Great Post, Mr. Me!
Yo Troops,
I'm getting ready for my 25th High School Reunion later this year. I recently went to a meeting and MOST of what I saw were men and women who actually "looked like" somebody's
father or mother. Very few of them were fit, most had put on pounds, and most of the pounds they had put on were in "unflattering" places.
Now don't get me wrong, not EVERYBODY looked "thrown away", but so few of them looked GOOD that the ones who WERE in shape looked GREAT by comparison. It was a very strange situation: Here I was with people I went to school with who were in their early 40's too, and all I could think about was how "old" THEY looked to ME. LOL
And not all of this was delusional on my part, either. A couple of the classmates were there with their grown, early 20's-aged daughters. And there was some definite flirting going on with me and a few of them. And I know this was the case because one former high school chick went out of her way to tell me "She's too young for you VU. YOU need to leave my daughter alone...".
Meanwhile, later that evening I was being told by some of my misguided, but well-meaning friends that I should STOP denying reality----that no matter how often I worked out, no matter how fit I was, my ASS was still the same age that they were.
Their main objective was to tell me that they thought I should soften my overall standards and start thinking more about "settling". A strategy, by the way, that I know by decades of observation, has NOT worked for either of them.
Why? Because as LAST MAN STANDING would say "The MATRIX has them!!!!"
But for a brief moment, I almost let their statements slide. THEN I thought about the women THEY attracted, THEN I thought about the health issues that SOME of them had unfortunately began to experience, and THEN I thought about how "happy" THEY were with the women
they had "settled" for-----and I came to my fukking senses.
The choices I have made thus far in my life have afforded me the "caliber and variety" options NOW that THEY have probably never had in their entire lives-----not even when we were all years younger. For the most part, I'm in better shape, attract FAR younger and (argueably) better women, and am happier with my overall life than many of THEM seem to be at this point.
I know that this is LIFE, and nobody gets out of it ALIVE. But I'll be damned if I go quietly into that good night (the life of complacency that leads to early and UNNECESSARY decay).
I recognize that there is NOT a competition between me and my friends, because I DO love those guys and they have
had my back for many years. But what I also recognize is that taking care of yourself the best that you can is probably a great way to get the MOST out of life while you're still here. This shyt ain't about living FOREVER in these bodies, it's about being able to live to the FULLEST in these bodies.
As those great Prophets of Rock DEF LEPPARD once said: "It's better to BURN OUT, than to fade awayyyyyyy...".:rockon:
Our enjoyment of this life, and our overall satisfaction with it, would surely be better served by doing the best that we can with whatever it is that we've got-----physically, mentally, financially, spiritually, or what-have-you. This is how a man avoids a so-called "slump", or at least minimizes it's length.
I believe that I'm on the right path, for ME...despite what others may say to the contrary. And I have enough tangible proof NOW to have confidence enough to STAY on the road that I have I continue to----
------MARCH ON.