Okay, so for those of you who followed this thread, the example girl has just left my room (2am local time

) . So much for "having a boyfriend!" We chatted for about 45 mins following the gig she came to and then made out a fair bit, but didn't get any further because her friends kept calling her and she wanted to go to a party. I found it very interesting that she didn't mention her boyfriend ONCE. She said that she liked me and "would do things differently under different circumstances," yet made out enthusiastically (and pretty damn well if I might say so!

) Going by the old adage on this site that "you should judge girls by what they do rather than what they say," I conclude that:
1) This girl would definitely sleep with me if she was drunk enough and I was more pushy. She strikes me as probably too inexperienced to just give it up immediately without any alcohol. I don't think my own lack of experience at dealing with LMR helped matters.
2) Relating this one example to the broader issue of dealing with "taken" girls, I am now fully in agreement with the "shamelessly hit on them if the opportunity presents itself" category. Huffman destroys my prior moral objections more concisely than I ever could: "A woman is not some helpless being who can't resist you. If she has sex with you and has a BF then she didn't mind it happening! In this western world and age, it is her call, and her fault."
3) This evening also reinforced some of the other posts on here along the lines of "a make out means absolutely nothing to most girls these days." This is a pretty mindblowing realisation for a guy who, having only had my first kiss last March, used to think that making out with a girl pretty much automatically made her your gf. That's AFC maxim #17 out the window then ^^ .
We'll see how far I get with this girl in the remaining 6 months I'm in Europe. In the meantime, I have another girl (club makeout from Wednesday

texting me constantly about meeting up for drinks on Monday.

Abundance mentality FTW!