MisDirection...the most notable example was the movie "SwordFish", in which John Travolta stages a massive hostage holdout, then slips out the back door with the goodies. In Die Hard 1, the same was accomplished as they held and killed hostages, while taking hold of bearer bonds that entitle the holder of the bonds to their value.
In the case of 9-11, misdirection applies to the actual day, but if you notice the events surrounding it and the resulting laws, policies, lost and gained wealth, you can see the cost to benefit ratio of conducting such a caper in the long-run is worth it to the perpetrators. However, my intention for this thread was not to speak on what many "dub" conspiracy theory (though I submit that the real conspiracy, again, is believing 3 skyscrapers actually fell PERFECTLY into their own footsteps, when no building has EVER done so by fire in the history of human engineering), instead, it arose because of the major market fall out in the past few weeks.
Some, on varying websites are decrying that a MAJOR crash is coming, that because gold is so high, that we are headed for a depression. Some of you may not be privy to such information, or you turn a blind eye. I, however, keep my ear to the pavement for any rumblings down the pipeline. There are many chicken littles calling for a complete worldwide financial fall out, all in the midst of strong international growth.
Now ask yourself, knowing that the little players, the 95% of America gets the news LAST, is this true?
Those with HUGE vested interests get advanced information, yes, it's illegal according to the SEC, nonetheless, someone says something and does it in someone else's account. Or secretly abroad. You see, the top players in this ponzi scheme have no reason to give it up. Oh sure, Martha Stewart, who's really a small player, and lost no real wealth was a martyr for the cause. As was Lay, Enron and Arthur Anderson, but beyond that, many billions was made and compounded for those already wealthy. And many billions taken from the investing public on the whole.
I love investing, but to be TRULY astute in the world, you have to be smart. And you have to surround yourself with smart people who think OUTSIDE of the box. Mutual funds are just the base of the pyramid, and they're a great starting tool, but you have to graduate and realize that the bigger dough is made outside that area, in stocks, in shorting, in commodities, in real estate. But this isn't all about investing. No, it's about how the system is kept in check, and like the "infamous" pill that is WAAAY overused, taking it means waking up, accepting responsibility, realizing this DOES happen, and taking your power back.
It won't change, because it works well that way. Those in power/control to make markets move (as Jesse Livemore once could, The Bear that he was), ALLOW some people all the time to crack the 95%, but if all people had the SAME access to information and capital markets, returns of massive proportions would not and could not exist. So now and then, it's permissable for the dilligent and hard-working, smart person to make it bigger. BUT, like any anomaly, they only allow a small %. There's no utopia to be had, no big bad wolf out there; it's all part of the ruse so you BELIEVE it's true.
Really, truly, if we WANTEd something, ANYTHING, it could be had today. Think about it. AS much as I feel for people on extreme home make over, the millions of dollars donated by corporations could go to much WORTHIER pursuits and directly to helping impoverished people. Certainly, the families don't need million dollar customized homes. They could be ok in an average home, some food, and starter money. But instead, like all pursuits, it's POSITIVE advertising. You associate GOOD FEELINGS with Sears and all who participate. Magnificently GOOD feelings. Yet there are millions of poor people, some beyond repair, that could use a feel dollars, or shelter, and little money goes there.
That's because this is a SELF help system, and if you want to effect change, it comes from within, not without. You change yourself, and hopefully the "CHANGE VIRUS" spreads to your friends, family, and loved ones. Hopefully they get it that no REAL progress gets made, only the idea of progress, or the facade of progress. But given that there's 150,000,000 people capable of effecting change, we could literally do it right this moment, and we don't.
Why is that? Because, misdirection. Keep people looking elsewhere and you get them MISSING the key issues in life. Keeping them arguing over gay marriage and its irrelevance to the Presidential Campaign and you keep them OFF the war, OFF social security, budget spending, healthcare, international trade deficits, and taxes. Keep people boozed up, drugged up, sexed up, and you keep them effecting little change. Sure they might get a nice home, or a few nice possessions, BUT few will realize their potential with all the distractions. MOST TRULY religious people have a LIVE AND LET LIVE policy, otherwise it isn't religion, it's control, and prejudice, and any such religion, which is the CREATION OF MANY ANYWAYS, not any God I know of, realizes that it's not a perversion of religion. Even in the "LEFT BEHIND SERIES", put out by Lahay and Jenkins, staunch Christians weren't so cuthroat as to HATE their fellow man, even if their beliefs weren't similar.
