MisDirection & Diversions.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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MisDirection...the most notable example was the movie "SwordFish", in which John Travolta stages a massive hostage holdout, then slips out the back door with the goodies. In Die Hard 1, the same was accomplished as they held and killed hostages, while taking hold of bearer bonds that entitle the holder of the bonds to their value.

In the case of 9-11, misdirection applies to the actual day, but if you notice the events surrounding it and the resulting laws, policies, lost and gained wealth, you can see the cost to benefit ratio of conducting such a caper in the long-run is worth it to the perpetrators. However, my intention for this thread was not to speak on what many "dub" conspiracy theory (though I submit that the real conspiracy, again, is believing 3 skyscrapers actually fell PERFECTLY into their own footsteps, when no building has EVER done so by fire in the history of human engineering), instead, it arose because of the major market fall out in the past few weeks.

Some, on varying websites are decrying that a MAJOR crash is coming, that because gold is so high, that we are headed for a depression. Some of you may not be privy to such information, or you turn a blind eye. I, however, keep my ear to the pavement for any rumblings down the pipeline. There are many chicken littles calling for a complete worldwide financial fall out, all in the midst of strong international growth.

Now ask yourself, knowing that the little players, the 95% of America gets the news LAST, is this true?

Those with HUGE vested interests get advanced information, yes, it's illegal according to the SEC, nonetheless, someone says something and does it in someone else's account. Or secretly abroad. You see, the top players in this ponzi scheme have no reason to give it up. Oh sure, Martha Stewart, who's really a small player, and lost no real wealth was a martyr for the cause. As was Lay, Enron and Arthur Anderson, but beyond that, many billions was made and compounded for those already wealthy. And many billions taken from the investing public on the whole.

I love investing, but to be TRULY astute in the world, you have to be smart. And you have to surround yourself with smart people who think OUTSIDE of the box. Mutual funds are just the base of the pyramid, and they're a great starting tool, but you have to graduate and realize that the bigger dough is made outside that area, in stocks, in shorting, in commodities, in real estate. But this isn't all about investing. No, it's about how the system is kept in check, and like the "infamous" pill that is WAAAY overused, taking it means waking up, accepting responsibility, realizing this DOES happen, and taking your power back.

It won't change, because it works well that way. Those in power/control to make markets move (as Jesse Livemore once could, The Bear that he was), ALLOW some people all the time to crack the 95%, but if all people had the SAME access to information and capital markets, returns of massive proportions would not and could not exist. So now and then, it's permissable for the dilligent and hard-working, smart person to make it bigger. BUT, like any anomaly, they only allow a small %. There's no utopia to be had, no big bad wolf out there; it's all part of the ruse so you BELIEVE it's true.

Really, truly, if we WANTEd something, ANYTHING, it could be had today. Think about it. AS much as I feel for people on extreme home make over, the millions of dollars donated by corporations could go to much WORTHIER pursuits and directly to helping impoverished people. Certainly, the families don't need million dollar customized homes. They could be ok in an average home, some food, and starter money. But instead, like all pursuits, it's POSITIVE advertising. You associate GOOD FEELINGS with Sears and all who participate. Magnificently GOOD feelings. Yet there are millions of poor people, some beyond repair, that could use a feel dollars, or shelter, and little money goes there.

That's because this is a SELF help system, and if you want to effect change, it comes from within, not without. You change yourself, and hopefully the "CHANGE VIRUS" spreads to your friends, family, and loved ones. Hopefully they get it that no REAL progress gets made, only the idea of progress, or the facade of progress. But given that there's 150,000,000 people capable of effecting change, we could literally do it right this moment, and we don't.

Why is that? Because, misdirection. Keep people looking elsewhere and you get them MISSING the key issues in life. Keeping them arguing over gay marriage and its irrelevance to the Presidential Campaign and you keep them OFF the war, OFF social security, budget spending, healthcare, international trade deficits, and taxes. Keep people boozed up, drugged up, sexed up, and you keep them effecting little change. Sure they might get a nice home, or a few nice possessions, BUT few will realize their potential with all the distractions. MOST TRULY religious people have a LIVE AND LET LIVE policy, otherwise it isn't religion, it's control, and prejudice, and any such religion, which is the CREATION OF MANY ANYWAYS, not any God I know of, realizes that it's not a perversion of religion. Even in the "LEFT BEHIND SERIES", put out by Lahay and Jenkins, staunch Christians weren't so cuthroat as to HATE their fellow man, even if their beliefs weren't similar.


