I was thinking about what STR8UP said in the past: that cheating on a girl will often INCREASE her interest towards you - even though you are showing lack of character by cheating, you are showing that you are sexually attractive and have options.
Then I read this thread on sosuave - http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=164976 where convicted murderers have girls sending them love letters.
Then there is the famous Oscar Wilde quote: 'The husbands of very beautiful women often belong to the criminal classes.'
So is it true that a moral man is *unsexy* and an immoral man is sexy?
I believe it is more like this: girls place a higher priority on dominance/masculinity than morality. So given a choice, she will choose the immoral bad boy over the moral AFC.
But if given the choice between two guys both of whom are powerful and masculine, but one has class and character, while the other man lacks it, the girl will choose the former.
So the Good Guy (who has both masculinity AND morals) will beat out the Bad Boy
If a guy lacks character, a girl may even date him, she may sleep with him, but she will *never* respect him.
Then I found this article which really hit home
Here is the great desire of most women: to have the love of a good man.
It's not just any man they want to love them, but a Good one. That's with a capital 'G' for a reason. In fact, she will only be happy if the man is at least a little better than her in some spiritual way. A woman is attracted to a man who has a bit more moral fiber than her. She doesn't want him too, too aware of it. Most women want a man who could qualify as a moral guide and shepherd - at least in life's rough moments. Better if no one talks as if it's true, especially not him. Every woman has her pride. But a man who can also be a spiritual inspiration is ultimately an indispensable for Woman.
The greatest disappointment a man can give a woman is a lapse in his character. She will more easily forgive a lapse of his affections than she will a lapse in character. She needs to be able to respect him well. Indeed, somewhere inside of woman there is a place where she wants to feel, relative to her man, a bit like the child she once was.
A woman wants to find the pure, blissful feelings she once felt with her own father. Don't listen to her if she doesn't remember such moments with her father. Every little girl has at least a few of these moments with a loved male superior. Even if it was one time back when she was three, she may spend eternity trying to find that state again with 'father.'
In that moment, father was like a God. He was perfect. In that moment he is all good, and loves his little girl as if she is the center of the universe. His attention is all on her. Everything she does is wonderful. He seems to be in bliss, because of her own inherent bliss. And this gives her an ever finer bliss. And she will spend her life trying to find it again with another man who can fit the shoes of that father. And of course in those moments, father was better than her in important ways. Father was like a God. He had no flaws. He was all good. This was what a young girl once feels about Dad - even if for a few scattered moments. Thus the man a woman seeks must be a *good man.* Thus she secretly wants to feel that he has something high about him, something mysterious and hard to reach; some kind of mystic purity, an unassailable power. She will want him to love her the way Daddy did. That was a pure love, and after that, what else can really do?
So it all boils down to the search for the love of a Good man.
All of us here on the mature man forum are working on developing our masculinity (i.e take charge attitude, developing ambition, etc), we are all working on our *game* (i.e. how to talk to girls, Prize mentality, etc) but to truly be a *man* - we must develop our character as well.
Then I read this thread on sosuave - http://www.sosuave.net/forum/showthread.php?t=164976 where convicted murderers have girls sending them love letters.
Then there is the famous Oscar Wilde quote: 'The husbands of very beautiful women often belong to the criminal classes.'
So is it true that a moral man is *unsexy* and an immoral man is sexy?
I believe it is more like this: girls place a higher priority on dominance/masculinity than morality. So given a choice, she will choose the immoral bad boy over the moral AFC.
But if given the choice between two guys both of whom are powerful and masculine, but one has class and character, while the other man lacks it, the girl will choose the former.
So the Good Guy (who has both masculinity AND morals) will beat out the Bad Boy
If a guy lacks character, a girl may even date him, she may sleep with him, but she will *never* respect him.
Then I found this article which really hit home
Here is the great desire of most women: to have the love of a good man.
It's not just any man they want to love them, but a Good one. That's with a capital 'G' for a reason. In fact, she will only be happy if the man is at least a little better than her in some spiritual way. A woman is attracted to a man who has a bit more moral fiber than her. She doesn't want him too, too aware of it. Most women want a man who could qualify as a moral guide and shepherd - at least in life's rough moments. Better if no one talks as if it's true, especially not him. Every woman has her pride. But a man who can also be a spiritual inspiration is ultimately an indispensable for Woman.
The greatest disappointment a man can give a woman is a lapse in his character. She will more easily forgive a lapse of his affections than she will a lapse in character. She needs to be able to respect him well. Indeed, somewhere inside of woman there is a place where she wants to feel, relative to her man, a bit like the child she once was.
A woman wants to find the pure, blissful feelings she once felt with her own father. Don't listen to her if she doesn't remember such moments with her father. Every little girl has at least a few of these moments with a loved male superior. Even if it was one time back when she was three, she may spend eternity trying to find that state again with 'father.'
In that moment, father was like a God. He was perfect. In that moment he is all good, and loves his little girl as if she is the center of the universe. His attention is all on her. Everything she does is wonderful. He seems to be in bliss, because of her own inherent bliss. And this gives her an ever finer bliss. And she will spend her life trying to find it again with another man who can fit the shoes of that father. And of course in those moments, father was better than her in important ways. Father was like a God. He had no flaws. He was all good. This was what a young girl once feels about Dad - even if for a few scattered moments. Thus the man a woman seeks must be a *good man.* Thus she secretly wants to feel that he has something high about him, something mysterious and hard to reach; some kind of mystic purity, an unassailable power. She will want him to love her the way Daddy did. That was a pure love, and after that, what else can really do?
So it all boils down to the search for the love of a Good man.
All of us here on the mature man forum are working on developing our masculinity (i.e take charge attitude, developing ambition, etc), we are all working on our *game* (i.e. how to talk to girls, Prize mentality, etc) but to truly be a *man* - we must develop our character as well.