money or pac


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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I dunno really. I want pacman to win because mayweather is a douche bag...but I dunno.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I'd say Mayweather by controversial decision. He has mastered the boxing point-scoring system, which basically awards whoever touches the other guy the most, even if the punches do zero damage. I would guess after they are done, Mayweather will be bleeding more, and would have obviously lost the fight if it had been on the street, but he will prevail on points.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
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MidnightCity said:
especially since its huge comeback over tthis year but who knows, plenty of big fights have been fixed before, why not this one.
^ This! MW will Lose, but still make a killing on this one esp the rematch in which he will WIN! Easy peasy...:box:


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Pac has to hurt Floyd early on, but not by being reckless. He has to chose his shots carefully and do some real damage right away.

It takes Floyd maybe two rounds to fully figure out his opponent and adjust. Once he makes those corrections, it's all over for Pac.

Pac could win, but the first two rounds (especially the first round) are critical. It's not enough to land shots on Floyd early on. He needs to land some hard, effective shots early on.


Jun 23, 2014
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I'm starting to think boxing is fixed in some ways as well. But with that being said, I have no idea who will win this one but I can almost ASSURE you there will be most likely two more matches after this one. The match draws way too much money for them not to stretch it out to a Money v.s. Pac III. So with that being said, I think for the first two matches they will go 1 and 1, then do the third match to finalize it.


Apr 21, 2015
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All I'm going to say at this point is people are going to be in shock and awe at how easy Mayweather destroys Pacquiao.

Manny most likely won't make it past the sixth. It's going to look like Mayweather vs. Gatti with either Manny being stopped or even KO'd by then.

Mayweather literally has every advantage over Pacquaio. Manny only has age.

Manny who's "rise" has been a scam created by Bob Arum whom controls his fighters and uses money and promotion etc. to force matches set up in which every advantage goes to Manny in order for them to get the most money that Arum steals from Pacquiao while promoting themselves as the ones to "beat" Mayweather because Arum is enraged that Floyd left him years ago and became rich on his own while Arum STILL owes him money.

Floyd has seen literally EVERY style.

Floyd not only dominated Marquez 12 rounds to zero whom it took Pacquaio four fights to "prove" he was better but got KTFO in the last fight.

Pacquaio has made countless excuses to take a simple blood test BOTH of them would take to prove they aren't using anything illegal.

Pacquaio was promoting his own "blood tests" but skipping out on them after the heat and suspicion grew too much off his excuses and refusal to take USADA testing but making his opponents take them so he could have his "advantage" while pretending he was "clean".

Pacquaio is also shown on video previously using illegal wraps and is seriously suspect of using them vs. Cotto and Margarito. (He could get away with it at the time as the fights were specifically under Top Rank and Bob Arum wanted to create Manny as the "one" to beat Mayweather.)

Pac also was pulling up lighter weight fighters to welter for their first time to face him instead of fighting true welters all under Arums control instead of facing true welters.

Now that Manny finally HAD to sign as he's got MAJOR tax issues he HAS to take Olympic Style testing with Floyd forcing him to not use anything illegal.

This fight is going to be ugly with Floyd proving a point to everyone. There will be no rematch. No need for one. Casuals will have conspiracy theories flying after the fight at how easy Floyd destroys Manny.

I've followed boxing for years. Follow the back stories and everything behind the scenes not reported by sports media with an agenda.

Wait until this fight happens and everyone will be wondering why Manny isn't throwing like crazy but is confused as hell and is getting teed off on.

There's a dude on youtube from the U.K. (Wilson Kayden) who made EXCELLENT Breakdown's of this fight. His breakdowns are so good that he literally posted a video and showed Al Haymon promotions found out about him and they sent an email that his channel will be taken down if he continues. He still has the videos up but his knowledge of boxing and showing breakdowns with clips and diagrams must have had a lot of people in the sport angry as hell. Now if Al Haymon Floyd's advisor and HUGE presence in boxing tells you to stop doing what you're doing. Then they know you know what you're talking about and don't want other trainers etc. to see your videos.

