More money women make, less likely to commit?


Feb 13, 2017
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Wow, these stories seem to be popping up more and more online...about women with earning potential that drives them not to commit to relationships or marriage.

This post was found on Askmen...

I am a female who is progressing in her career. After a job after college with mediocre salary I am now earning a decent salary, which will go up every year.

Ever since, I have been questioning marriage and commitment.

It's almost like my self-confidence and opportunities are opening up in life, and I'm thinking, why choose marriage? Why not just support myself and have men on the side whose company I enjoy and sex, minus all the financial entanglements.

I'm 27 and should be starting to settle down, but feel like...why should I?

Is this what happens when women start to earn more?

This is a woman admitting to a Red pill situation, yes? I dunno, but this sounds like something a man would admit to as well. So it seems women can be on the same page as Red Pilled men, yes?

Some of the following replies on that thread:

Sure, you can have ONS, but eventually that will become pretty dull when you realise that noone wants to hang around once they are done having sex with you.

Also, this is a commonly said quote:

For all the people I have sat with as they died, not one has ever said they wished they spent more time on work.

So true, yet, someone sees value in constantly striving to working 80 to 100 per week, yet...still desire dating and companionship (cake and eat it too)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 23, 2007
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Wow, these stories seem to be popping up more and more online...about women with earning potential that drives them not to commit to relationships or marriage.

This post was found on Askmen...

I am a female who is progressing in her career. After a job after college with mediocre salary I am now earning a decent salary, which will go up every year.

Ever since, I have been questioning marriage and commitment.

It's almost like my self-confidence and opportunities are opening up in life, and I'm thinking, why choose marriage? Why not just support myself and have men on the side whose company I enjoy and sex, minus all the financial entanglements.

I'm 27 and should be starting to settle down, but feel like...why should I?

Is this what happens when women start to earn more?

This is a woman admitting to a Red pill situation, yes? I dunno, but this sounds like something a man would admit to as well. So it seems women can be on the same page as Red Pilled men, yes?

Some of the following replies on that thread:

Sure, you can have ONS, but eventually that will become pretty dull when you realise that noone wants to hang around once they are done having sex with you.

Also, this is a commonly said quote:

For all the people I have sat with as they died, not one has ever said they wished they spent more time on work.

So true, yet, someone sees value in constantly striving to working 80 to 100 per week, yet...still desire dating and companionship (cake and eat it too)
There is nothing wrong with her perspective and like you said, it is the same mindset that many DJs/alphas have. The problem for her is women generally don't age as gracefully as men ... if she changes her mind later in life about wanting commitment and realizes men no longer want her, then it will be her own choices that led her to miss the train.


Jun 23, 2014
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There's a lot of MONEY threads on the board lately......I love it :D


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
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Right behind you
There's a lot of MONEY threads on the board lately......I love it :D
Simply because of Urbanyst. Such an ignorant man. I knew straight away from the day he joined that he would be destructive towards the information being spread around here just by how he argued in a small debate. Guy has the mindset of an 8 or 9 year old in a 30 year old body. Disgusting. He might have Asperger's or something though so I shouldn't bash him too hard.


Master Don Juan
Jul 21, 2015
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One woman I'm dating earns over 100k. SHe has a beautiful house that is paid for. Drives a luxury car that is paid for. She is up to her armpits in money.

She is trying to lock me down. I display the alpha traits that she desires. She cooks for me and will bend over backwards to do things for me. I do alright financially but she does better.

I think my earning power might mean a bit. I'm not a broke ass, but she wants an alpha.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
Simply because of Urbanyst. Such an ignorant man. I knew straight away from the day he joined that he would be destructive towards the information being spread around here just by how he argued in a small debate. Guy has the mindset of an 8 or 9 year old in a 30 year old body. Disgusting. He might have Asperger's or something though so I shouldn't bash him too hard.
Sir The Urbanyst is a very smart man lol.

Money and Looks are two vital attraction traits for men, not just in terms of attracting women but in terms of just moving ahead in the world. People with good looks and money get more "favor".

The Manosphere puts a lot of information out there in relation to "game" and personality, but very rarely is a lot of information spread on how to build wealth and how to build a nice body. It's time we start to spread this information.


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
Sir The Urbanyst is a very smart man lol.

Money and Looks are two vital attraction traits for men, not just in terms of attracting women but in terms of just moving ahead in the world. People with good looks and money get more "favor".

