Originally posted by Phenomenom101
Well before you even think about joining anything like UFC why dont you try something else instead of boxing? I like boxing but......its really nothing compared to when I use to train in Muay Thai. Boxing teaches the plain basics but I like it because of the training. Anyways, think about going into another sport, if you think you can get by with just boxing then you are in for some serious pain.
Nope, you're right. I'm not superman.
Getting in another sport is what I'm asking for in Sherdog, another gym. Almost every gym here specialize purely on styles of their own or are pure McDojos.
Why Muay Thai? I heard it's quite tough. A lot shin and elbow meaning close range. And close range with grapplers = bad.
I was thinking of finding Ken Shamrock's student (or if he wants to train me himself
) to teach me in New York or North Carolina. Unfortunately all the good stuff are either gone or taken or whatever.