I'm telling you now. Floyd is going to beat the sh1t out of Pacquaio. It's all over on Saturday. That whole creation of Pacquaio is going up in smoke. Watch in disbelief.


Apr 21, 2015
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MidnightCity said:
A couple of good points were made but otherwise spoken like a true flomo.

Anyone who thinks mayweather is going to ko pac or the fight won't go the distance doesn't really know what they're talking about. Mayweather will def win convincingly but the fight is def going the full 12

Right. Because facts automatically = "Flomo".

Fight isn't going 12 rounds. Mayweather isn't going to take a chance of getting robbed due to many wanting to see him lose. Manny is now off the juice and was shown years ago and mentioned being on the decline before he became "new and improved".

If a smaller JMM can KO pac. Floyd who is bigger, taller, has a longer reach and literally has every advantage over Pac while they BOTH are taking testing ensuring neither is using anything illegal it's going to either be Manny being stopped or KO'd. Manny's been KO'd a few times already. I don't see this fight going past six rounds. Manny has ZERO defense and can only fight one way. Floyd has seen every style while Manny looks good vs. come forward fighters who use little to no movement or are from lower weight classes he brings up that have low KO ratios in their divisions to begin with.

This is the first time in years since JMM where Floyd is actually bigger than his opponent. Every fighter Floyd's faced has not only been bigger but outweighed him by several pounds.

I'll be right in this thread the day after the fight is over. It's not going 12. It's going to look like Mayweather vs. Gatti. Floyd is going to make a statement to the world.

But if you disagree go to Wilson Kayden's breakdown videos and try to prove your point. The dude has completely broken their styles down with film study, clips, diagrams etc.

Manny ONLY has a one punch chance to catch Mayweather blindly and knock him out. That's never been done. And with Manny off the juice and Mayweather's skill. It's over.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
i would doubt the fight ends in a KO. Floyd while tactical isn't the strongest puncher on earth and pac has a chin made of steel. Floyd isn't a knockout puncher, that's not what he does and he's not going to put himself in a position to where you can counter anything he does


Apr 21, 2015
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MidnightCity said:
All true points, many of which I've made myself months ago in another boxing thread.

The reason in my mind this fight is going the full 12 is because manny is not going to risk getting ko again. He's going to expect straight rights and left hooks all night. You're going to see him swaying side to side and bobbing up and down a LOT and zipping around to use all angles.

Prior to jmm tko him I would agree with you completely but as it is jmm beat mayweather to the punch.

My opinion comes from my ring experience. I don't read boxing forums. Too many blowhards.

Btw I think the pac and DLH fight was rigged as well
Manny has had several rigged fights besides DLH. Clottey was another. Clottey was interviewed in Ghana after the fight and alluded to Arum and Pacquaio being a star and that he (Clottey) was a businessman and he'd never talk about that fight again.

Cotto was rigged against Cotto. Cotto took it for the money. They made Cotto go down to Manny's comfortable weight to fight for Cotto's title, Manny wasn't taking extra testing and I believe Manny was using special wraps ALA Margarito as they wanted to do as much or more damage to Cotto as Margarito did with eventually getting caught vs. Mosely. Cotto after the Pacquaio fight himself said he'd never sacrifice his body to fight Pacquaio again when Pacquiao wanted a rematch in order for Arum to keep Cotto from leaving which wasn't needed.

Margarito I believe had special wraps used against him to do massive damage as "payback" for him cheating and to then promote Pacquaio as beating him savagely. They both fought for a title NEITHER was in contention for to get Pac a title then he ran out of the division when Martinez called him out who was the true holder at the time and got stripped as they needed to open it up to get Manny another title.

Margarito even accused Manny of being on roids.

Now Manny may have knocked down Jr welter Chris Algeri six times in his first fight at welter but the damage was nowhere NEAR what Manny had done to cotto or Margarito who are both bigger and heavier than Algeri. Odd.

