Missing Lego Pieces and The Myth of Entitlement.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Entitlement, which is essentially the expecation that we DESIRE something for some REASON by LAW or CONTRACT or RIGHT has become a common misperception amongst people these days.

In prior times, people were grateful to feed and shelter their kids. Opportunities were hard to come by, but when they appeared, people took them because they knew such things were few and far between. Moreover, they CREATED opportunities. They never expected things to just COME to them.


All these things came as a result of repeated EFFORT and WORK.

My aim is to get you to realize that no LAW of ENTITLEMENT exists, either in the constitution or the Bible with respect to WHAT YOU DESERVE or DON'T deserve. And that by this realization, all desire CAN only be obtained by getting it, AND, consequently, to NEVER ALLOW PEOPLE to obtain something that they have not worked for or given value for. This applies handily to women, as they can be the BIGGEST promoters of ENTITLEMENT EVER.

It's lethargic to assume that just by existence, we ought to have a good job, a great woman, a nice car, great friends, and so forth. The only thing fixed is that LIFE SHOULD RESPECT LIFE. We are all a part of life, of a force ebbing and flowing, and return it as such one day. We are all of the same entity, simply different processes inside.

Entitlement also consumes a woman who's beautiful into assuming she's deserving of some lifestyle or deserving of perfection. By what right, law, or contract was thus given this entitlement or claim?

You see, entitlements and claims are mere myths. Perceptions.

Nobody and nothing has any power except that which you give them.

You GIVE it power. You GIVE it thought (which is power). And you can take it away.

We are entitled through effort and work. If you work and create value, and increase the energy levels of those around you, you are entitled to MORE MONEY, and will receive it for giving.

I have worked alongside some very philanthropic and giving people, and have witnessed how value for value, and raising energy levels, and creation can benefit one another.

You and I are but 1 sperm and 1 egg. We are the result of the FASTEST, STRONGEST, and MOST CAPABLE sperm rushing to the available egg. Perhaps this is why men are competitive? One has to think, with 500,000,000 sperm rushing to one egg, we do the work to get there, the egg only sits back, shows up once a month and says "I'm here, come for me boys!!!"

Sort of gets to the mentality of women doesn't it? Even on the reproductive, microscopic level we're in pursuit and in competition. Being the result of the BEST and MOST ABLE, it only serves the purpose that the minute we win, THE RACE, THE GAME, IS ON! YOU'RE off and running. The egg/sperm combo is endowed with spirit, infused with mind through childhood, experience, and evironment, and becomes a body through life and genetics.

Brad Pitt in Fight Club noted such things, and you noticed how living in squalor, enabled them to enjoy the finer pursuits of life without the encumberences of too many doo-dads and too many needs.

You see, when you feel "entitled", when you're without these "entitlements," you feel lack.
If you EXPECT to have a girl NOW because your friends do, you'll feel bad until you get one, emitting negative energy.
If you expect to ALWAYS drive a new car, you will feel bad until you do, and you will feel worse because you allowed negative emotion to sucker you into a $500/month payment.

Can't the Ego at work be a devil? Always saying "we must, we must, we must." We must be respected, we must eat fatty foods, we must wear these clothes, we must have a girlfriend and be married by...."

When people say there's a matrix, there is, it's the Ego. It's that little voice programmed repeatedly by SO many voices that tries to tell you what to do, how to live, when to do things, what to feel, as if you're some robot.

When you realize entitlement exists on a grand scale, and slap it down, you realize that women can no longer come to expect things without giving in return. That TAKING without GIVING, is stealing, and one CAN'T steal energy, or life, from another being on this planet with creating lack and negative energy.

What's it all mean?

That at birth, you were preordained with only what you were given and told: MAKE SOMETHING OF THIS. SHOW ME WHAT MAN YOU ARE.

It's like being given a Lego Box, no directions, and missing pieces, and told to make the Sistine Chapel. That's life. It's a box of Legos, missing pieces, with no directions. You don't win the contest, there's no winning, because each person will create a work of beauty each unto their own eyes. That which lies beautiful to them.


