took 30 mins to cycle to her house to find her locked outside her house. She had a bad day and started getting *****y, and she said she didnt stand me up, so i asked her whether she still wanted to b with me cause she was giving me all the signs of not, she said yes, i said:" then give me time". I stood up and walked away. I thought i got played again and i was totally pissed off, after i got home she texted me twice saying sorry and that it was a misunderstanding, then she came to my house and show me that it was true and she still wanted to be with me.
Being a DJ, i still made sure she had fun and she left happily, she promise that she will be more affectionate.
Everything sorted them self out, thanks bros.

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Why would you care if she leaves you or not you know that you can always go out that same day and find someone else. One major thing when in a LTR is to have FUN and constantly have FUN. Also don't be clingy needing to speak to her 5- 6 times a week and text messagign all day. This is how stuff get boring.

If you notice in field when a girl is with her bf she is usually all bored cuddled up on her bf and mainly real quiet. Once in awhile they will kiss but they will just be sitting there cuddling or just sitting there. Now if you see a guy who is just starting to talk to a girl you notice she is cracking up, having fun, hitting the guy, leaning in, and just have a great time.

Thats how you always want it to be. It's also good to try new things together and just keep it overall fun. I wouldn't stop all the stuff that I use to get a girl because that is the stuff that got her attracted in the first place. It's you loving a certain frozen food but when you win a supply full you realize the taste is different and start to forget about it.

Overall you shouldn't be caring about her interest level, you should trust that the stuff that you both do together is fun for the both of you. An you may not be seeing each other everyday and all but when you do meet up its always as much fun as the last time you both met.