Manny has been taking Jr welters up to fight him one after the other Algeri, Rios, Bradley the first time. The first time Bradley came up from lt welter to welter to face pac with his low KO percentage and Pac took VADA testing and even though Pac was already accustomed to welter, Bradley had a low KO percentage and took VADA as well what happened? Manny lost. The second fight Manny didn't take VADA but they made Bradley take it to "prove" he wasn't cheating and Arum himself is on video admitting Pac didn't take extra testing for the rematch. They needed manny back on the juice. Also Arum told the judges to "get it right this time" basically at that point Bradley knew Pac would not be taking testing, Arum the promoter had publically told the judges to "get it right" and knowing he had a low KO percentage had to swing for the fences to hopefully catch Pac and KO him as he wasn't going to get the nod even if he out pointed Pac the entire fight.

Now that this fight isn't in Arum's control and Pac HAS to take full random testing and he cannot take ring size etc advantages, gloves and wraps will be fully inspected and not just under Bob Arum Top rank control, it's going to be a domination.

People like to claim Flloyd has "no power". If this was the case then EVERY fighter especially the bigger opponents like Canelo and Maidana would have simply kept letting Floyd hit them and walking through his punches. If anyone watches Floyd's fights they'll see his opponents stop punching or back off.

This like I've said is Floyd's smallest opponent since JMM. Reach, height, frame is all more than Pac.

Pacquiao had problems with JMM a great counter puncher but now faces the best in the game.

Pacquiao has no defense and CANNOT fight on the inside. Pac will have to try and lunge in as Floyd's reach and height is greater which leaves him open for counters, check hooks etc. Pacquaio also doesn't go to the body. Floyd does. Pacquiao cannot also fight backing up. Floyd can.

I see Floyd figuring out Pac by the second round and then literally walking him down beating him senseless. People are going to be in shock wondering why Pac isn't throwing tons of punches and is confused standing there and or trying to back up. By the sixth I see the fight being stopped or Pacquiao caught with a punch he doesn't see. It's not the power punch that necessarily KO's an opponent. It's the punch that they don't see and aren't prepared for like when JMM knocked Pacquiao out.

Manny's only chance is hitting Floyd with a shot he doesn't see and KOing him. Other than that happening Manny is going to resemble the Gatti fight with Floyd literally embarrassing him in front of the world.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
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neither one will get KO'd.

Money May weather will win based off points. No one in boxing as of yet have figured out how to break his defense.

Mayweather will play it self like he does in all his fights. This is all.


Apr 21, 2015
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Fatal Jay said:
neither one will get KO'd.

Money May weather will win based off points. No one in boxing as of yet have figured out how to break his defense.

Mayweather will play it self like he does in all his fights. This is all.
Boxing is the art of hitting and not being hit. Mayweather has the highest accuracy in the game. So how does that equal "playing it safe"? Should he let opponents punch him in the face all night long?

Manny had to get off the juice. Manny's speed, punch resistance, and stamina will be much less than when he became "new and improved" overnight.

Mayweather isn't going to let it go to the cards. All it takes is one shot that Manny doesn't see coming and it's lights out just like JMM did to him. Mayweather is an even better opponent that Marquez was for Pac and it took four fights for Manny to try and beat JMM convincingly but got himself knocked out for several seconds.

Mayweather is "boring" and "safe" because to the average fight fan they don't understand how Floyd literally breaks fighters down and turns things around no matter what they try.

Manny himself hasn't knocked anyone out since Ricky Hatton years ago. And it was after Floyd knocked out Ricky Hatton when he was undefeated.

Floyd consistently fights bigger opponents who outweigh him fight night which is much more difficult to KO opponents that outweigh you by up to 17 pounds. Manny is his first smaller opponent since he dominated JMM 12 rounds to 0.

Manny has been smoke and mirrors. Pulling up lighter opponents to fight him at his comfortable weight at welter. Making them take extra drug testing while he himself was skipping out on the same tests to have that edge.

