Master Don Juan
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This post from Aenigma
got me thinking. In a weird way, a lot of ideas I've had floating in my head for anywhere from a few days to a few years seemed to come together in a coherent picture.
Take it for what it's worth to you.
The Traditional Relationship - Power-for-Honor
I think it was SaveTheMales or one of those websites that best described the traditional male-female dynamic. The traditional "relationship" was an exchange.
The woman gave up her power to the man. The man's word was the final decision in all things and she trusted his leadership to guide her and her family in the right direction. This leads to the traditional "Man of the House" figure.
In return, the man honored and cherished his woman...almost deified her. He swore to protect her, to fight for her honor, to provide for her, to comfort her, and to weigh her opinion in all things.
This power-for-honor bond has a lot of advantages to it. First of all, it specializes the male and the female roles in the relationship. It eliminates the competing egos of two individuals, giving each person his/her role to follow. The man is the provider, power-broker, and decider, whereas the woman is the goddess, the giver of grace, and the nurturer.
This exchange makes it VERY easy for a man and a woman to form a partnership based on this exchange with little personal compatibility.
The downside to this traditional power-for-honor arrangement, however, is that a bit of the individual is lost in the process. The woman is surrendering her power to decide the direction of her life, while the man becomes bound to the whims of his neo-deity instead of his own desires. In the case of strong personalities, this inevitably leads to conflict within a marriage.
Maybe you were lucky enough to have parents who had a storybook marriage. But as I grew up I discovered that the "happy couples" that made up my aunts and uncles and such weren't always as happy as they let on. A lot of ego-clashes exist.
And not only that, a lot of people end up relinquishing their dreams for the "good of the family". The ideal of marriage and children as the "greatest good" (OMG CHILDREN ARE SO WONDERFUL!!) was driven into their heads and many pair and marry early in life, but find themselves stripped of the means or will to chase any other end in life.
Finally, the power-for-honor bond is subject to abuse. Less scrupulous men can use the power given to them by the woman to coerce her into following HIS guidance, cheating her out of the honor and respect due to her. Or the woman can get a man to worship her so that he gives his power BACK to her, becoming a cuckold, an empty partner and psychological slave to the relationship.
It Started with Feminism
During Western society's move toward "equal rights", women were the first to notice the abuses to the traditional power-for-honor bond. Their reaction was extreme distaste toward men and the tradition of a male-power society. The feminists were the first to promote a woman's individuality and power of choosing her own destiny.
This had a devastating effect on the old power-for-honor structure. With the woman becoming an individual in the eyes of society, on equal power-footing with men, women began to no longer surrender their power to the men in the relationship.
The men learned slowly at first. They had been ingrained by their fathers and grandfathers with their role in the traditional power-for-honor structure...honor and worship the woman and she will give you dominion over her. So men continued to supplicate themselves to the women in relationships, giving them gifts, respecting and tolerating their whims, honoring them above all else.
But while men were still worshipping women, women were learning from THEIR forbears to follow the equal rights doctrine, to exercise "girl power" and not to give up their dreams for ANY man.
So the balance was broken. The women no longer gave up their power to the man, no longer gave dominion to them.
There was Still Sex, Though
Oh, sex was still there. No one can deny his or her biological urges completely. But the dynamic of sex between men and women in the 'Girl Power' age was different.
In the traditional power-for-honor model, sex was the act of the woman "giving herself" to the man, part of her release of power to the male. The man was always the dominant one, the woman always submissive.
In the "Girl Power" world, women still enjoyed sex, but for the first time, were given POWER in the sexual interaction. They began to pursue choice partners...studs, rich men, charmers...men who would enrich the WOMAN'S sexual experience. Men who could make them cvm. Women began to enjoy sex for its OWN sake.
Of course, the disenfranchised men, still offering honor and worship to the women without being rewarded with power, decried the new woman as a "slvt" and "harlot". They couldn't understand how they could give so much, yet not even get a second-glance from the independent woman as she chased after some reckless stud who did nothing more for her than getting her pvssy wet.
Men Catch Up - The Peer-to-Peer Model
Men pay extra-close attention to tradition...the great men before them and how THEY made life work. So it was very hard for men to deviate from the power-for-honor framework of male-female relationships and marriages. But faced with the "independent woman", they had little choice but to evolve.
And evolve they did. They began to no longer honor women as deities, no longer worship them. They stopped seeking the traditional power-for-honor relationship with women and started looking at them as PEERS, instead of as "little women". Exactly what the women wanted.
The natural result of this was a new kind of male-female pairing...the Peer-to-Peer relationship. Here, there was no exchange of honor or power and neither the man nor the woman was pigeon-holed into a specific role. Rather, each was allowed to retain his/her individuality. The relationship was based on a common vision shared between two individuals, two separate egos that shared common ways of thinking or common directions in life.
Sex in the Peer-to-Peer Model - The Sexual Revolution
Under the old power-for-honor model, sex was considered to be the greatest manifestation of this exchange. The woman gave up her power to the man by consenting to sex, while the man honored the woman by desiring her physically.