People are confused because THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE MEDIA, to confuse, to confound, to give opinions on both angles and play humanity off themselves. To play BOUNDARIES, where this is my country versus your's, or my team versus your's. Yet, we inhabit the same planet in the infiniteness of space, with the same materials composing us, and what SEPARATES MAN from MAN, is ONLY MIND. It's only a belief. That's it. A belief that mans has the makes us different, and that small separation is what on the surface makes all tick and move.
And the misdirection gets people OFF the real issues. Politically, people avoid Social Security, the impending bankruptcy of the government (even if they can print money, you face hyperinflation), The War, Immigration, and bottom line, people REALLY being involved. Sex, booze, and drugs, keeps kids, teens, and adults alike OFF of REAL things, REAL ISSUES, REAL PROGRESS, REAL INVOLVEMENT, and REAL POTENTIAL. Such things are portrayed in the media, news, books, and like as OK, expected, PART of life. But who's life? To what end do they keep people realizing their potential? It's ok to enjoy, but you enjoy the time off, when you've done your time like the Ant harvesting for winter, while the grasshopper plays.
Even here, in the realm of dating, meeting women, and having relationships, people get off point. But here, the consequences are far less. Guys focus SO much on what they do, and SO little on the women, that if they focused on the women, ALL WOULD BE TAKEN care of. You really have little control in your actions to effect a change in her. Maybe in a minor way, but you can't David-Copperfield her so that she goes from HATING Quasimoto, to LOVING and FVCKING him, that's something for fairy tales boys. But over the long-run, you can EVOLVE to a level of different women, unlike anything you've ever experienced. However, as long and low as you've been down, is as long and high as you can get. Just like building muscle. It doesn't happen overnight that you get fat. And it doesn't happen overnight that you're skinny.
Misdirection in the real world of life, investing, society, professional pursuits is a very REAL thing, some of it controlled, some not. But once you recognize it, you can begin effecting changes to your own world.
In the case of 9-11, misdirection applies to the actual day, but if you notice the events surrounding it and the resulting laws, policies, lost and gained wealth, you can see the cost to benefit ratio of conducting such a caper in the long-run is worth it to the perpetrators. However, my intention for this thread was not to speak on what many "dub" conspiracy theory (though I submit that the real conspiracy, again, is believing 3 skyscrapers actually fell PERFECTLY into their own footsteps, when no building has EVER done so by fire in the history of human engineering), instead, it arose because of the major market fall out in the past few weeks.
Some, on varying websites are decrying that a MAJOR crash is coming, that because gold is so high, that we are headed for a depression. Some of you may not be privy to such information, or you turn a blind eye. I, however, keep my ear to the pavement for any rumblings down the pipeline. There are many chicken littles calling for a complete worldwide financial fall out, all in the midst of strong international growth.
Now ask yourself, knowing that the little players, the 95% of America gets the news LAST, is this true?
Those with HUGE vested interests get advanced information, yes, it's illegal according to the SEC, nonetheless, someone says something and does it in someone else's account. Or secretly abroad. You see, the top players in this ponzi scheme have no reason to give it up. Oh sure, Martha Stewart, who's really a small player, and lost no real wealth was a martyr for the cause. As was Lay, Enron and Arthur Anderson, but beyond that, many billions was made and compounded for those already wealthy. And many billions taken from the investing public on the whole.
I love investing, but to be TRULY astute in the world, you have to be smart. And you have to surround yourself with smart people who think OUTSIDE of the box. Mutual funds are just the base of the pyramid, and they're a great starting tool, but you have to graduate and realize that the bigger dough is made outside that area, in stocks, in shorting, in commodities, in real estate. But this isn't all about investing. No, it's about how the system is kept in check, and like the "infamous" pill that is WAAAY overused, taking it means waking up, accepting responsibility, realizing this DOES happen, and taking your power back.
