Been a weird 3 weeks since I posted this. I've been really busy as I'm working, working out and now enrolled in Computer Science online courses, so I've had little free time. She has been picking up extra shifts because she is going on 3 vacations in the next 3 months so she is trying to bank as much OT as possible. Texted her typically once every 2 or 3 days, almost always initiated by her...
Late last week I get the "I miss u"
text from her and she says she wants to see me. I tell her that's cool and to let me know when she is available. She texts me a few days later and says she has some time Thursday but has to work that night, so we make plans. Basically grabbed a quick bite, and then hung out in the back of her SUV and made out, talked, etc...no sex, but I wasn't really expecting any due to time constraints(only had a few hours, I got off work late).
So she texts me about an hour after we left and says:
"Thank you BITG, I enjoyed seeing you and hope we can do it again soon."
Didn't respond and then texts me again about 20 minutes later:
"Sorry it's been a while. I'm happy with the way things are hope you are too!"
WTF does this even mean? Its so ambiguous...it could either mean she was happy to see me again and wants things to continue as they have been(ie, us meeting and fvcking most of the time), or it could mean she is happy with how things are now seeing me every 3 weeks and not having sex with me. Or it could be in response to the whole "exclusivity" thing from 3 weeks ago, ie, she wants to continue dating and fvcking but not be exclusive, which is perfectly fine with me.
My initial thought was to send a response in the morning to the first text saying I enjoyed spending time with her, blah blah blah...and to ignore the second text unless she brings it up again.