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Militant gay hate movement attacks christian bakery with lawsuit

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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A $135,000 because a Christian wedding cake baker doesn't want to supply your lesbian wedding cake. When fundraiser raised money to support the bakery Gofundme deleted it. Looks like there needs to be an alternative to Gofundme.
A bakery that turned away a lesbian couple looking to buy a cake for their wedding will have to pay them an award of possibly $135,000 for emotional damages, a hearings officer said Friday. The sum is recommended by an administrative law judge for the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI), but it could change before a final decision is made.

Sweet Cakes by Melissa refused to sell a wedding cake to Oregon couple Rachel Bowman-Cryer and Laurel Bowman-Cryer in 2013, saying it went against their religious beliefs to contribute to a same-sex wedding. The BOLI investigation found that the company’s refusal violated the state’s nondiscrimination ordinance. While the prosecutors were originally seeking $150,000 for the couple, the law judge recommended that Rachel should collect $75,000 and Laurel $60,000 for emotional damages. Rachel and her mother were turned away after setting up a cake tasting with the bakers, and Laurel was not present — a fact the defense tried to argue meant she did not have standing in the complaint.

Owners Melissa and Aaron Klein quickly became heroes to the anti-LGBT conservative Christian community, and are often held up as proof that LGBT rights infringe on religious liberty. They closed down their storefront after intense backlash and now operate their business out of their home.

After the judge’s proposed order was released, the couple posted a statement on Facebook, saying, “This amount will financially ruin us. Our government was put in place to protect the people not to punish people because of their faith.” A GoFundMe crowdfunding page in support of the bakery was deleted after raising $109,000 on Friday, as GoFundMe’s terms of service do not allow fundraising for people found in violation of the law.

The bakers have ten days to file objections to the order, according to their attorney. The Labor Commissioner will then decide if the amount should be raised, lowered, or remain at $135,000.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
None of these repugnant dykes targeting Christian businesses ever had any intention of using their business. They are simply seen as an easy mark and a way they can boost their own victim status among the preening progtard hivemind.

Notice they still don't dare take on kosher or halal bakeries. Our handlers have deemed European Christendom the "safe" target for the weak whyte host population. The religion more commonly associated with those icky white gentiles who like chained women to sinks and and were mean to the noble savages and stuff. The weak whytes bucking for preening points along with the legit anti-whites eat this sh!t up.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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That's spot on that the militant gays are only targeting white Christians.

I still can hardly believe that any local, state or federal gov administration would infringe on a person's 1st amendment rights and make them pay $135k. The first amendment is officially gone, and replaced with forced sexual orientation protection and gay marriage. Politically correct and constitutionally incorrect.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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As if a Christian bakery could make a cake cool enough for a gay wedding...

Oh wait, they're lesbians. Then maybe they could...

But I totally think the dozen or so Muslim bakeries in the country should be targeted too. It's just that there are so many Christians to jizz over first.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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Wtf dude. $135,000? Christians aren't allowed to disagree with something that goes against their beliefs? Lol Martial law here we come. Its close, as the constitution is slowly degenerating.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to intertwine religious conviction with for-profit ventures.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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Francisco d'Anconia said:
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea to intertwine religious conviction with for-profit ventures.
I'd at least make an exception for wedding service providers. Many got into the business when the definition of marriage agreed with their religious convictions. The gay agenda changed the definition almost overnight. The least gays could do is respect the religious convictions of a few wedding service providers who do not want to be involved with gay marriage. The government certainly should also respect 1st amendment rights.

Of course I think private business owners and property owners should be able to have whatever convictions they want and hire and serve or not serve anyone they want. But for sexual orientation to be considered a protect class and an extra protected minority takes the cake.

The bottomline is gays are screaming out of the closet and pushing Christians and anyone not pro-gay completely into the closet.

The only convictions or 1st amendment rights allowed outside your home is the religion of "diversity" and politically correct even in your private business.

In a shocking decision, a commission examiner made a recommended ruling last Monday that a Christian businessman violated a local ordinance against sexual-orientation discrimination by refusing to print T-shirts with a pro-homosexual message. As Fox News’ Todd Starnes reported, “The examiner concluded that Blaine Adamson of Hands On Originals broke the law in 2012 by declining to print shirts promoting the Lexington Pride Festival. The Gay and Lesbian Services Organization subsequently filed a complaint.”

The examiner, Greg Munson, also demands that Hands On Originals go in for “diversity training” — conducted by the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission (LFUCHRC) itself — within the next 12 months.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
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( . )( . ) said:
Coz screw you dad. You're SUCH a square!!
FWIW tits, when you want a cake in the shape of a black penis and want a white supremacist baker to make it for you, I will back you.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
FairShake said:
FWIW tits, when you want a cake in the shape of a black penis and want a white supremacist baker to make it for you, I will back you.
Once again nonsensical sh!tlib jibberish in an attempt to come off as clever no doubt but a fitting subject for our resident "America is too white" race cuck nevertheless :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Sice gays and lezbos preech tolerance, shouldn't they be tolerant of the other people's beliefs?


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Peaks&Valleys said:
Sice gays and lezbos preech tolerance, shouldn't they be tolerant of the other people's beliefs?
My thoughts exactly..

If I were the bakery owner I would have served the lesbos and not had a problem with it, and treated them like just another wedding. But I respect the beliefs of the bakery owners. Enough that IF I were gay, IF IF IF, and went to them for a wedding cake and they turned me down, I would understand and go find another bakery without making a fuss..