People are confused because THAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE MEDIA, to confuse, to confound, to give opinions on both angles and play humanity off themselves. To play BOUNDARIES, where this is my country versus your's, or my team versus your's. Yet, we inhabit the same planet in the infiniteness of space, with the same materials composing us, and what SEPARATES MAN from MAN, is ONLY MIND. It's only a belief. That's it. A belief that mans has the makes us different, and that small separation is what on the surface makes all tick and move.

And the misdirection gets people OFF the real issues. Politically, people avoid Social Security, the impending bankruptcy of the government (even if they can print money, you face hyperinflation), The War, Immigration, and bottom line, people REALLY being involved. Sex, booze, and drugs, keeps kids, teens, and adults alike OFF of REAL things, REAL ISSUES, REAL PROGRESS, REAL INVOLVEMENT, and REAL POTENTIAL. Such things are portrayed in the media, news, books, and like as OK, expected, PART of life. But who's life? To what end do they keep people realizing their potential? It's ok to enjoy, but you enjoy the time off, when you've done your time like the Ant harvesting for winter, while the grasshopper plays.


Even here, in the realm of dating, meeting women, and having relationships, people get off point. But here, the consequences are far less. Guys focus SO much on what they do, and SO little on the women, that if they focused on the women, ALL WOULD BE TAKEN care of. You really have little control in your actions to effect a change in her. Maybe in a minor way, but you can't David-Copperfield her so that she goes from HATING Quasimoto, to LOVING and FVCKING him, that's something for fairy tales boys. But over the long-run, you can EVOLVE to a level of different women, unlike anything you've ever experienced. However, as long and low as you've been down, is as long and high as you can get. Just like building muscle. It doesn't happen overnight that you get fat. And it doesn't happen overnight that you're skinny.

Misdirection in the real world of life, investing, society, professional pursuits is a very REAL thing, some of it controlled, some not. But once you recognize it, you can begin effecting changes to your own world.



Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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Man, I can relate, but I was thrown off. I was misdirected to believe I didn't have the potential nor the backing to make any real change. When I did bring up the method of change, and the potential that it brings to the people, I was stopped by greed. The people who had the power were too involved in their own problems, and would not put in the time to help me help others. THe people who knew of the possibility put their energy into telling me that laws were holding me back, and one law supercedes the other. Some put effort into my cause, but stumbled across problems in the way people would take advantage of the change I wanted to make, so opted out of helping me. When I researched into how to restrict the freedom of people making choices which could be harmful to the whole, I myself convinced myself that the change was worthless, and lost all desire to make any change.

Now the only hope I have to make the change, is to become a politician, a lawyer, and an owner of a conglomerate. Even than, I know my business partners would never allow me to make such wide sweeping changes once I had the power, they would fear the change, and they would not allow me to spread the base of power to people they could not control.

What's your take on not having the power to change? We can take on new mindsets, make our voices heard, make others aware of the problem. We can point fingers at those who oppose change, but it is literally those in control, who don't want to take the actions necessary to make the change possible.

I tried, but people have their own lives. Most don't want to change. How do you convince somebody that change must occur?

I believe what you say, but, you should know, we as single people are weak. We can't convince generations of thinkers to reject that which they believe.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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What's your take on not having the power to change?
This one gets right to the heart of a matter concerning women.

Many times women will consciously or subconsciously lay down rules, or ultimatums. And many times, guys will succumb to them knowing or not knowing the implications of doing so. If she throws rules or ultimatums at you, you'll forever be playing her games. And she'll know that you'll cave to her whims. Some show, or some instance brought this up in my mind, it was something I was watching with my GF. And the girl was throwing all these demands at the guy. As if her suggestions or her presence would somehow complete him, or fix him. But if she can GRANT power, so too can she WITHDRAW it.

This is the same idea present behind every government. Government does NOT grant rights, they grant PRIVILEDGES. Priviledges are driving. Free speech is a right of birth. If you were here, sans government, america, and all of this, you could say anything you want. You can't do anything you want, 100%, because American laws aside, you'd violate basic human rights. And a right is something bestowed at birth, equal, equivalent. The governments SOLE PURPOSE is to PROTECT THEM and if needed ENFORCE. So if I whack your property, and you can't shoot or hurt me for recompensation, then they government or a lawyer acts ON YOUR BEHALF to balance out this situation.

