first of all, he must of had the same attorney Mike Tyson had when he went to jail about 10 years ago.
If I had THAT much money, whoever kobe bryant's attorney was would be doing my freakin TAXES, let along any crap like this.
WTF a prenup that says "here... take more than half"
he was better off going in it without any
On a different note.. whoever said Strahan has 5-10 more years of income left is full ofi t. He's been in the league for a while, 14 Freakin years.
And if I hear the "well, the NFL players don't deserve that much money"
ovbiously they do, becuase you know HOW they get paid that much? Because we pay every last freakin dime of their salary, at least the general public does. We pay what we deem important. Hell when I was in 10th grade I was horrible at Trig, but I could literarly name the top 3 picks in each draft for the last 15 years, which college they came from and in most instances, what cities they were born in.
The 32 NFL teams split something like 2 BILLION dollars in TV revenues last season. You think that money came from the Federal Goverment? That's just the NFL
Something else of note, unlike the NBA, or the MLB, the NFL is unique whereas the players salarys for the most part, isn't guaranteed, which whyt here are so many more bonuses in the NFl than any other sport.
Look at Chris Webber. He sucked, so they paid him 33 Million dollars to leave Philly.
If he wai n the NFL, he would have been cut and not cost a dime. Players salaries for the most part aren't guaranteed. what I am getting at is, I don't know if you know, but He has been hurt for a large part of the season... what if his injury takes a turn for the worst and he gets cut this or next year... you don't know how much money his wife squandered. How can he do good works with money he doesn't have?
Okay, he gets paid a base salary of 5,250,330 a year. if I am not mistaken that was a 5 year deal 3 years ago. He wasn't making that type of money before this deal. Now, this is before his endorcements (which are good but not Payton Manning, 11.5 mill a year or anything like that) and before TAXES
and you want me to fork over 15 freakin money, AFTER TAXES?
That my friends, is why you don't get married