Master Don Juan
Just can't seem to gain weight? Want a change from raw eggs? Read this!
Now before I suggest this I want to lay down some rules so everyone that tries this doesn't become a fat ass.
1.Don't try this with carbs. No carbs with this stuff whatsoever unless under exceptional circumstances. See no.3. This stuff is ideal for the anabolic diet.
2.If utilizing a timed carb diet (Ie-carb cuttoff at say 6pm), you can use it AFTER the carb cutoff.
3.If you are really skinny, say 6ft and 130 and want to gain weight fast then you can use with carbs and make a weight gainer maybe using some fruit or something. Do so only sparingly, and not indefinitely. Only if you have a really fast metabolism and should probably gain a little fat along with your muscle.
4.Use sparingly.
Right I think that covers it. What is this wonder substance?...
Double Cream! Yum. Calories in 100ml=467kcal (may vary slightly).
The cost isn't actually to bad. When I realized it had so many calories in such a small amount it works out pretty cheaply. I got 300ml for around 88p (around $1.76), the cost will also vary around the world though so keep that in mind.
So there you go, there isn't much to it. For the guys that aren't gaining chug down 100ml of this stuff a day on top of what you are currently doing and that is close to 500 calories extra per day. That works out at around 30p (around $.60) a day if you use the above pricing, although I say again it will vary around the world.
You can use this stuff in whey shakes with raw eggs, or you can try it without. You would have to use a bit more whey if you used it instead of raw eggs as there is virtually no protein in it. The amount you use will also vary on your current size and goals. Be careful with this stuff though, you don't want to use too much.
Note: If using only whey and cream, you will have to mix the whey with something other than cream. 100mlofdoublecream+2.5scoops whey=soggy mess. I'll let you think up creative ways if you are going to be doing this. I am just drinking the cream and mixing the whey with some diluting juice.
Well that is it, hopefully some skinny guys will start gaining after reading this! Or someone else that has stalled...
People with a lactose intolerance should be alright as this is virtually carb free, you may still have problems if you have issues with most dairy. In that case use Olive oil, but double cream tastes good which is the bonus.
Now before I suggest this I want to lay down some rules so everyone that tries this doesn't become a fat ass.
1.Don't try this with carbs. No carbs with this stuff whatsoever unless under exceptional circumstances. See no.3. This stuff is ideal for the anabolic diet.
2.If utilizing a timed carb diet (Ie-carb cuttoff at say 6pm), you can use it AFTER the carb cutoff.
3.If you are really skinny, say 6ft and 130 and want to gain weight fast then you can use with carbs and make a weight gainer maybe using some fruit or something. Do so only sparingly, and not indefinitely. Only if you have a really fast metabolism and should probably gain a little fat along with your muscle.
4.Use sparingly.
Right I think that covers it. What is this wonder substance?...
Double Cream! Yum. Calories in 100ml=467kcal (may vary slightly).
The cost isn't actually to bad. When I realized it had so many calories in such a small amount it works out pretty cheaply. I got 300ml for around 88p (around $1.76), the cost will also vary around the world though so keep that in mind.
So there you go, there isn't much to it. For the guys that aren't gaining chug down 100ml of this stuff a day on top of what you are currently doing and that is close to 500 calories extra per day. That works out at around 30p (around $.60) a day if you use the above pricing, although I say again it will vary around the world.
You can use this stuff in whey shakes with raw eggs, or you can try it without. You would have to use a bit more whey if you used it instead of raw eggs as there is virtually no protein in it. The amount you use will also vary on your current size and goals. Be careful with this stuff though, you don't want to use too much.
Note: If using only whey and cream, you will have to mix the whey with something other than cream. 100mlofdoublecream+2.5scoops whey=soggy mess. I'll let you think up creative ways if you are going to be doing this. I am just drinking the cream and mixing the whey with some diluting juice.
Well that is it, hopefully some skinny guys will start gaining after reading this! Or someone else that has stalled...
People with a lactose intolerance should be alright as this is virtually carb free, you may still have problems if you have issues with most dairy. In that case use Olive oil, but double cream tastes good which is the bonus.