If the government GRANTED rights, they could withdraw them. That is part of the big controversy now. As we speak, rights are being converted to PRIVILEDGES, things which can then be taken away at the whim of the powerful and those in control. Things such as free speech, the right to petition, and the right to assembly, all these things in the past 6 years have been dramatically curtailed, squashed, silenced, or attempted to be illegalized.

What can we do? Not play by their rules, no matter what. Is it worth being just pacified? Maybe just having a nice crib, but dying slowly, knowing you're shark?

I think of a movie like Rollerball with James Caan, who was a star athlete competitor in a violent TV game show. He was at the peak of his popularity, almost like a demi-god, but with the Corporations controlling the outcome and circumstance of everything, they sought to "change" things. James' had already lost his "wife", since a person higher up in the Corporation "wanted her", his greatest love, and was not losing his career, identity, and feeling like a pawn of the system. It was becoming widely apparent that wealth without complete autonomy in a socialist society where the Corporations ruled every choice and decision was not the future the people had hoped it would be. Sure, everyone had about the same standard of living, and no one really had to do anything except their role in the whole system, but the complete lack of disregard for personal autonomy and identity is what began to stir the pot of discension in the Rollerballer's. Eventually Caan bucks the whole system, goes against the grain, risks death on the Rollerball court, where many already die each match, and comes out the victor, sort of. He didn't overthrow the system, because each person who still remains an APATHETIC partner in it, lacking COMPLETE personal responsibility keeps the SYSTEM ALIVE.

That, my friends is what we have here today. Mentally, you can remain free, and choose to NOT take part in it. And that might last a while. Even prisoners in a prison can remain "free" in a spiritual and metaphysical sense, and a prison can break down like Mahatma Ghandi invoked on the British might come about, but in a way, you have docile cows and sheeple, mentally happy, and physically enslaved.

Can you do anything?

Yes, when you're willing to give up everything, come hell or high water, in the name of personal autonomy and freedom, you can be. Come the point any thief wants it, be they foreign or domestic, friend or foe, you fight, you win. But fighting for "freedoms" within the system is lunacy, because you're just fighting harder with your chains of bondage on. That's like people trying to swim the tide of the rat race against an ever-growing current. Eventually you tire of being IN that race, and learn to walk your OWN path.


Even at a recent graduation, David Broder, a political correspondent, and the class valedictorian commented on the growing mountains of debt now being foisted on OUR generation, OUR personal vietnam war, and the curtailment and violation of laws under the current and past administrations that has drastically changed the Country as we know it. To top it off, he also spoke on how Economics of careers has drastically changed, and that things as they were no longer work. That we, the Generation X and Yers have to find new methods. From today forward, we have to fight, inovate, and perservere. Not just for selfish causes, or perhaps not at all, but for the ideals for which the FIGHTING stands for. For justice. Innocence. Beauty. Purity. Goodness. Right. Equality. For the positive attributes of society, and humanity.


Regarding MisDirection, most everything out there, whether opinion or fact (few facts truly exist, except within the realm of engineering and sciences, and even those are found to be false on a daily basis with new methods, procedures and inventions), is meant to AVOID the real issues.

Conspicuous consumption, materialism, has the proletariat working to acquire the latest doodad, while also enslaving them financially with long-term mortgages, with fluctuating interest rates, market crashes, inflation, and "got to have it now Mentality." The ease of credit easily sells away future dollars for the gain of products today, but if you had your choice, you'd rather the purchase of a more advanced product MINUS the high costs of interest + inflation, wouldn't you? A car doesn't change much year over year, but as cars become common place, the higher-priced features like Leather, Multi Disc Changers are now found standard.

Sex, booze, and drugs minimizes the early potential of kids. Later in life, when maturity can balance such vices with virtues, then engaging in them is Ok in moderation, or less. But even today, many people have the "woulda, coulda, shouldas" because they didn't have the site then that they do now.

Does it really matter Democract or Republican? Black or White? Jew or Muslim? Gay or Straight? Do these topics really impact you on a day to day basis where you have to be so overly concerned you stress and get grey hair? No. But the Media, Newsoutlets, and even companies KNOW that controversy and confusion = $$$. That doing so THROWS people off of what's important. Look at American Idol, top-ranked show; the TV networks have a "special Season" for it, just because most shows that battle American Idol, lose significant ratings and money. Nothing has yet rivaled it. But come on, the sleeping giant LOVES apathy! Loves the fact people quietly and submissively place their confidence into a higher power.

Was Arnold really right, that 95% of the public needs to be TOLD what to do? That they can't think on their own, for themselves?

I hope not.



