morningggs :\


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
sup guys. so ive been doin great lately, ive been more social than i ever was, havin lots of fun, spreading joy and whatnot.

but see this usually doesnt kick in until like 3rd period, where i actually start to be funny, extroverted, fun, and all that. and then i'm at my best AFTER school has ended, where i hang around the bus stop just havin lots of fun.

in the mornings though, before school starts through 2nd period, im usually unfocused, nervous, self-conscious, awkward(because of my state), a lil shy even. mainly just unfocused though. its a bummer because 2nd period has this uber hot 10 sophomore chick that i usually only see once a day. so most days i dont even talk to her. on good days i can get her interested enough but on others, mondays especially, im just too shy to even go up to her.

so what can i do about this? this morning i actually got up a half hour earlier than usual, and had breakfast at home(i usually get it at school because i dont have time at home) which worked pretty good, you can say this morning was one of my better mornings, though still not quite in 'the state' that i should be in.

Do you guys know of anything that can help? is there a way to be in state in the mornings too? a permanent 'state'? i'm pretty sure, because in the hallways before school starts i see people acting like their normal self all the time, yet i just wander aimlessly talking to no one usually because i'm just not feeling it. know that i mean?

i know i have like 1 more week of school,, but nevertheless its better to ask now and test whatever your advice may be during the last couple of days than to forget about til next year...

so yeah maybe tomorrow ill try getting up and listening to music, maybe singing and dancing a little or throwing a few punches to wake up, talk to my brother (even if i have to force it out) and wake up even earlier than today. :rockon: :woo: <thats me now though :yawn: :nervous: << thats me most mornings.

ill keep you guys updated... only 7 days left though.. wish i wouldve posted this way earlier, oh well

Anything else I should try?? not go to sleep ever again maybe?? i have but one week to pull this chicks number before i potentially can never see her again cuz shess a sophomore and im not!! okay thats a lie but still. (the not seeing her again part, not the class part)

i'm afraid to go to sleep... :nervous: i'm gonna be totally different lol... wierd

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
Reaction score
Cloud 9
This will only work out if you don't have oneitis.

Drink coffee in the mornings. Caffeene wakes you the fvck up and you feel great and incredibly social.

Try it out.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
What I do:

Listen to a good song in the morning while i get ready for school and dance a bit...Then, on the way to school and as i walk to my classes (i live in a very nature filled each building and walkway is surrounded by trees/plants) i enjoy the nature around me...this gets me through that morning period...then it's afternoon and i feel the schoolday coming to an end so i'm motivated by that feeling...and afterschool it's all easy

it might work..but i usually sing/dance/look at nature...the thing is, most guys our age don't give a **** about nature...but it's sure as hell more pure than you, me, or any girl...especially after ap bio and my english class that had a portion about nature...i've begun to appreciate it more..


Don Juan
May 15, 2007
Reaction score
Here are my strategies, in order of how well they work:

1. Music. Listen to it while eating breakfast, in your car, etc. Also, rock out to it, and listen to energetic songs.

2. Wake up earlier. Save some homework to finish in the morning, and wake up like an hour earlier to give your brain time to warm up before you leave for school...and finish the homework that you left (so u dont waste an hour in the morning doing nothing)

3. Caffeine. Drink some. Note that I placed this 3rd out of 3 though.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
thanks for all the advice guys. i did alot better than usual today, hung around people more this morning before school than usual. but still, a lil bit of awkwardness still shows, i'm not sure why but im just not quite my usual funny self in the morning, i'm not as gutsy, and i actually got a lil nervous at times still. my responses are not as funny or witty as the afternoon, and i still regret the way i do things, knowing that i could and would do a lot better. i'm sure you all still feel that from time to time, saying something stupid, or if not at least thinking of something better a lil later and going 'darnit! i shoulda said/done that instead'... yeah happens to me every morning

but today wasnt so bad, woke up a half hour earlier, listened to some music, tried not to worry too much, and i guess just trying to emulate the state i was in last evening. not as great as it could be though. didnt try anything other than that.

cant really access coffee cuz i dont know how to make it and my dad usually wakes up right as i'm about to leave for the bus anyway so none from him either. ah well thats one thing i can live without though.