Under a peer-to-peer model, sex is no longer bound to the confines of a relationship, but enjoyed as a union between two individuals, regardless of the strength or duration of that union. Sex becomes an expression of personal enjoyment, the physical bond between a man and a woman becoming as common, yet as rich, as any other friendship. Sex is no longer a commitment, but the result of two people saying, "I am a man, you are a woman, let's get naked and see where it goes".
Thus began the 21st-century "sexual revolution", the greatest expression of "free love" since the hippie movement in the 1960s. Between condoms, birth control, and instant STD tests and prevention methods, sex was free to be enjoyed on a recreational level. Pairing with various partners was not only "okay" but encouraged. Porn became a staple for most young men. Women had "sex toy parties" the way women in the power-for-honor model used to have Tupperware parties.
The Evolution of the Peer-to-Peer Marriage
Those used to the old power-for-honor model thought at first that this promiscuity would destroy the institution of marriage. The churches especially started launching massive advertising campaigns encouraging people to get married and "save themselves".
Marriage, however, didn't die. The model just changed. The Peer-to-Peer marriage is a different animal entirely.
Instead of being based on an exchange, where each side sacrifices something to the other, now both parties are allowed to retain their individuality. The relationship is based on common things they share, either certain passions in life or a "common life-direction".
As a result of this "sharing", a peer-to-peer marriage is often just as strong, if not even STRONGER, than a power-for-honor relationship. Part of the other person is also a part of who YOU are, and there is no greater bond between two people than that. As one of my elementary school teachers once said, "Love endures when couples love things together, not just each other".
This seems like something very foreign and blasphemous to a culture that was raised on a power-for-honor model, but I consider it to be the next evolution of the male-female relationship. Look at the successful marriages you have seen in your life, marriages that may have started out as power-for-honor models. Eventually, they evolve into a peer-to-peer dynamic. The partners find things they can enjoy together. The male begins to relinquish power back to the female as he finds that he can trust her to follow his lead as the woman becomes more of an individual and no longer requires the worship of the man. They both find experiences they can share and they grow and learn from the other's perspective, yet each develops and retains their own personal identity.
Furthermore, unlike a power-for-honor dynamic, there is very little potential for abuse in a peer-to-peer model. The reason for this is that each partner to the relationship retains his/her individual identity. It's very hard to become dependent on another when you have a strong identity and direction in life, so it's impossible for the man to wield power over the woman, or for the woman to turn the man into a cuckold/supplicant...if one becomes abusive, the other simply goes in a different direction.
got me thinking. In a weird way, a lot of ideas I've had floating in my head for anywhere from a few days to a few years seemed to come together in a coherent picture.
Take it for what it's worth to you.
The Traditional Relationship - Power-for-Honor
I think it was SaveTheMales or one of those websites that best described the traditional male-female dynamic. The traditional "relationship" was an exchange.
The woman gave up her power to the man. The man's word was the final decision in all things and she trusted his leadership to guide her and her family in the right direction. This leads to the traditional "Man of the House" figure.
In return, the man honored and cherished his woman...almost deified her. He swore to protect her, to fight for her honor, to provide for her, to comfort her, and to weigh her opinion in all things.
This power-for-honor bond has a lot of advantages to it. First of all, it specializes the male and the female roles in the relationship. It eliminates the competing egos of two individuals, giving each person his/her role to follow. The man is the provider, power-broker, and decider, whereas the woman is the goddess, the giver of grace, and the nurturer.
This exchange makes it VERY easy for a man and a woman to form a partnership based on this exchange with little personal compatibility.
The downside to this traditional power-for-honor arrangement, however, is that a bit of the individual is lost in the process. The woman is surrendering her power to decide the direction of her life, while the man becomes bound to the whims of his neo-deity instead of his own desires. In the case of strong personalities, this inevitably leads to conflict within a marriage.
Maybe you were lucky enough to have parents who had a storybook marriage. But as I grew up I discovered that the "happy couples" that made up my aunts and uncles and such weren't always as happy as they let on. A lot of ego-clashes exist.
And not only that, a lot of people end up relinquishing their dreams for the "good of the family". The ideal of marriage and children as the "greatest good" (OMG CHILDREN ARE SO WONDERFUL!!) was driven into their heads and many pair and marry early in life, but find themselves stripped of the means or will to chase any other end in life.
Finally, the power-for-honor bond is subject to abuse. Less scrupulous men can use the power given to them by the woman to coerce her into following HIS guidance, cheating her out of the honor and respect due to her. Or the woman can get a man to worship her so that he gives his power BACK to her, becoming a cuckold, an empty partner and psychological slave to the relationship.
It Started with Feminism
During Western society's move toward "equal rights", women were the first to notice the abuses to the traditional power-for-honor bond. Their reaction was extreme distaste toward men and the tradition of a male-power society. The feminists were the first to promote a woman's individuality and power of choosing her own destiny.
This had a devastating effect on the old power-for-honor structure. With the woman becoming an individual in the eyes of society, on equal power-footing with men, women began to no longer surrender their power to the men in the relationship.