Master Don Juan
Jun 27, 2004
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A-unit, i did not read your whole post, i will be honest, but as far as you 9/11 conspiricy idea. Due ot the fact that a building can not fall in on itself.

Well sorry to burst your bubble, but the plane hitting the building with huge amounts of fuel on board, did not itself do any structual damaage to the building that was even nearly sever enough to take it out, how ever the resulting fire slowly damaged the steel framework. (which is why it did not collapse for an hour) As the frame work got weaked due to the intense heat, it finaly gave way, and what was above it fell verticly down as it was no longer supported, and as it went down it brought the rest of the building down with it. Do not think it was such a clean job, the huge dust cloud was huge amounts of concerete that has been turned to dust by the pressure.

As far as it not being possible to demolish a building and have it fall in on itself, im not sure where oyu got this idea from? i have seem it happen before on tv, real footage, its nothing out of the ordinary.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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I'll post "lightly" since political discussion isn't allowed here, though I don't think anything related to that day is "political". It may get locked it may not.

Have you seen the construction film of the WTC tower's being built?
Have you seen the 9-11 footage tape "Loose Change I & II?"
Have you seen the first hand accounts from firefighters that were there and survived?
Have you read the engineering reports destroying much of the heresay proposed as "fact?"
How do cell phones work in planes, especially 5 years ago, when technology on a grand scale was far less than it was?
How does a building fall when it was designed to withstand such a strike?
How does a building fall STRAIGHT down, when even if the metal DID melt, it would list to the weaker side, RATHER than go right down?

I could go on asking questions and loaded questions at that, but I won't. My feeling is the response was merely to spur debate, and get it locked. Right? So I bit. If so, I'll continue the original thread later.

How does WTC building #7 fall, when the fires were clearly out?
How did the WTC buildings 1 & 2 fall, even when firefighter calls confirmed fires were NEARLY out?
If Larry Silverstein said "pull it" a term that has meaning to demolition engineers, what was his meaning as it relates to HIS building #7, and his recovery of damages?


Your story is the government one. The media one. Yet tons of questions prevail. Even watching the video of the towers being built you have to go "huh"? Not only was the building sound in the middle, capable of withstanding heat ABOVE the jet fuel heat for MANY hours, in the event of a massive fire througout the building, but its structure was sound on the WALLS too. It was built for strength, height, and space. Otherwise a 110 story building couldn't properly function with elevators, since the center core would be too big. So they layered the elevators inside the core to allow for core stability. They then used the walls as well, latched to the center. So the WTC buildings weren't just perfectly stable in the middle.

Tell me something, jet fuel fires aren't far and above any hotter than regular fires, and in this case, they didn't burn long enough. That's the myth. But if you built a 110 story building, or any investor, engineer, or company did, would you build it so that a fire could knock it down and potentially kill 25,000 people just because a fire began?

No. Fires are a very REAL possibility, esp. in a building of this size, so not only must the structure survive most ANYTHING, but also it should have tons of safety features to PREVENT severe casualties. Would you be part of a company in a building that would collapse at the mere hint of FIRE?

No. You see, the idea it COULD be an inside job is so HARD for the human psyche of Americans, that it questions beliefs SO DEEPLY, that most either HATE it, or LOVE it. Ideas go through 3 stages....The first being complete unacceptance and complete dissension. It's thought of as CRAZY. Then, the next stage is, "it's a possibility." FInally, it's a reality and it's a belief, for now. 9-11, to most people did not occur the way it did. The only people telling me differently as of now are hecklers, parents in front of their kids, and some older, uninformed people who are so totally connected to the Matrix that pulling them from their recliners would kill them. For other people, I have to "question" there actual reality and intelligence, not because I think a person who doesn't believe likewise as dumb or stupid, but because those who suggest HOW IT HAPPENED, just as most do, totally ignores SCIENCE, logic AND REALITY.

And just because it's on the news, doesn't make it true, or good, or right. Hitler used the news and media outlets as propaganda machines to control national thought. It's the most efficient, cost-effective, and powerful to control and achieve ends. It results in no casualties, complete obedience, few dissension, and easily indoctrinated cattle. Any wise world leader understands the importance of the media and their role in national and world events. They even used the same idea in a James Bond movie and the villain almost caused World War III.


Channel your excited feelings into positive thoughts and behaviors. You will attract women by being enthusiastic, radiating energy, and becoming someone who is fun to be around.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2005
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I know what you mean, A-Unit.

