There is a problem with being AFC. He's buying her gifts, giving her an extraordinary amount of attention and his free time, and putting her at a level above him. If she doesn't do the same, then the equal relationship scale is tilting.
Easy steps. Stop calling her. She has your number, if she really wanted to talk to you, then she'd call you. When she calls you, be busy. Take up some new hobbies that will occupy your time and give you something besides her to think about. There is more to life than your girlfriend. A lot of AFC's miss that. Blame romantic comedies and sappy love songs that show that having a girlfriend and being in love is the greatest thing in the world and that you're missing out if you aren't in a relationship. They are wrong.
Gifts, why? Are you trying to buy her affection? Trying to be nice. The truth is, if she won't stay with you after you pull back the late night phone calls and especially the gifts, then she doesn't deserve you. That simple. Do you want a girl who is with you because of the time you devote to her and the money you spend on her? Or do you want a girl who is devoted to you because you are the man she always dreamed of?
Be spontaneous. Do crazy things. Show up unexpected, throw her into your car, and take her out to have some serious fun. You don't seem to like the way the relationship is going so change it. You're the only one in control of the situation here.
Do not be afraid to lose her. That is one of the problems with most guys. They are so scared of losing their girlfriend that they are unwilling to change themselves for the better, because the better only affects them, but in truth, she will grow more attracted to you because you care more about yourself than her. You're your own free will, you control every aspect of your life, she's just someone on the side trying to get up and can easily be replaced. So she better show some respect and like you for who you are or else she just isn't worth your precious time.
If she ever says "Why don't you buy me gifts anymore?" or "Why don't we talk all night on the phone anymore?" then you know something is up in the relationship. She shouldn't need you to buy her gifts. Each gift you give her should be like the most special thing she's recieved in her life and that should not happen on a weekly, monthly or even yearly basis. You don't expect gifts from her, don't let her expect it from you.
Heh, I'm done with the advice, good luck.