The Manosphere puts a lot of information out there in relation to "game" and personality, but very rarely is a lot of information spread on how to build wealth and how to build a nice body. It's time we start to spread this information.
Money = life.
Looks = social standing.

That is how it works. We should not 'spread' this information around as that is not the purpose of this forum, nor can we do it nearly as well as other places if we tried.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
There's a lot of MONEY threads on the board lately......I love it :D
I think its because of me.

Once I said MONEY is one of the most important factors in life, loads of guys started sh*tting their pants as if that was new information lol.


Jan 28, 2017
Reaction score
The City
Simply because of Urbanyst. Such an ignorant man. I knew straight away from the day he joined that he would be destructive towards the information being spread around here just by how he argued in a small debate. Guy has the mindset of an 8 or 9 year old in a 30 year old body. Disgusting. He might have Asperger's or something though so I shouldn't bash him too hard.
Take some anger management classes. If you can afford it.

Those cost MONEY too.


New Member
May 1, 2017
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3 warning signs
has daddy issue
needs saved
fighting ex over money and child support


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
It's because women rarely tell the truth when it comes to what they really go for. From my facebook group where women shared tinder convos, the thing that was brought up was always career, height, and looks...and sometimes penis size.

You don't have to be a millionaire. You just have to earn enough to be able to raise a family for women to take you seriously in an LTR. That's not like asking you to climb Mt. Everest. It's a pre-requisite for a full grown man to go to college, get an education, work out, and thrive in his career.
This is true. But some people on this site believe what you said is not exciting or "mind blowing" enough.

These guys don't want to be told they need any kind of worldly success to have abundance. They want to be told they can work as a Pizza delivery guy and have HOT women lined up outside of their mothers basement to sleep with them because their "game" is so tight.


Jun 23, 2014
Reaction score
This is true. But some people on this site believe what you said is not exciting or "mind blowing" enough.

These guys don't want to be told they need any kind of worldly success to have abundance. They want to be told they can work as a Pizza delivery guy and have HOT women lined up outside of their mothers basement to sleep with them because their "game" is so tight.
Lol correct! That's why those PUAs sell their books and bootcamps based on that shyt. Telling these guys they can be fat, lazy, and broke because money nor looks matter....just follow my neg hits, NLP programming techniques, and "kino"...and you'll be fvcking Halle Berrys all year long :rofl:


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
You don't have to be a millionaire. You just have to earn enough to be able to raise a family for women to take you seriously in an LTR. That's not like asking you to climb Mt. Everest.
Why should the man care if the woman takes him 'seriously'? Same woman has slept with guys in college for free. Same woman wouldn't be in a LTR if it wasn't for societal expectations. Same woman wouldn't care if man was dead or alive once she gets a baby from him. Same woman would use the best lawyers, police agencies and courts to destroy the man if she knew she could get money out of him.

This isn't 1950s. If woman want equality, to enter the workforce, want to be paid the same, want to have sex before marriage, you can't expect the man to earn enough to 'take care of her'. Man has to earn enough because HE wants to. She only comes along for the RIDE.

It's a pre-requisite for a full grown man to go to college, get an education, work out, and thrive in his career.
Ideally this is what the powers that be want so you can't challenge status quo or threaten their leadership/money. Man has to do whatever is best for him.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
This is a woman admitting to a Red pill situation, yes? I dunno, but this sounds like something a man would admit to as well. So it seems women can be on the same page as Red Pilled men, yes?
No. Not a red pill situation. Her statement is simply from a typical woman's solipsistic point of view. Two of the reasons why she says she's less likely to commit is:

1) Her earning is going up so she feels she doesn't need a man to provide financial security to her anymore.

2) Most of the men she meets or surrounded by don't really match her earning potential or perceived status.

3) Finally, she feels like the world is finally in the palm of her hands and she can have her "slvt" phase. It's right here in her post when she says "It's almost like my self-confidence and opportunities are opening up in life, and I'm thinking, why choose marriage? Why not just support myself and have men on the side whose company I enjoy and sex".


Feb 13, 2017
Reaction score
There is nothing wrong with her perspective and like you said, it is the same mindset that many DJs/alphas have. The problem for her is women generally don't age as gracefully as men ... if she changes her mind later in life about wanting commitment and realizes men no longer want her, then it will be her own choices that led her to miss the train.
No. Not a red pill situation. Her statement is simply from a typical woman's solipsistic point of view. Two of the reasons why she says she's less likely to commit is:

1) Her earning is going up so she feels she doesn't need a man to provide financial security to her anymore.

