Mind tricks.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
How can you tell if a girl is playing with your head? I think this chick liked me, but I didn't show enough interest and ask her out in time. They will not wait around forever. I think this happened. Then she may have just been messing around with my head and stuff.

No one answered my question from a long time ago.

Is there a way to learn information without asking for it? In Hamlet, Polonius says to "fish for truth with lies" or something like that. Can that work, and how do you do it? I need to know so I can find out what Lauren was doing.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
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Where I be at
Originally posted by Maeisgood
How can you tell if a girl is playing with your head? I think this chick liked me, but I didn't show enough interest and ask her out in time. They will not wait around forever. I think this happened. Then she may have just been messing around with my head and stuff.

No one answered my question from a long time ago.

Is there a way to learn information without asking for it? In Hamlet, Polonius says to "fish for truth with lies" or something like that. Can that work, and how do you do it? I need to know so I can find out what Lauren was doing.
This is in the bible (or archive) the only way to find out if a girl is playing with your head is to ask them out or make a move and see how they respond. It sucks but there is no other way

You can watch body language to find things about her. Then you can tell about her moods and feelings with a good glance. If you want more in depth things, you have to make assumptions which are more likely to be wrong. For example a cheerleader would seem like a person who digs attention, a person always reading a book might be smarter, a person who eats dirt might be crazy...you get the idea. This is called "pacing her reality", basically, put yourself in their shoes and think like them and then you will come to good conclusions about them.

Nothing beats actually talking to them to find out tho



Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for the replys, I enjoy reading what others have to say.

The girl I am most concerned with has a boyfriend. I just wanted to see what she was doing all this time. Plus, this kind of skill would help out in all kinds of situations in which you want to know stuff without being too obvious about it. The play, Hamlet, there is a scene in which Polonius gives his son tips about life, and the one about "fishing for truth with lies" seems like a really good life skill to have. When you know something about someone, you have a power over them. When they know you don't have some information, they have power over you.

Does anyone remember that? They made us read it in English class last year and that play is rather famous.

Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
Originally posted by Maeisgood
Thanks for the replys, I enjoy reading what others have to say.

The girl I am most concerned with has a boyfriend. I just wanted to see what she was doing all this time. Plus, this kind of skill would help out in all kinds of situations in which you want to know stuff without being too obvious about it. The play, Hamlet, there is a scene in which Polonius gives his son tips about life, and the one about "fishing for truth with lies" seems like a really good life skill to have. When you know something about someone, you have a power over them. When they know you don't have some information, they have power over you.

Does anyone remember that? They made us read it in English class last year and that play is rather famous.
Nope, i don't remember :p

I recall a smart person once saying power is all in your head though. IF you think about it, it is. If you see a supermodel and she is having a bad day and looks like sh!t she has no power. Why is it that people give her power the day she is all dolled up? Power is all in your head, once you can control who you give power to, you are the master of your domain, lol


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
I just wanted to find out what she was doing between the time she asked me to prom last year and when she got a boyfriend. I want to find out if I had a chance and lost it by not acting soon enough, or if I never had a chance and she just used me.

Is it part of girls' nature to want d!ck around with guys' heads? If so, I hope they all get punished somehow later because that just isn't right.

I really don't understand this whole thing. I can be confident and stuff, ****y and funny, surprising, do manly things like not caring what they think, take control of situations, I have a job, workout, have a car, play a sport, etc., but I can't deal with their catty BS. I think I'm only in her "friends zone". I don't call her anymore, I try to avoid her by walking a different way in the hall, and I park in a different area of the parking lot now. I talk to other girls, but she still calls me.

What would compell a chick to do something so evil? She seems so nice on the outside, but I think on her inside she's insidious.

Todesangel, what is "suck my ****" supposed to mean? What are you mad at?


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
I was wondering this myself with a girl if she was playing mind tricks.

A while ok i made out with and it carried on into the night at a party.

Then couple of nights ago at a party she shows up but seems to be blowing me off. So i just flirted with everyone there and soon find out she was clearly playing hard to get because she went and told my friend that she likes me lots and wants to dumb her bf but doesnt know how i feel.

So basically if you cant beat them join them, play mind tricks to her, also read the bible it may be big and look boring but im telling you its worth it and not boring once you get going.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
Yea I ignore her on AIM. She's like "come back" a bunch of times and my away message is up. She calls me but I'm never home (truthfully). I sort of want to know why she called me but I don't want to ask directly. If I play these games long enough, since she has a boyfriend, I think she'll probably just get pissed off (and not show it) and then we'll just become strangers again. The sad thing is that we're seniors and we'll probably never see each other much after high school so I'll never have a chance to get with her. I knew her in 9th grade but I was too shy then and didn't know what I know now. I just figured out high school, just in time for it to end. But that's life. "Life's a lesson, you learn it when you're through." I think that's from a Limpbizkit song, a band popular when I was in 9th grade. What are they doing now?

The college I'm planning on going to is more girls than guys so that'll help and I'll use new found knowledge about high school there. There needs to be a college forum.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeah College forum would be good. im in college at england which is more like your end years of high school. But the High school stuff still helps give or take a few concepts.

Dont speak to her on AIM. But dont delete her she might take offence if finds out.

Why dont you call her back and see what she wants try arranging a date or somthing. Did you say she has a bf?

You sound like your in the same situation as me. Just play it right dont be AFC and if you call her get it over with quick and bail so you dont say out stupid ;) play it cool thou


Senior Don Juan
Nov 21, 2004
Reaction score
So call her for a brief time, every now and then? Even if she has a boyfriend? I've never seen him and he does live kind of far away.

She calls me every now and then and wants to hang out. I can't tell if I'm in her "friend zone" or if she's just screwing with my head. Taunting me so she can get confidence boosts or something. These are three theories: she did like me but I didn't ask her out so she assumed that I just wanted to be friends with her because the man is supposed to instigate the "asking out," she just liked me in the way one would like someone as a friend, or she asked me out in desperation in 11th grade to prom. I wrongly assumed that she wasn't in demand so I hesitated and wanted to make it perfect, so I used any excuse not to ask. Sometimes she ignores me, but most of the time she'll say something and she still calls me. I'm so confused.

Here's a hint to everyone else: DO NOT WAIT YOU WILL REGRET IT MORE BY NOT ASKING THAN YOU WILL REGRET IT BY GETTING REJECTED. By asking, if done correctly, you are proving you had the balls to do it.