Inspector Clouseau
Senior Don Juan
You exude to others what you are inside.
A relationship without time is without significance.
You don't know you until you try.
Who you are is by choice, not fate. You can always choose to change 'you'.
There's no change that can not be incorporated it into your inner self.
'Just be yourself' is nonsense without proper foundation.
Mathematicans and computer programmers know to never expect different results from the same data inputed into the same function.
You can never change without changing. There are some whom want change without change, wanting change without ever themselves changing; they want 'society' to change, they want other people to change; they crave the impossible. They are fools.
Speed through a neighborhood road with speed bumps, trouble awaits; drive too slow, little momentum, trouble again awaits.
Making change, even simple as a different haircut, can open an entirely different set of life realities.
Most of the time, a small change can initially seem larger than it is, but result in no long-term difference. However, big things come in small parcels.
Jerking off once a day keeps the ladies away.
Rule #1 of the Game: never talk about the Game.
Everything in life is a manipulation. We are all players, each and every one. Just some are better than others. Some even can play without consciously playing, everyone else must work up to that state of being; it's called 'self-improvement'.
The worst thing in life to fear is life itself.
Pleasure eases life. It is a means to an end. Never let it be the end goal.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, it's the god damn Pacific Ocean!
A plump booty and shiny legs is Nature's greatest gift to Man. A strong male mind is Nature's greatest gift to Woman.
Sex is important. It's not everything, no, that's ridiculous; but saying it's not important is even more ridiculous.
Intelligence is very much like money, something everyone wants because they think it's something they need yet don't have; but when you get it, you see it's not everything; while it makes life easier, it can't buy you happiness. Now replace 'intelligence' with 'sex'.
If drunk after a night of drinking, it's best to self-induce vomit before you sleep; you don't want all those liquids stagnating in your stomach. Self-induced vomitting is really easy, no need to stick your finger down your throat, and it prevents morning after hang overs, which is of worse fate than just vomitting. To self-induce, simply open your mouth and bend over; your body will do the rest.
[This message has been edited by Inspector Clouseau (edited 10-05-2002).]
A relationship without time is without significance.
You don't know you until you try.
Who you are is by choice, not fate. You can always choose to change 'you'.
There's no change that can not be incorporated it into your inner self.
'Just be yourself' is nonsense without proper foundation.
Mathematicans and computer programmers know to never expect different results from the same data inputed into the same function.
You can never change without changing. There are some whom want change without change, wanting change without ever themselves changing; they want 'society' to change, they want other people to change; they crave the impossible. They are fools.
Speed through a neighborhood road with speed bumps, trouble awaits; drive too slow, little momentum, trouble again awaits.
Making change, even simple as a different haircut, can open an entirely different set of life realities.
Most of the time, a small change can initially seem larger than it is, but result in no long-term difference. However, big things come in small parcels.
Jerking off once a day keeps the ladies away.
Rule #1 of the Game: never talk about the Game.
Everything in life is a manipulation. We are all players, each and every one. Just some are better than others. Some even can play without consciously playing, everyone else must work up to that state of being; it's called 'self-improvement'.
The worst thing in life to fear is life itself.
Pleasure eases life. It is a means to an end. Never let it be the end goal.
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt, it's the god damn Pacific Ocean!
A plump booty and shiny legs is Nature's greatest gift to Man. A strong male mind is Nature's greatest gift to Woman.
Sex is important. It's not everything, no, that's ridiculous; but saying it's not important is even more ridiculous.
Intelligence is very much like money, something everyone wants because they think it's something they need yet don't have; but when you get it, you see it's not everything; while it makes life easier, it can't buy you happiness. Now replace 'intelligence' with 'sex'.
If drunk after a night of drinking, it's best to self-induce vomit before you sleep; you don't want all those liquids stagnating in your stomach. Self-induced vomitting is really easy, no need to stick your finger down your throat, and it prevents morning after hang overs, which is of worse fate than just vomitting. To self-induce, simply open your mouth and bend over; your body will do the rest.
[This message has been edited by Inspector Clouseau (edited 10-05-2002).]