Minimun System Requirements for a Cool Chick


New Member
Jul 2, 2005
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As a girl I can say a bit about this---
High quality women with a lot going for them (breeding, beauty, brains, cash, or ability to make cash) will almost always seek out their equal or better. As a woman, I can say that it is terribly frustrating to see how men want physical perfection but do not issue upon themselves the same demands-----being out of shape, not properly grooming themselves, etc....and yet, they insist that a woman be perfect. Please. Let me up. I work hard to stay in shape and have much to offer a man in my life---so why would I settle for a TrainWreck, physically, emotionally, intellectually---even at my age of 38? The physical draws you in, Chemistry has to be there....not something you can fake. Intellect and quick wit keeps their interest after the second drink---otherwise we are looking over your shoulders for the next prospect....Quick suggestions----Have a fabulous and confident smile. Nothing is more repellant than a guy with horrible teeth....I mean, total deal-killer. Great smile, true confidence, and the smart girls can see thru the bullsh*t puffed up attempt at confidence....Have a array of subjects you can talk about---be brilliant, fun, energetic, engaging....Again, if you want to take home the Blue Ribbon, you better be able to qualify.....Improve the inside and's a lifelong process....


New Member
Jul 2, 2005
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Hey DJohnson, Serious question---Is it always a lame manipulative game when guys send flowers?
Buy little thoughtful gifts? I for one cannot even fathom wasting any time or money on any guy....but my intent could be different....Truly though, if a guy REALLY digs a girl, he WILL do those things....I have had both serious and not-so-seriously involved men do all of those things...
I for one think it is a GREAT way to tell a girl you really are thinking of her....but again----depends on your motivation with the girl. Set me straight here, guys!!


Don Juan
Jun 21, 2005
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Louisiana, soon Montreal
Originally posted by champagneblonde
Hey DJohnson, Serious question---Is it always a lame manipulative game when guys send flowers?
Buy little thoughtful gifts? I for one cannot even fathom wasting any time or money on any guy....but my intent could be different....Truly though, if a guy REALLY digs a girl, he WILL do those things....I have had both serious and not-so-seriously involved men do all of those things...
I for one think it is a GREAT way to tell a girl you really are thinking of her....but again----depends on your motivation with the girl. Set me straight here, guys!!
Hi champagne,

Sadly, MOST of the time a guy in a new relationship gives gifts either because:

1) He thinks he is supposed to.

2) He thinks it will score him points.

There are many guys, myself included, who give gifts to people all the time, male female, old, young, because I like to make people happy, and I was raised in a family where sharing and giving were common place.

But most people simply aren't that giving. That is just the fact of the matter. They are doing it because they think they have to or they will score points usually.

So to summarize, giving gifts isn't bad, if the motivation is right. In fact there are few conrete rules if the motivation and inner game is right.