ketostix said:
Attraction is arguably not a choice (although I think it is somewhat since the concious mind influence the subconcious), but acting on attraction and interest are. Not all women have exactly the same "attraction mechanism", some fall out of the normal range and are overdriven for things like wealth. One thing, and this my be controversial, is a woman can be interested in a man but not really attracted to him.
Attraction is almost entirely, if not 100% subconscious.
I agree with the "interest vs. attraction" thing to a point. The thing about those kinds of relationships is that to a guy who is clued up they are readily apparent. You just can't fake animalistic attraction.
But you still miss the point.
I have witnessed how this plays out in real life. I went from being an up-and-comer to being the guy who "made it".
And you know the funny thing? I realized that it wasn't the MONEY or even the perception of money that was dropping panties, it was my new attitude, my "swagger", if you will.
Being the psych buff that I am, I was able to decipher this behavior in real time.
After I began to realize that things were changing for me (I was attracting a lot more women) I started to pay attention to the circumstances that surrounded each interaction.
What I noticed was that MOST of these women had NO CLUE where I was at in life when I got their attention. They hadn't seen my cars or my rockstar townhouse. They didn't know that I was the guy that owns the business with the crazy TV commercials. It was only LATER that they discovered these things.
This taught me a valuable lesson. I learned that contrary to popular belief, it isn't the material possessions that create attraction; it is the aura of power and success that you project when you know you "got it" that attracts women. Same as with looks,
the car and fancy pad will get you the audition, but you have to back it up with something else to create the attraction. In my case most of these women saw only what was "backing me up", money was not the primary attractant.
Hooligan Harry said:
Its not deception!
They dont "pretend" to like you because of your money. The fact that you have money means that are attracted to you in most cases. It is a genuine attraction. Its a physical attraction. No different to your washboard abs or high social status that comes from being in a well known band.
Some guys will never understand this. Lack of perspective or ego investment can both be the culprit.
Just like you WILL lose interest when they gain weight, so to will they lose interest when you cannot provide for them. Its not a conscious decision, its based on the superficial. Attraction is superficial. It takes character to stay with people when the attraction you feel for them subsides.
And if you understand Attraction 101 (guys primarily value looks and women primarily value wealth/power/status) it isn't difficult to put 2 and 2 together to realize that the attraction is REAL.
Gold diggers tend to be hot because a womans value is determined more by her looks than any other attribute when it comes to attraction. Does her job or education make her more ****able? That does not mean you will settle for any hot woman that comes along, they need the kind of personality and character you find appealing to keep you around for more than a short term fling. Money makes you ****able, but its not going to keep her around either.
Shhhhhhhh......don't say this out loud......
Seriously, they don't want to hear that they are priced out of the market for the highest grade pu$$y.
When you break it down in it's most simplistic terms it kills the fantasy. People don't like it when you kill the fantasy.
Either you believe that woman are attracted to social status or you dont. If you dont, then you are an AFC living in hollywood dreamland.
Most of them are only HALFWAY out of AFCland. They can't swallow the harshest of truths.
Game theory is ALL to do with creating the illusion of social status. I dont see the point of creating an illusion instead of simply trying to create the reality.
Become a man of worth and you dont need to constantly check yourself at the door. Your options increase, your own tolerance level for bull**** goes out the window and your confidence levels increase off the back of it. Improve yourself instead of trying to figure women out.
And there you have it folks!
I don't begrudge guys trying to learn "game". More power to ya.
But for me, I'd rather kill two birds with one stone. Conquer the world. Enjoy the fruits of your labor AND the spoils of your conquests.
I sense too many guys out there who would rather make excuses for their lack of masculine ambition rather than grow a pair, get out there and BECOME the man every woman desires.
Becoming the illusion of that man is all good and fine and it might get you laid, but in the long run it's the guys who ARE that guy who have it made.
Great post.
TheHumanist said:
However, the former see the man only as an object for utility and uses. The latter, I would hope, see the man as a man. Everyone one do, even a between a parent and a child can be viewed as self-serving, but is that the complete picture?
It is a lot closer to the same thing than you realize. Both are "utility". One is more accepted by society because it is veiled. The other....not so much so. Doesn't mean that the bottom line isn't for all intents and purposes the same.