Prepare to be disappointed at how easy Mayweather makes Pacquiao look.


Apr 21, 2015
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MidnightCity said:

Plenty of fighters have technically gotten throughly mayweathers defense they just aren't at his level of athletic ability and conditioning not to mention ring intelligence.

I can face a guy and know exactly how to stop him but if he's put in more hours trained harder is naturally gifted with speed and reflexes and conditioned better I don't stand a chance no matter how great a boxer I am in my own right.

DLH janbed the shlt out of MW for over 6 rounds straight , cotto abused him on the ropes, maidana took him to the streets the first time and mosley picked those BOMB right hands perfectly. Not to mention his ass kicking to a man by the name of Jose Luis Castillo who was robbed blind

Stop watching boxing videos naughty ninja and stick to what u know which is pof
Timing beats speed. Try to learn that. If you can time an opponent their speed get's neutralized. That and Floyd will crowd Pacquiao so he can't move fast. Manny's off the juice even LESS speed. It's Mayweathers fault he trains harder than anyone out there? LMAO

DLH got his ass beat. Outweighed Floyd, made Floyd the smaller man wear 10oz gloves, picked a smaller ring, is taller, has a longer reach and STILL lost when ODLH was the king of boxing PPV. ODLH knew he needed all the advantages against Floyd and still lost.

Cotto gave Floyd a good fight and still lost.

Maidana got busted trying to use gloves with no padding, rabbit punched, punched to the back of the head, bit his glove, tried to.knee etc. And still lost.

Jose Luis Castillo was a close fight the first time with one of Floyd's hands hurt before the fight. He wasn't robbed. A robbery is when a fighter blatantly beats another and loses.

Mosely landed a good shot. Floyd ATE it and then WALKED HIM DOWN and beat him easily.

Try watching fights not based on your emotions.

But don't take it from me. Cotto, ODLH, Mosely, JMM and all major opponents have said publically Floyd is most likely the best fighter ever.

Hell Lennox Lewis, Hearns, Malignaggi, trainers etc. are ALL coming out UFC fighters included saying Mayweather is going to win this fight easy.

Watch and see. I'll be right here this Sunday.


Master Don Juan
Nov 5, 2004
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Backbreaker how much money you got on mayweather? I hope not alot, I think alot of people are going to be surprized by this fight. With 50 to 1 odds against pac alot of people will be mad as hell when he wins! Kinda reminds me of the Mike Tyson Buster Douglas fight. Speaking of Mike he said that mayweather was basically a p!ssy...


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2015
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Good 'ol blighty.
Social_Leper said:
Most people who hate Mayweather don't really understand him.

As a business man he is massively under-rated. People think hes actually this arrogant and loud. There’s an element of truth to it, but I honestly believe he knows that all this opulence is just marketing that makes him richer and richer. I think when he finally hangs up his gloves his persona will change.

I agree. I just watched him give an interview with Sky sports over here in Britain after the weigh in today and he come across humble and respectful. Maybe he's a little fearful of Manny. Who knows.

It's definately huge respect amongst both fighters though. This fight will be tough to call.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
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Watching Mayweather's interviews and commercials, the guy is smart. Hes a master manipulator and knows how to make money.

And people fall for it. He knows getting people to dislike him will get people to watch. He had to know that making people wait forever to see this fight would make tons of money too.

The guy just knows how to draw in the big bucks. He may be a douchebag, but he knows how to cash in.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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I got to say this is the most over hyped boxing match ever. It really isn't deserving of being a pay-per-view main event, let alone the biggest ever. Mayweather was never an interesting fighter to watch with no KO power. It's not even a heavyweight fight, but welterweight. These guys are way past their prime.

I don't know how it got turned into $100 PPV and $5000 for a sports bar to where they can't even justify ordering it. That's the problem with boxing nowadays, too much sizzle and not enough steak. Better bouts than this use to be broadcasted on network TV.

Am I the only one that think this fight is overhyped?