Well...everybody is given a box of missing pieces, and some are given good directions (parents/friends/mentors). Some are given the pieces, but no directions and they lack creativity. No matter how you spin it, nobody is born complete.

We are entitled nothing but that which we work for. A guy who is jerk is honorable, yes honorable, because he has WORKED for what he has gotten, a desirable woman. A guy who owns a company at a young age is honorable because he has worked to have such a worthy goal. But it is those who loathe how life operates that are given nothing, and more often, actually lose SOMETHING.

When you believe in entitlement, you believe in expectation. You believe you are expected to be liked, to be expected to be found attractive. NO! You create these things. You are respected because you are part of life, but you cannot be respected in business until you have earned such an honor. To do so would discredit those before you who have done the work to earn the honor.

Entitlement is the mindstate of lack. It's a something for nothing thought. It's like: I'VE SHOWED UP, HERE I AM. GIMME!

I know that you have all come for reasons unknown to most. Even if you say girls, usually it's deeper than that. And even if you get a HB10, keeping her is more notable than getting her number, or even shagging one night. Were we to spread out all of lifes little dillemmas according to "boxes" you would see different compartments.

Friends YOU

But on the counterbalance of the equation, YOU are there.

If you're too heavy with burdens, thoughts, problems, issues, then the scale is imbalanced.

If you're too light with strength, responsibility, or caring, you will be thrust off the scale and be unable to manage any of them.

By taking care of YOU, all other aspects come into balance.

Life is formless, like water. Just as are women, and relationships. If you become a concrete foundation, we can stick any tactic to it and succeed.

A great website, in addition to SS...


A woman, even due to beauty, is entitled to nothing but that which you give her. And you, are entitled to nothing but that which you work for, and give yourself. If you do not give yourself permission to do something, then you will not have it.

In accordance with my article titled "Why Life's Not Fair" I wrote this one, as a 2nd follow up. Give up the mindset that:

Good job, Good finances = Good Woman.

There are men like that, and some are abusive, based on such superificial traits, would it seem logical or just?

Entitlement can be damaging as one believes:

Good behavior = Good reward.

It doesn't.

In closing...Jim Rohn said.

"Become a millionaire for what it will make of you as a person."

What he's saying is that the person $1,000,000 requires to be earned is far different than you are, and that it would be a great goal to achieve. Become a man of plenty, a man of honor, a DJ (if I must use the term), not for what benefits you receive, but BECAUSE OF WHO YOU BECOME IN THE PROCESS.

Don't see the end goal, for there isn't one, it's always moving, but see the MEANS, the disciplines, the LIFE.


Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
You sir are a scholar and a kindred soul.

I feel a bit like I'm adding uneeded paint to a masterpiece, but for what it's worth I'd only address the idea of COMMODITY with ENTITLEMENT.

Simply put, we only feel entitled to what we place value on. A commodity has value because it is desired by many and is shown to have worth. Whether this worth is manifested in it's purpose or utility or uniqueness, it is still a commodity.

When a man can become and understands himself to be a commodity, this is when he excells - with women, with business, with friends, with family, etc. This isn't an overblown sense of ego, but a mature understanding of, and acceptance of self-worth.

At 36 I can say that I am a far better judge of character (including my own) than when I was 26. But more importantly I can now own my self-worth without this falsely internalized preconception that I should be pleasing others before thinking of myself. This isn't pride or a lack of humility, but a recognition of self-worth.

In any relationship, the person with the most power is the one who needs the other the least.

If I've legitimately earned my status as a commodity, women, friends, family, business associates will seek me out.

Too many AFCs never understand this principle. Indeed, there is an overwhelming preoccupation with unearned entitlement (particularly with women), but confidence isn't generated from just displaying certain behaviors, it's a culmination of having earned a status of commodity.