Between marketing, media bias, and moral relativism, I don't know what to believe about anything anymore. All possibilities and points of view, no matter how improbable or extreme, begin to seem equally plausible, despite being mutually exclusive.

My rule of thumb is that if I want something to be true, then I assume that it isn't true, and if I don't want something to be true, then I assume that it is true.

This kind of thinking breeds a level of cynicism and paranoia that can be paralyzing at times, but it's useful in keeping me from getting my hopes up, as well as preparing me for the worst. Besides, if things turn out good, then I'm pleasantly surprised instead of ho-hum "way things are supposed to be", and if things turn out bad, then at least I get to be right and say "I told you so."


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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That article is a joke right?
It's April fools today, isn't it?

I haven't read a bigger piece of bunk trash since I picked up the local newspaper.

Not only are MOST of the resources government-linked or directly FBI, they ALL have something to lose (or gain) depending on their particular favor. Those who have tenured seats, or are on the brink of being tenured, stand to lose position, credibility, prestige, and income if they speak in the wrong direction. Just recently a teacher voicing her opinion was silenced and sent home, possibly losing her job and without pay.

Much of what they wrote only covered exactly what's been said repeatedly in tabloids and new sources. None of it infuses new thought, nor makes sense.

On The Fire

Firefighters CONFIRMED most fires were being put out and were pressing FORWARD up WTC 1. Why do we think so many died in the devastion of the falling building? Firefighters made it as high as the 70th and 80th floors, nearly 10 minutes after the first contact, before it fell.

Whether the fuel ACTUALLY caused damage on long with plane debris is speculation. And it's grander speculation to suppose structurally plane debris sliced the internal core and with the aid of jet fuel, weakened the structure sufficiently to cause a FULL IMPLOSION of the building on itself.

On the Planes

There's multiple theories here. Some see "pods" on the bottom of the planes, as they're carrying fuel that would increase damage and lend credibility to the idea it was terrorists and not "an inside" job.

Other's note the planes were in fact planes, but they were remote controlled, and the passengers never existed, or were shuttled off and gas/killed at another site.

Still more information in videos suggest a "flash" that went off just prior to initial contact by both planes, suggesting a missile that would penetrate the building and lend more credibility to the "collapse + terrorists."

Whatever the means were by which planes hit the buildings, is rather irrelevant given the fact that they fell. 3 buildings FELL IDENTICAL. PERFECT. And one of them was not hit, yet it fell 100% in the same way as the other 2 that were hit. Playing the sesame street game, which one here is not like the other? That alone lends itself to greater questions.

On the Pentagon

No fusilage was found. Sure, the wiley FBI/CIA can distribute debris of a plane around and make any photos taken APPEAR to be truthful, yet nothing like LUGGAGE, BODIES, or EVEN SEATS were found. A plane said to hit the pentagon in the way it is suggest is also VERY peculiar. To get a massive plane, as initial stories suggest, to such a LOW height, and create PERFECt contact, with a PERFECT whole, without catching on the lawn, even flying END over end is a true aviation miracle, that even Tom Cruise couldn't pull off for Top Gun. To think that a terrorist flew the plane on feet from the ground, DID not drag, catch, snag, or hit the lawn before contact with the 747's MASSIVE engines, and then, strike perfectly HEAD on, LEAVING a perfect whole, few debris of which would be present in most other crashes, and said it "liquified', is well...NUTS.

The Norad StandDown

There's many theories here. To suggest the US, the country dumping 100x its educational budget into defense COULD POSSIBLY have a loophole whereby planes could even POSSIBLY hit the WHITE HOUSE, PENTAGON, or WTC's is FOOLISH. It bucks protocal OF defense in all ways. In most days, you get yanked over for suspiciously driving eratic on the roads in midway by a police officer. Now you're going to expect me to BUY that planes hit the WTC and NOBODY saw it? That the our $500,000,000,000 budget for defense AND GROWING by the day, missed 4 erroneous planes, TIMED perfectly. COME on!

Anyone of you who made 4 of the SAME mistakes would be fired in corporate America! Instead, you rattle the sword of war standing beside the perpetrator!

We'll never know officially of insider government details, but we have to use LOGIC and INDEPENDENT THINKING to deduce what COULD have happened, assuming we can't get any actual reports, since MOST of that would have been in WTC 7. Perfect that it was blown down, eh? Committ the crime and simultaneously destory the evidence. Perfect.