The men learned slowly at first. They had been ingrained by their fathers and grandfathers with their role in the traditional power-for-honor structure...honor and worship the woman and she will give you dominion over her. So men continued to supplicate themselves to the women in relationships, giving them gifts, respecting and tolerating their whims, honoring them above all else.
But while men were still worshipping women, women were learning from THEIR forbears to follow the equal rights doctrine, to exercise "girl power" and not to give up their dreams for ANY man.
So the balance was broken. The women no longer gave up their power to the man, no longer gave dominion to them.
There was Still Sex, Though
Oh, sex was still there. No one can deny his or her biological urges completely. But the dynamic of sex between men and women in the 'Girl Power' age was different.
In the traditional power-for-honor model, sex was the act of the woman "giving herself" to the man, part of her release of power to the male. The man was always the dominant one, the woman always submissive.
In the "Girl Power" world, women still enjoyed sex, but for the first time, were given POWER in the sexual interaction. They began to pursue choice partners...studs, rich men, charmers...men who would enrich the WOMAN'S sexual experience. Men who could make them cvm. Women began to enjoy sex for its OWN sake.
Of course, the disenfranchised men, still offering honor and worship to the women without being rewarded with power, decried the new woman as a "slvt" and "harlot". They couldn't understand how they could give so much, yet not even get a second-glance from the independent woman as she chased after some reckless stud who did nothing more for her than getting her pvssy wet.
Men Catch Up - The Peer-to-Peer Model
Men pay extra-close attention to tradition...the great men before them and how THEY made life work. So it was very hard for men to deviate from the power-for-honor framework of male-female relationships and marriages. But faced with the "independent woman", they had little choice but to evolve.
And evolve they did. They began to no longer honor women as deities, no longer worship them. They stopped seeking the traditional power-for-honor relationship with women and started looking at them as PEERS, instead of as "little women". Exactly what the women wanted.
The natural result of this was a new kind of male-female pairing...the Peer-to-Peer relationship. Here, there was no exchange of honor or power and neither the man nor the woman was pigeon-holed into a specific role. Rather, each was allowed to retain his/her individuality. The relationship was based on a common vision shared between two individuals, two separate egos that shared common ways of thinking or common directions in life.
Sex in the Peer-to-Peer Model - The Sexual Revolution
Under the old power-for-honor model, sex was considered to be the greatest manifestation of this exchange. The woman gave up her power to the man by consenting to sex, while the man honored the woman by desiring her physically.
Under a peer-to-peer model, sex is no longer bound to the confines of a relationship, but enjoyed as a union between two individuals, regardless of the strength or duration of that union. Sex becomes an expression of personal enjoyment, the physical bond between a man and a woman becoming as common, yet as rich, as any other friendship. Sex is no longer a commitment, but the result of two people saying, "I am a man, you are a woman, let's get naked and see where it goes".
Thus began the 21st-century "sexual revolution", the greatest expression of "free love" since the hippie movement in the 1960s. Between condoms, birth control, and instant STD tests and prevention methods, sex was free to be enjoyed on a recreational level. Pairing with various partners was not only "okay" but encouraged. Porn became a staple for most young men. Women had "sex toy parties" the way women in the power-for-honor model used to have Tupperware parties.
The Evolution of the Peer-to-Peer Marriage
Those used to the old power-for-honor model thought at first that this promiscuity would destroy the institution of marriage. The churches especially started launching massive advertising campaigns encouraging people to get married and "save themselves".
Marriage, however, didn't die. The model just changed. The Peer-to-Peer marriage is a different animal entirely.
Instead of being based on an exchange, where each side sacrifices something to the other, now both parties are allowed to retain their individuality. The relationship is based on common things they share, either certain passions in life or a "common life-direction".
As a result of this "sharing", a peer-to-peer marriage is often just as strong, if not even STRONGER, than a power-for-honor relationship. Part of the other person is also a part of who YOU are, and there is no greater bond between two people than that. As one of my elementary school teachers once said, "Love endures when couples love things together, not just each other".
This seems like something very foreign and blasphemous to a culture that was raised on a power-for-honor model, but I consider it to be the next evolution of the male-female relationship. Look at the successful marriages you have seen in your life, marriages that may have started out as power-for-honor models. Eventually, they evolve into a peer-to-peer dynamic. The partners find things they can enjoy together. The male begins to relinquish power back to the female as he finds that he can trust her to follow his lead as the woman becomes more of an individual and no longer requires the worship of the man. They both find experiences they can share and they grow and learn from the other's perspective, yet each develops and retains their own personal identity.
Furthermore, unlike a power-for-honor dynamic, there is very little potential for abuse in a peer-to-peer model. The reason for this is that each partner to the relationship retains his/her individual identity. It's very hard to become dependent on another when you have a strong identity and direction in life, so it's impossible for the man to wield power over the woman, or for the woman to turn the man into a cuckold/supplicant...if one becomes abusive, the other simply goes in a different direction.