The AFC doesn't recognize this nor does he expect the requisite appreciation for it - he simple will not own it. I've known far too many guys who blindly walk into marriage with a single mother because they think they NEED to be married by,...and then play the role of martyr with family and friends for helping to raise a child they never sired with a woman who feels ENTITLED to the provisions and security that a husband represents (i.e. COMMODITY) and never show even the hint of appreciation of this with their actions. To them he's just doing the right thing - what he ought to be doing. And society, religion and certainly the family of the parties that are intrested most only too happily reinforces this inattention as a requisite duty.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Bumping my Own Post.

Yup that's right, I felt it needed to be read and understood.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Thank you for the kind words.

I appreciate your more mature and educated perspective, with the logical undertones. At least the younger guys can feel like they're armed for battle with tanks and bombs rather than sticks and rocks.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 20, 2001
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The subject of entitlement you bring up is of tremendous importance. So many people out there today feel they are entitled to the finest the world has to offer simply because they were born. That's preposterous. It's absurd. It's their reality. It's sad. They don't want to raise a finger to acquire it; it should be theirs because they exist (I'm ovbiously generalising a certain population of people, but you get the point).

How do you really get ahead in life? You must earn it! You have to take something if you want it. Take a chance, but take a calculated chance. Take the stock market for example: you wouldn't just go to the financial section of the newpaper, put your finger down, make a circle, and wherever it lands it what you buy (or tying in random 3 or 4 letter combinations and googling a company's stock symbol). No no no. You do research. You look into the technical analysis, if the company shows growth, is managed well, and shows overall promise. Well, it's the same with anything in this life. You have to put some effort into actually wanting to earn something and not have it handed to you. If you want to start a company, shadow someone and find out as much as you can and read everything available to help you start, grow, and evolve your enterprise. Or anything else you choose to do. Invest your time now so it will help you prosper later. And it will if you do.

If you don't and just wait around for someone to drop a large sack of ideas/money/valuables on your lap, prepare on waiting until the worms are digging through your big wooden box underground. Take action or grow weary and complacent. Don't leave anything unsettled.

You are only entitled to what you put forth in life. Simply existing isn't a reason for the finer things in life. Wanting to attain those things whilst doing something about it can get you there. Don't be a ho-hum drifter. Be a go-getter somebody.



Master Don Juan
Feb 14, 2005
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A-Unit said:
It's lethargic to assume that just by existence, we ought to have a good job, a great woman, a nice car, great friends, and so forth. The only thing fixed is that LIFE SHOULD RESPECT LIFE.

Why? That's just as arbitrary as to assume the right to those other things.

Friendly Otter

Don Juan
Apr 10, 2006
Reaction score
Basically, take RESPONSIBILITY for your own life, your own success. It's good advice.

MrRuckus, you're right: that, too, is in fact arbitrary. We may wish that the world should be that cozy, but it isn't. Good catch.


Master Don Juan
Jul 8, 2003
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We are entitled nothing but that which we work for
Man this thread has really hit me deep within. It has really made me question my thinking, my prespective on my goals, dreams and life. I dream a lot, dream of becoming a pilot, dream of being good at sports, dream at being good at anything, dream of attracting a lot of girls, but I sit on my ass in front of the computer waiting for it to come to me.

Good job, Good finances = Good Woman
Flying is my dream, I dream of becoming an airline Pilot. Having a nice car, nice house, bla bla bla. When I would achieve my goals, I would have achieved something and become somebody, I would have value. And that I would attract a lot of females because of it. But its in a way shameful, that I would need my wings, my car, my money to attract girls. I mean, without those goals, those things in my life, I always thought I would be nothing. But here I am right now, without those wings, the car, the house. How do I think of myself right now when I see myself in the mirror? The wings, the car the house, are they an excuse to why I am not getting any girls? But why is that other guys with nothing get girls. I guess there are some deep insecurities that I have to work on. I really have to work on my inner core.

Thanx, A-unit, Rollo and the other guys who replied to this thread.