tomorrow morning i'm gonna wake up even earlier and jump out of bed as soon as i wake up (i rested for about 10 more minutes this morning), listen to more music, and just try to rock out, sing, and dance as much as i can before marching into school! i can do this! i'm gonna try to get hyper tomorrow morning! :rockon:

one more thing, its weird cuz whenever i wake up at a friends house or something like this weekend i will, i'm always just fine as soon as i wake up, no 'charge up' time at all. i'll see if i can analyze/research that this weekend when i do that. i think being awoke by a friend kicking you in the side is a lot better for getting rid of your initial drowsiness than being awoke by an annoying buzzing sound that you just want to reach over and turn the f*** off instantly... and go back to sleep... hmm...

let you know how it goes.

Five To One

Senior Don Juan
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Im the same way. I think a lot of people are. Some good tips that would probably fix my problem but iv just embraced it as a part of me.

Its pretty well known to people that I am unapproachable and unwanting conversation in the morning. I walk through the halls barely acknowledging friends and remain silent in the classroom. People know that about me and it just adds to my personality. Its boring and difficult to be running on the same mood 24/7.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
ok so its sunday now because i didnt have a chance to get online since thursday night and i dont really remember how friday went but anyway

five to one, thats an interesting way to do it, and thats how i am now. the reason why i want to change that though is because for me it lasts for like 2-3 hours and i miss a lot of good chances to talk to a lot of people in that time, so that the people that i only see in the mornings will probably just think i'm shy and unapproachable all the time, instead of knowing that its only in the mornings.

likethewind, thanks for the advice, i agree with the first 5-10 minutes part especially, thats basically the time of the day where it affects your mood for the rest of the day. which is why when i woke wiff my friends this morning and felt excited, i was like that for the rest of the day.

thanks to everyone for the advice. the weird thing i actually is discovered was that i usually wake up pumped up if i was pumped the night before, its just that i actually readjust in the mornings because nothing interesting is going on and i'm thinking too much about things other than socializing and the moment. if instead i wake up quickly and start being really efficient, not wasting time, and of course listening to music and singing and doin some jigs here n there, then i stay like that for the rest of the day.

think about it. inactivity plus thinking too much about logical things and not being in the moment shifts to your left side of the brain like likethewind brought up, while being surrounded by interesting people (not my 1st hour business class, but definitely my homies) with nothing to have to think about but the moment shifts to your right and makes you social and fun. and not caught up and distant in your own lil world.

so tips for tomorrow morning: just be in the moment, dont think too much about things, dont bore yourself by doing things in a routine and mundane way, and of course get/stay pumped up and dont get slowed down by the horrible routine of the evil menace of being secluded and bored to death by from the first few minutes of your awakening....

ill tell you how it goes....


Master Don Juan
Nov 20, 2007
Reaction score
San Francisco
nikko49 said:
Here are my strategies, in order of how well they work:
2. Wake up earlier. Save some homework to finish in the morning, and wake up like an hour earlier to give your brain time to warm up before you leave for school...and finish the homework that you left (so u dont waste an hour in the morning doing nothing)
This. Getting up earlier allows you to accomplish more, ahead of other people.


Don Juan
Aug 25, 2008
Reaction score
You may hate it, but waking up even just a little earlier and running a mile or so will get you absolutely kicking for the day.


Don Juan
Aug 30, 2008
Reaction score
dam! had another manic monday. woke up late, didnt do what i told myself to do, and ended up being unfocused until finally 5th hour in pe, where i played football and was surrounded by other energetic guys. thats what finally woke me up. really boring morning today. tomorrows finals. i really need to just stop thinking and worrying so much about what i should do, and going over every piece of information, and instead this time just focus on two things...

clearing my mind of everything but the present, and making the present as interesting and crazy and fun as possible. then at least i'll be focused for finals, cuz thats really important.

i should probably be studying right now anyway..

saturos, sometimes i have to run to the bus stop when i'm late (its like a half mile) that always wakes me up... maybe i'll try jogging over there tomorrow..

from this failure i shall learn.... and know thy consequences of not heeding this advice...