2) Most of the men she meets or surrounded by don't really match her earning potential or perceived status.

3) Finally, she feels like the world is finally in the palm of her hands and she can have her "slvt" phase. It's right here in her post when she says "It's almost like my self-confidence and opportunities are opening up in life, and I'm thinking, why choose marriage? Why not just support myself and have men on the side whose company I enjoy and sex".
So you're saying women are becoming what men have always been?


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2015
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I make a six figure income and have year in & year out for more than 20 years. I own businesses. I'm all about sleeping in and working smart rather than hard.

I'm a woman. I support my children & my ex husband. My story is elsewhere on SS so no need to re-hash, but the issue for someone like me is indeed finding someone who I can respect, defer to, and learn from.

Will I ever re-marry? I seriously doubt it. Why? I have 3 kids to provide for and I don't dare get legally entangled with some guy where a split might reduce my assets and ability to fund my children's future, my retirement, and my ex husband's retirement (which I will fund).

I'm generally not going to pay any attention to someone who I out earn because I think I KNOW more than they do by virtue of results in life. I might enjoy them, encourage them, etc., but get married? Highly unlikely. Too much financial risk to me there. And I'm not going to be a sugar mama. I already have 3 children & an ex to support.

It's true what @da dynamically says. Men I will consider dating are professionals or businessmen. High powered attorneys, an artist, entertainment professionals & businessmen, oil men, doctors. The circles I move in are full of these types of people.

I'm fortunate in the looks department, but I'm not trying to meet 30 year olds either. Lots of younger men approach me but I prefer someone around my age or a little older. I find men are pleasantly surprised when they discover I'm considerably older than people assume...because it means they found someone alluring who has similar life experience and cultural references.

Men always laugh that women hit the wall. Guess what? Men eventually hit it too. I know plenty of men who kind of freak out at 50. We all age. We all may as well do the best we can and take good care of ourselves so we are healthy & fit as we age. But yup, your youth & vigor is going to fade eventually.

I really enjoy a great group of friends, so I can socialize when I want, have a quiet night in when I want, sleep late when I want & about 60% of the time do what I want.

So yes, financial success changes the playing field for women. For me since I'm older & done with child bearing it's still a different animal than a woman who hasn't yet had children. My kids will get both my genetics and my knowledge, which hopefully will be useful to them as they grow up. I can afford to be very selective. So I am. But I have good friends because I am a good friend.

I'm also a feminine woman who appreciates a great man. Why settle? I can afford to vet people and learn who they are. So I do.


Jan 28, 2017
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The City
It's more like the men around her appear less dominant so she has a harder time feeling any attraction for them.

My degree is information technology but my first career was marketing/sales. The company I worked for was like a pyramid scheme where the top guy was your typical alpha ruthless 6'4 handsome guy with zero emotions. His yearly bonus was over a million dollars. He could get any girl he wanted. Even women who talked smack about him supplicated to him whenever he was around.

This was when I learned the intoxicating reality of being more dominant than a woman. I was a team leader and had 3 women on my team. I was their guru and confidant. I could have done whatever I wanted to them (not saying I didn't) they supplicated to me like I was God and it gave me a sense of entitlement. I wasn't just high status to the women in my team, I was also high status to any woman who wasn't a team leader. The women treated me like I was some kind of celeb. I would smile and it would give them meaning in life.

However, because my company was a pyramid scheme, the women below me eventually had their own teams. And they treated the male members like total sh1t no matter how good looking they were. Even if the guy was better looking or taller than me, he had no chance in hell to usurp me because of my status in comparison to him.

So from one perspective, women are b1tchy, independent, non comittal, and masculine. But from another perspsective (the god frame) women are supplicating, submissive, giddy 5 year old little girls.

It all depends on where you are at on the totem pole. Women are designed to only be attracted to higher status males. Some may call it evolutionary theory. But I saw it play out. Status supersedes even looks. Looks just indicate to women you might be high status. But being high status makes you the real deal.
Its amazing men on a site like this don't understand how important status is. Women are opportunists and followers.

When is the last time you met a woman who thinks for herself? Most women either follow the status quo, follow what their friends tell them or follow whomever they perceive to be stronger, better, more powerful or more dominant than themselves.

They sh*t test when they doubt your position in relation to themselves.

If these guys think we are being superficial, just wait until they get a dose of reality and realize just how fickle women really are. At the end of the day, the only person who will have your back is in Benjamin Franklin.
I agree. Money is the only reliable thing in modern life.
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