Mission almost impossible


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
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Hello all, this is my first time post here although I've been visiting this site for years now.

Now my question to you all, is it just me or do you find having a coversation with a woman, even a small one, in discos close to impossible? I hate approaching using the dance routine so what I usually do is I smile at a girl and then talk to her. The problem is most of the time they don't give me a chance.
For example last night I was in a disco with my friends and I sat down next to a cute girl. I said to her 'Good Evening' and her reaction was like I don't want to have anything to do with you.


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2005
Reaction score
Need to talk with more women my friend. Its a numbers game. It also helps if you look good as well. :p

Good luck.


New Member
Aug 17, 2005
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sounds like you are playing it too safe. Safe is boring. Saying good evening would be a nice greeting from a professional but not prospective mate. Step up your approach and get a little dangerous with it.

:eek: :down:

Craig Reeves

Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2003
Reaction score
Texas, USA
If you're not getting success at this disco, try another venue. There's plenty of places where you can meet women, not just a disco.

Some other things I might add as well....

-Maybe you THINK these women are blowing you off when they're really not.

-Try considering your body language when you are approaching these women. Are you coming in too close to them at the time or are you leaning back? You need to approach women as if you are not in anyway invading their personal space. Check your voice tone as well. If you sound weak you might come off as weak. Try speaking clearly and assertively.

-Some HB's (but most CERTAINLY NOT ALL) will discount any guy who doesnt look like Brad Pitt to them. These women are usually on what I call the "boyfriend hunt". The minute you walk up to them they will immediatlely check to see if you are "boyfriend material" without even getting to know you. These women, mind you, almost never find the guys they are looking for as no man is good enough for them. I didn't stumble upon this until I started noticing that hot MARRIED women were usually FAR more open and receptive than young single girls who are coming right out of high school.

There are MANY, MANY HB's out there who do *NOT* participate in "boyfriend hunting" and are open and nice.

-Are you ALLOWING them to size you up? Could you perhaps be conveying too much romantic interest too early on?

You see, whenever a woman picks up on the fact that you could be romantically interested in her, she's going to then decide if you're the type of guy that she would get romantically involved with. Many women do this by TESTING you, but if it's too early on she can only go off of what she KNOWS about you, which is usually going to be what you look like. Unless you are the best looking guy (or richest) that's hit on her within the last couple of weeks, you won't have much of a chance then. It's best to convey some romantic interest LATER, so that way she can base her decision off of a more accurate basis. When you approach a woman you don't need to be conveying any romantic interest at all. Just go in and just make talk. Let her get to know you first before you get her to come up with a decision.

I hope all of this info helped you. I didn't get really enough information to know specifically what your problem was, but I tried to give you information that has been useful to me.


New Member
Aug 22, 2005
Reaction score
Thanks for the advice guys. I'm sure gonna use it for this weekend.

Aisujin I don't think its my looks I dress well and have been complimented by women about my looks.

About invading her personal space, I think you are right Reeves, I get very close when I talk to a girl so I can talk in her ear cause of the loud music.

I'm gonna try your advice Reeves and try other venues such as clubs where the atmosphere is more relaxed although in my country the women who usually go to these places are usually old meaning about 25, a bit too mature for my tastes.