Gays and lesbos need to understand that their sexual preference, while it is there right to have, they need to understand that homosexuality is still a very sensitive topic to many people... Especially people who are a bit older than my generation like my parents. People around my age + or - are, GENERALLY, more tolerant of it now days.. Most folks my age take the stance "do what you want behind closed doors.. Just don't attempt to push your beliefs on me or bust my n\_/ts for not being gay, and you sure as he\_\_ better not expect any special treatment from me or the world because you are gay"..

Bottom line "Lesbos, suck it up like big girls (no punn) and move on!"


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Disgusting.... 135,000.. yes I'm quite certain that those dollars will make the Christian bakery owners and their supporters more 'tolerant'. LGBT Fosters hate and brings everything upon itself. Its pretty sad when you have to move out of your own country just to avoid LGBT backlash.

The machine is tearing itself apart.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
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The Dirty South
logicallefty said:
Gays and lesbos need to understand that their sexual preference, while it is there right to have, they need to understand that homosexuality is still a very sensitive topic to many people
Understand??? You think this bullsh*t is about understanding anything?

This is about MONEY, pal.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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speed dawg said:
Understand??? You think this bullsh*t is about understanding anything?

This is about MONEY, pal.
For gays it's about money; putting anyone not pro-gay, Christian objectors or secular objectors, out of the market place; forcing private individuals to fully accept their sexual choices; and benefits and protections of hiding behind a protected class.


Don Juan
Apr 20, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
None of these repugnant dykes targeting Christian businesses ever had any intention of using their business. They are simply seen as an easy mark and a way they can boost their own victim status among the preening progtard hivemind.
I couldn't agree with you more. Easy way to gain support and to get a pay off. $135,000 is a nice chunk of change just to be told no. Why is the other lezbo awarded emotional damages?

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
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Galt's Gulch
Stagger Lee said:
And this is why I say that the two shouldn't be mixed. Having a personal moral conviction is one thing, expecting everyone else to have the same conviction (especially when its religion) is just foolhearty. They would have less problems if they said that they would only serve one political party. At least then no one from an alternate party would be seen setting foot in their establishment. But when it comes to religion, people will go to all lengths to expound their beliefs while attempting to curtail the beliefs of others.

There are certain obligations when running a business for profit, serving the paying public is one of them unless the request is beyond the capabilities of the business of the customer is unable to pay. If a person's religious convictions precludes their ability to serve everyone, they should instead form a church to expound their virtues and convert the masses to safely stand on religious freedom.

Stagger Lee

Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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A person should be able to run their private business based on their convictions whether they are religious convictions or otherwise. One can run his business based on his convictions as long as those convictions align with whatever the state says they should be. That's the problem, no freedom and liberty.

To only have 1st amendment rights as long as your willing to give up your means of livelihood and only in secret in your home is an end run around first amendment rights. That's exactly how political correct speech is being enforced.

Gays don't even really want a Christian wedding services provider to cater their wedding. They want to shove Christians in the closet and run them out of business. No one is entitled to have a specific person bake them a wedding cake for their controvertible non-traditional wedding. Tolerance shouldn't be a one-way street.

One can be gay and an atheist but still believe in liberty and freedom and respect others' 1st amendment rights and convictions. I agree with John Stossel


Bake me a cake, or go to jail!

Sadly, that is the new message from "inclusive" America. If you don't want to cater, photograph, preside over, sell pizza at, sell flowers to or otherwise participate in a gay wedding, you will be punished. If you don't want your business to pay for a kind of birth control that you consider murder, you will pay fines until your business is bankrupt.

Personally, I think both birth control and homosexuality are just fine, and gay marriage is as valid as straight marriage. But forcing everyone to act as if they think that way is just wrong. We have moved from "inclusion" to totalitarianism.

The list of people you must treat carefully keeps getting longer. Protected classes now include sex, race, age, disability, nationality, citizenship status, pregnancy, family status and more. I'm in two of those groups. You better treat me well!

Why force someone who disapproves of your actions to bake you a cake? Lots of other bakers would love the business. This debate has moved from inclusion to demanding that everyone adopt your values.

In a free country, bigots should have the right to be bigots. Americans should also have freedom of association.

American lawyers talk about special protection for religious freedom, and in the Hobby Lobby case the Supreme Court said you could escape onerous parts of Obamacare by paying lawyers a fortune and convincing judges that you are a closely-held corporation with religious objections. But why must you be religious to practice what you believe? This should be about individual freedom.

Of course, government must not discriminate. The worst of American racism and homophobia—slavery, segregation enforced by Jim Crow laws, bans on interracial marriage, anti-sodomy laws, etc.—was government-enforced discrimination. That was wrong, and it was right for the federal government to intervene.

But private actions are different...


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
The bakery should have baked the cake, not because its the right thing to do but because its the left. You can't escape this bllsht now, best just to develop coping and defense mechanisms to it. They could have made a SPECIAL delivery cake just for lez and friend, Charged them up the ass for it to the tune of $10,000... tacked on as much 'extra' $$$ as they could... and sprayed it with holy water before sending it out.

Since I have nothing further of value to add, here is a joke.

What do you call a gay dino?
Answer: Lickalotopuss


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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This is basically legalized discrimination against Christians because the Bible says that homosexuality is sinful (according to most interpretations). So it's understandable that they may not want to be involved in that.

However, not approving of homosexuality is not allowed these days, while it's perfectly acceptable (even desirable) to discriminate against Christians.

I saw a commercial for a new reality show called "Becoming Us" on TV. It's about a father turning himself into a woman, and his son, and how they adapt. And - get this - it's on the ABC Family network. ABC is owned by Disney. I can't imagine this sort of topic to have been suitable for "family" viewing when I was growing up. This just goes to show how deeply rooted the LGBT agenda has become. What a difference 20 years can make.