Morals, and how to get away from them?


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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My morals are strong...I can't help it. Blame parents, religion, and society.

Here is how it works for me:
Date, as in HANG OUT, with many girls to find out more about them, get closer to them, make out with them. NOT f*ck them. If I do f*ck them, I would either feel slutty or have to be in a relationship.

Once I date those girls, I pick ONE that I like most and try to f*ck her and get in a relationship.

SAME applies to girls.

If I know she is screwing another guy casually or while dating, then I will IMMEDIATELY lose spark, respect, and etc.

Western societies are looser regarding this. It DOES bother me morally.

Should I stick my rules to find someone I TRULY like or just sluttinize myself? I would feel bad then...about myself. That would be DISimprovement.

What do I do?

P.S Side have a good date, do you ask a girl on the second/third date during/after the date? Or do you just say "Bye" and then call her like 3-4 days later? I often find that....I need to wait like a week until I want to see them again...I don't know why. Same applies to them.


New Member
Oct 19, 2006
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any way you're happy. if you can get a HB and **** her while in a relationship, then so be it. but relationships end up ****ing everything up.


Don Juan
Nov 20, 2005
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The best thing to do is follow your morals. You'll feel like **** if you don't. You can't really force yourself to change your morals, and if you could that begs the question why do you want to? Sure you want to be more successful with women but what drives that? I think a lot of people around these parts could do with a little different perspective sometimes rather than more knotches on their belt.


Don Juan
Oct 3, 2006
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Strong morals are a sign of a strong sense of self. Be yourself unconditionally.
Don't change yourself for anyone.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2001
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Being a closet philosopher and a student who's tired of attending philosophy courses for a better grade, I don't think what you've described is morality.

Babnik said:
If I know she is screwing another guy casually or while dating, then I will IMMEDIATELY lose spark, respect, and etc.
I'm a one-girl guy who only desires lengthy involvement with one-guy girls. One of my best friends constantly tells me that the solution is to simply not get attached. Of course, he's an adult entertainment executive, so that's a different ballgame...

Read my article. I think I've suggested that before, but now I'm telling you. Take my advice and apply yourself. Find your own path. Don't concern yourself with what others are doing unless what they're doing directly affects you. You don't have to sleep around to be successful with women. You simply have to redefine what success means to you.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Babnik said:
My morals are strong...I can't help it. Blame parents, religion, and society....
“Morality is the herd-instinct in the individual.” --Nietzsche


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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Babnik said:
My morals are strong...I can't help it. Blame parents, religion, and society.

What do I do?

P.S Side have a good date, do you ask a girl on the second/third date during/after the date? Or do you just say "Bye" and then call her like 3-4 days later? I often find that....I need to wait like a week until I want to see them again...I don't know why. Same applies to them.
Sir, I think you want to change at some level or you wouldn't have posted this. I am not saying I think you'd be better off as a self-centered jerk, but all other things being equal I feel you might be happier if you didn't care so much what other people thought of you. It's really a personal decision.

I think maybe the answer is to ask yourself if these society induced "morality rules' are reasonable, or perhaps, where they once created by the powerful to help disempower the poor. If they are all following these 'rules', then they are basically handicapped in terms of reproductive potential. So then the few powerful men not following the rules perceive it to be all the easier.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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But here is the PROBLEM.

Girls LIE! She could be screwing 2 other guys, and me too, and then in the end select ME over other guys! I wouldn't KNOW she is screwing other guys!

See, so SHE would not be moral but at the same time a great CATCH (personality, looks, attitude, etc) and yet if I find out about her other guys - bye bye.

Thing can't know, then how can you assume she is not slutty like that?


Master Don Juan
Nov 26, 2005
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Babnik said:
Girls LIE!
No. Humans lie. Gender is irrelevent.

I don't want to go into anything deeply here, I could be off base, but i'm sensing some security issues (or lack of I should say).

Could this, if that, maybe this, all those words will get you nowhere. Work with what is substantial, not what might be happening. Positive frame of mind 100% of the time. The moment you stick yourself in a negative frame of mind before anything has happened, you have lost. Game over.
May 23, 2006
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You do what I do.

Set a month or two aside and go on adult internet personals as a 'moral break'. Dont meet anyone necessarily from on there, but just look at some of the woman's sexual fantasies on there, and send a few emails out where you are casually propositioning anyone.

I do this for moral contrast. Before I went on, I found out a girl I had a crush on was with another guy, and although she promised to kiss me or spend a day wtih me, I couldn't pursue it as I felt heart-broken about it. Now I lack experience and in one sence should have taken it anyway as she had looks that were fine.

What did I end up doing. Went and put up a bunch of adult online personal ads. Goes as far as husbands asking me to lose my virginity on their wives. Really sick stuff that makes what I got heart-broken about look like child's play. But I'm not taking any of it seriously though.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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KillaCam said:
No. Humans lie. Gender is irrelevent.

I don't want to go into anything deeply here, I could be off base, but i'm sensing some security issues (or lack of I should say).

Could this, if that, maybe this, all those words will get you nowhere. Work with what is substantial, not what might be happening. Positive frame of mind 100% of the time. The moment you stick yourself in a negative frame of mind before anything has happened, you have lost. Game over.
I guess you are right. It seems I care for what GIRLS may be doing so I can justify what I am doing. While in fact, I should stay to what I am and want REGARDLESS of what they do and want.