It won't change, because it works well that way. Those in power/control to make markets move (as Jesse Livemore once could, The Bear that he was), ALLOW some people all the time to crack the 95%, but if all people had the SAME access to information and capital markets, returns of massive proportions would not and could not exist. So now and then, it's permissable for the dilligent and hard-working, smart person to make it bigger. BUT, like any anomaly, they only allow a small %. There's no utopia to be had, no big bad wolf out there; it's all part of the ruse so you BELIEVE it's true.
Really, truly, if we WANTEd something, ANYTHING, it could be had today. Think about it. AS much as I feel for people on extreme home make over, the millions of dollars donated by corporations could go to much WORTHIER pursuits and directly to helping impoverished people. Certainly, the families don't need million dollar customized homes. They could be ok in an average home, some food, and starter money. But instead, like all pursuits, it's POSITIVE advertising. You associate GOOD FEELINGS with Sears and all who participate. Magnificently GOOD feelings. Yet there are millions of poor people, some beyond repair, that could use a feel dollars, or shelter, and little money goes there.
That's because this is a SELF help system, and if you want to effect change, it comes from within, not without. You change yourself, and hopefully the "CHANGE VIRUS" spreads to your friends, family, and loved ones. Hopefully they get it that no REAL progress gets made, only the idea of progress, or the facade of progress. But given that there's 150,000,000 people capable of effecting change, we could literally do it right this moment, and we don't.
Why is that? Because, misdirection. Keep people looking elsewhere and you get them MISSING the key issues in life. Keeping them arguing over gay marriage and its irrelevance to the Presidential Campaign and you keep them OFF the war, OFF social security, budget spending, healthcare, international trade deficits, and taxes. Keep people boozed up, drugged up, sexed up, and you keep them effecting little change. Sure they might get a nice home, or a few nice possessions, BUT few will realize their potential with all the distractions. MOST TRULY religious people have a LIVE AND LET LIVE policy, otherwise it isn't religion, it's control, and prejudice, and any such religion, which is the CREATION OF MANY ANYWAYS, not any God I know of, realizes that it's not a perversion of religion. Even in the "LEFT BEHIND SERIES", put out by Lahay and Jenkins, staunch Christians weren't so cuthroat as to HATE their fellow man, even if their beliefs weren't similar.
People are confused because THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE MEDIA, to confuse, to confound, to give opinions on both angles and play humanity off themselves. To play BOUNDARIES, where this is my country versus your's, or my team versus your's. Yet, we inhabit the same planet in the infiniteness of space, with the same materials composing us, and what SEPARATES MAN from MAN, is ONLY MIND. It's only a belief. That's it. A belief that mans has the makes us different, and that small separation is what on the surface makes all tick and move.
And the misdirection gets people OFF the real issues. Politically, people avoid Social Security, the impending bankruptcy of the government (even if they can print money, you face hyperinflation), The War, Immigration, and bottom line, people REALLY being involved. Sex, booze, and drugs, keeps kids, teens, and adults alike OFF of REAL things, REAL ISSUES, REAL PROGRESS, REAL INVOLVEMENT, and REAL POTENTIAL. Such things are portrayed in the media, news, books, and like as OK, expected, PART of life. But who's life? To what end do they keep people realizing their potential? It's ok to enjoy, but you enjoy the time off, when you've done your time like the Ant harvesting for winter, while the grasshopper plays.
Even here, in the realm of dating, meeting women, and having relationships, people get off point. But here, the consequences are far less. Guys focus SO much on what they do, and SO little on the women, that if they focused on the women, ALL WOULD BE TAKEN care of. You really have little control in your actions to effect a change in her. Maybe in a minor way, but you can't David-Copperfield her so that she goes from HATING Quasimoto, to LOVING and FVCKING him, that's something for fairy tales boys. But over the long-run, you can EVOLVE to a level of different women, unlike anything you've ever experienced. However, as long and low as you've been down, is as long and high as you can get. Just like building muscle. It doesn't happen overnight that you get fat. And it doesn't happen overnight that you're skinny.
Misdirection in the real world of life, investing, society, professional pursuits is a very REAL thing, some of it controlled, some not. But once you recognize it, you can begin effecting changes to your own world.