I don't buy for 1 second what Popular Mechanics put out. They're a magazine, a published one for that. Not independent. Owned. Profit outcome is all they care about, and the most news that sells aren't crap magazines like Star and other media pabblum, but mainstream, POPULAR theories and ideas. Maintaining the STATUS QUO is important to national security, which really means, "keeping the enslaved masses, enslaved."

Case in point, 63 million people + voted on American Idol. I'm willing to bet 100 million people watch it, plus. Yet, more people voted for American Idol, than ANY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY. Do we honestly think anybody has any sense of compassion or decency to tell the truth, when its apparent people don't care either?

And you know what happens when 80-90% of the world says, "We don't care"...? The 10-20% who can make things happen, do so for their benefit, since the other's are JUST ALONG for the ride. 9-11 didn't matter to those who conducted it. Hitler did it to the Reichtstag to come into power and motivate Nazi Germany to rally behind him. And so too did the G-O-V to rally us behind them...to fund a war that would drive profits through the roof for those concerned, to protect the interests of big oil, as they have his MOST HIGHEST's eater, to pass laws like the Patriot ACT, which can necessitate the curtailment and shelving of personal freedoms.

Do we realize a society under stress and with a cause, whatever that cause maybe progresses FASTER? People under stress, keeping up with inflation, or the joneses, or the smiths, or taxes, or prescription meds, or the latest fad, or under stress because they think people are evil and want to see them are MORE apt to produce and progress than a society NOT under stress? Hence why people are muddied with an overwhelming amount of stress...to keep them moving before the quick sand pulls them down.

The top few don't care about the bottom many. IN fact, they view the world as a bunch of maggots feeding on the dead carcass of a cow. The muddled masses are merely products in social Darwin machine. Oh, sure, there's the few who will rise up and assert their value to the "greater social cause," but in a democratic society turned socialist, the masses are merely replaceable at best, and acceptable losses at nature.

Even Ayn Rand iterated that a business owner cares not to pay more for the services of his goods than he should, and the employee need not accept less than his value. And the major stakeholders only seek to keep the machine plugging along. This in part thanks to Scientific Management which has sought to 'massify' the public into automated humatrons, working doldrum-like hours for a nugget or morsel of food, a taste of the "good life."

Andrew Carnegie and John D Rockefellar, 2 tycoons of business who amassed such fortunes, their ideals and fortunes still stand the test of time, inflicting their poison on America today, HATED competition. At the top of the pecking order, competition results in fluctuating profits, overproduction, and more. You see, ALL people are truly imbued with MASSIVE potential. MASSIVE. IMMENSE. Yet, they're "dumbed down", spending MANY idle hours chasing useless knowledge in public schools, only to do the same in college, to become a cog in someone else's wheel. The truly wealthy KNEW and KNOW this. If kids started out YOUNG, coaxing their inherent abilities as entrepreneurs, people would eventually over produce and over compete, again, like maggots. Maybe good for the nation in the long-run, but not for profit seekers who seek steady flows of revenue by turning out new products and laying signicant capital investments out.

So do I still think that the article referenced is crap? Absolutely. They don't care, and never will to speak the truth. They wouldn't issue "stunning" statements that would people, because people DO NOT CARE. Their beliefs are their beliefs. And they don't care for a number reasons. In the case of CONSPIRACY theory, the public sheeple don't want to be seen as OUTSIDERS, or labeled harshly even when it's false. The negative connotation that CONSPIRACY holds in the public eye is enough to prevent all but the staunchest detectives from pressing forward.

Up to 21, I didn't care about much more than being 21. Drinking. Women. And random 21 year old things. Our generation is like that, because the baby boomers, the hippies, sought to SHIELD much of the children of this generation from the experiences they had. Little did they know, THOSE experiences are what MADE them successful. They missed the boat. We have catching up to do guys' (and girls). We have a responsibility. The responsibility to THINK and to be FREE and to be INDEPENDENT holds ALL of you accountable to such freedoms, and if you're not, someone will take them, because in the darwinian context by which GOV and the ELITE can operate, those not taking CONTROL of their freedoms and LIFE, are considered LOW on the evolutionary TOTUM pole.

And that's what this amounts to. A bunch of sheeple asleep at the wheel, swallowing anything the gov. or corporate America throws at them. And they've forsakened their freedoms. They figure if people won't fight, then they'll do what's in the best interest of THOSE THAT DO CARE. Even if it's right or wrong. And the only to happen is a few of the m(asses) that will wake up and bytch, then fall back asleep. That's the hardest part, not only waking from your AFC life as a boy, but your AFC life as an apathetic human being.
