More IOI's from younger women while in your 30's than when you were in your 20's


New Member
Jul 8, 2014
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New Jersey
That's right, I don't think it is my imagination.

So, if you are a guy still in your 20's and not getting the female attention from women your age or just a few years younger, it gets BETTER!

I am 37, and get more looks from girls 10-15 years younger than I did 10+ years ago.

I also know plenty of couples where the man is late 30's and they have girlfriends early to mid 20's (it is a lot more common than you think)

Men have to realize, women are not as attracted to YOUTH AND BEAUTY as much as men are. While women do like attractive looking men (I'll get to this in a little bit) they are more attracted to confidence, maturity, social status, dominance, money, etc.

However, since I did not say "looks do not matter" to women, if you want to attract much younger women while in your 30's, you must have these three PHYSICAL things.

1.) You have to be in very good physical shape. I eat right and workout like an animal 5X a week. You don't have to get huge at all, just get that lean and mean look and do not look like you have any hint of a gut.

2.) Hair. Have a full head of hair. If you do not, either shave it all off or go get a hair transplant. Comb Over look HORRIBLE and a receding hairline makes and other forms of baldness make you look 10 years older.

3.) Teeth: If you have crooked, stained, or chipped teeth for God's sakes go see an orthodontist or cosmetic dentist.

So there you go, you should automatically have more wisdom, confidence, maturity, assertiveness in your 30's. Top that off with Physical fitness, good hair (or chrome dome) and good teeth, your 30's should be better than your 20's.

Now, can anybody tell me how the 40's are?


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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I was getting good looks from women until I hit about 35. I remember at that age I was walking around a park once and some teenage girl biked past me and gave me a "omg you're so dreamy" look and, as she went by, she made an audible sigh.

That was about the last hot look I got from a young woman LOL!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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notgoinganywhere14 said:
Men have to realize, women are not as attracted to YOUTH AND BEAUTY as much as men are.
I think it's difficult for most men to wrap their head around (and I include myself here) just how much what women are attracted to is very much the OPPOSITE of what we as men are.

notgoinganywhere14 said:
Now, can anybody tell me how the 40's are?
Honestly, I didn't notice much difference between the 30s and 40s. In fact, I would say that I am only now finally on the real decline. Which is not to say things are bad, but I am beginning to see now that many younger girls are starting to look past me as too old at 53. Not all, but many - and I won't say that they couldn't be won over :) But the tradeoff is that there are all these women in their 30s and 40s who are still well within my wheelhouse, and I'm feeling a lot of warmth from other women my age as well, some of whom look surprisingly good to me. Some not.


Don Juan
Sep 20, 2010
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Good to hear. Missed out on my teens and 20s because of introversion and lack of confidence. Still very much attracted to younger women.

I am now 27 so I certainly hope this is true.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2014
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im 30, so far the women I have dated since getting out of a long LTR have been aged 24, 25, 28


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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Desdinova said:
Never mind looks and IOIs. I'm getting dates with those women.
Yeah exactly. Just cause a chick doesn't think I'm dreamy doesn't mean she won't go out with me. Women are funny that way.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
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I have to concur. This age is PRIME for us.

It was pretty shocking at times when I first started to notice as I was thinking there's no way this could be possible, why now?

I was a late bloomer in the looks department and I didn't look mature enough to get women's attention, now it's the full range from teenagers to cougars.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
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G_Govan said:
I have to concur. This age is PRIME for us.

It was pretty shocking at times when I first started to notice as I was thinking there's no way this could be possible, why now?

I was a late bloomer in the looks department and I didn't look mature enough to get women's attention, now it's the full range from teenagers to cougars.
Same here. Trying to adopt the mindset that I can have what I want instead of wondering why it's happening.


Master Don Juan
Jan 9, 2004
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samspade said:
These are the factors for me:

- Experience - just knowing how to talk to women helps a lot, and that comes with experience. Which ties into...

- Confidence - you just have more of it because you've had plenty of wins and losses and know who you are. I've been told by younger women that I have powerful "eye contact" - I guess meaning I don't look away or down very often.

- Maturity - an older guy is less likely to "kiss and tell," cause drama, or be needy.

- Career direction and ambition, of course are more defined.

I'm 38 and I've been enjoying the physical delights of a 21 year old the past couple of weeks. :cool:
Seems Mr. Tomassi was bang on with his SMV charts :rockon:


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
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New Jersey
Let's see,

At age 28 I was: 5'8, 230 lbs, shaved head, goatee, terrible fashion sense.
Age age 33: 160 lbs, full head of salt and pepper, clean shaved face, great fashion sense.

Of course the deviation is going to be enormous. At 33 I can easily pass as a 27 year old with the confidence of someone much older. At 28 I looked like crap and slumped my shoulders.

But more than anything, at this age I don't care what people think of me as I walk around. My confidence level is much different than it was. I see the world as a much bigger place and at the same time, I stopped trying to cater to everyone else's whims and needs so it's more about me and it shows.

I get IOI's all the time now.

And it's funny because I used to practically wish a 5 would even look at me and now I have the option of ignoring women or even turning them down. This is what drives me nuts about men who post about how they feel it's all going to get worse if they aren't married or in a serious relationship by age 30. Brother, life begins at 30. Anything before that was just the rough draft to the essay about your life.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 15, 2014
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Kailex said:
Let's see,

At age 28 I was: 5'8, 230 lbs, shaved head, goatee, terrible fashion sense.
Age age 33: 160 lbs, full head of salt and pepper, clean shaved face, great fashion sense.

Of course the deviation is going to be enormous. At 33 I can easily pass as a 27 year old with the confidence of someone much older. At 28 I looked like crap and slumped my shoulders.

But more than anything, at this age I don't care what people think of me as I walk around. My confidence level is much different than it was. I see the world as a much bigger place and at the same time, I stopped trying to cater to everyone else's whims and needs so it's more about me and it shows.

I get IOI's all the time now.

And it's funny because I used to practically wish a 5 would even look at me and now I have the option of ignoring women or even turning them down. This is what drives me nuts about men who post about how they feel it's all going to get worse if they aren't married or in a serious relationship by age 30. Brother, life begins at 30. Anything before that was just the rough draft to the essay about your life.
Inspirational words. I got depressed when I broke up with my longest LTR at 23 and thought that was it. But at 29, I got a handy from an 18 year old. At 32, I got with a model-quality 19 year old (albeit for 2 excruciating years). Even now sometimes I tell myself "that was it -- it's over now" but it's good to hear it isn't so.

I think now that I've learned not to let a woman be the basis of my ego/confidence, I will start to do better.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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I'm 40; I get approached quite often, usually by women ten years or so my junior. Though, I'm the exception to the rule, 6'1, 195 lbs, 8% bodyfat, which is hard to attain/maintain at 40.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
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New York City
Currently at the age of 31, I'm pulling in hot girls as young as 19 and lately been with girls no older than 23. Easy as cake for me to pull young girls.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
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The girl I was dating until recently was 20 when we met, I was 33. It was effortless on my part.


Master Don Juan
Sep 20, 2007
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At 40, I've come to the realization that age holds little relevance in defining one's sexual market value; how well you take care of your hair, skin, and physique are telltale signs of your true age and SMV.