MGTOW, guys getting jaded, exhausted...why even post? You are unhappy


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
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Am I here posting this thread to tell you all about how I have the secret to being happy and that I live that secret every day? No. My life isn't perfect. I have troubles of my own in my marriage, like right now trying to get the wife back into giving blow jobs. Funny how for so many women this is one thing a lot of them stop doing when they get comfortable. It's a process though and will take time. Frankly I'm thinking of just going up to her one day while she's sitting down and tell her my d!ck isn't gonna suck itself and to get busy.

Anyway, the point of my post here...I've noticed some guys recently getting exhausted by all this stuff, red pill practices and such. Stop and ask yourself something: why do you do this? Let's take for example a young guy who just took the first red pill and is pretty bland looks wise. Almost 100% of the time I've noticed that guys (not just on this forum, ANY red pill forum) will tell this dude to start lifting.

There's nothing wrong with lifting and women will notice the results. But here's the crux of the matter, why do you lift in the first place? Is it TRULY for you, or is it to get women to notice you? Be real...practically every guy if asked this question will say it's because they're trying to improve themselves. Many men still do it for the women. You're exhausted by all the women you see on a steady rotation? Then you aren't being true to yourself. If you started lifting it wasn't because you wanted to improve yourself 100%; some percent of that was because you wanted more attention from women.

Hell I recently took a 2 month break from lifting because I sustained a rotator cuff injury which I think was caused by overhead presses. It was killing me for the first couple weeks to not be able to lift heavy...of course my idea of lifting heavy and yours is likely very different. But I should have continued doing other exercises right? Sure, anyone can, but I didn't. I had too much other $hit going on with work and the family anyway. During this time I dealt with a lot of home improvement projects...I always enjoy this type of work and I like planning out how to tackle a task, figuring what materials I'll need and seeing the project completed. This is an example of something I really love doing. I also love working on cars and my bike, so anything mechanical.

My career is the typical white collar guy driving a desk, but I grew up in a pretty much 99% blue collar small town and that was a lot of the work I did when I was in my teens. I still enjoy some aspects of that type of work. I managed to get my contractors license though recently for various hvac and electrical work. Now wtf do I need this for? It's not even related to my career. True, but I like learning about that stuff and damn near every instance of work in that field is a different problem to be solved. Never come across anything that's the same and I like learning about it.

That sort of thing doesn't involve lifting, doesn't involve day game, doesn't involve crafty ways of messaging women for online is any of this related, especially here on SS? Is not SS and red pill theory dedicated to self-improvement? Oh, but so many equate an effort made into oneself on one end must necessarily translate into better results with women on the opposite end. We all know that men come to these forums because they want to get better with women, and several members here on SS have tried to really get through to people time and again that all of this is a process about improving YOU.

You have to lose this mentality that lingers in the back of your mind (and I know it does because I've been there myself and it does still happen to me on occasion...notice the blow job problem I mentioned?) that if you do X, then the resulting Y with women will increase to better chances with them. You are not being true to yourself. You need to find out what will make you happy in life. There are a lot of people that simply don't know.


Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Frankly I'm thinking of just going up to her one day while she's sitting down and tell her my d!ck isn't gonna suck itself and to get busy.
I don't see that going over very well at all. I imagine that's bound to get you nothing but a "Fvck you," not to mention it will put you further away from getting a bl0wj0b because now she knows you're emotionally invested in getting what only she has the power to give you. Plus, pursuing it in a hostile way will likely only lead to increased resistance and resentment on her part.

But hey, let us know how it works out for you.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 21, 2016
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Its sounds cool to say to yourself that lifting heavy weights is only for you but if lifting heavy resulted in a skinny marathon-runner physique nobody would do it UNLESS that was the sh1t. All men in the gym know VERY well that its a place for self improvement to look better for the opposite s3x and then naturally feel better overall, also health wise.

I think people who come to a red pill forum gets hit with the gym hero idea because often men who end up in a place like this are s3x starved low testosterone guys with average genetics or even worse. Some dont understand why they cant get the hot girls when theres easy principles to follow but its hard to realize cause its not an easy fix, it takes years and might require a change of city/country and lifestyle with all its addictions. Working out will help you in OLD and is the quickest fix to mental problems and increased attraction overall.

Im sure if you hit the weights hard, weigh your food, add some testosterone your wife will wake you up with a *******. That or just find a better woman when you have a smoking body. Funny thing is, if you do improve yourself she will start thinking "perhaps he is too good for me now" and she will give you better s3x to keep you around from other girls.

If it was up to me I would play computer games, eat crappy foods and masturbate. Be a skinny, lazy bastard with a lot of money and girls knocking on my door. Problem is my parents werent filthy rich, oh well.


Aug 19, 2013
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Eye of the storm
Funny, I had to get my girlfriend comfortable before she would give me BJs. She doesn't love doing it like they pretend to in porn, but she'll do it because I like it and I'll do her because she likes it.

You're right about doing alot of stuff to get women, I quit that mentality very early. I don't enjoy working out, never have and doing it would solely be to attract women. Honestly I won't do stuff I don't want to do just to get women, kinda defeated the point of getting rid of my AFC ways which was all about exactly that.

When I met my current girlfriend I was really really burnt out by all this dating and women sh!t, dating was the last thing on my mind. Met her at a party with some friends and their friends, my only plan for that night was to have fun and find any opportunity to have that. I did have a lot of fun and incidentally it was with her, by some odd chance she came home with me. No sex (couldn't get it up anyways, a bit drunk), just some making out and then sleep. After she went home I thought I'd never hear from her again, didn't bother sending a text or any of that sh!t, I was done with dating for a while after all. But she sent me one stating very clearly she wanted to see me again, I thought "fvck, didn't see that one coming". Decided to give it a shot, but just a hint of bullsh!t and I'd drop it in a heartbeat, I was too tired of games. Turns out there was no game, everything was really great, calm and straight forward. I didn't have to give up anything, I just kept going with the mentality of having fun, except now it's us and not just me.

If I lost her I wouldn't suddenly be out there lifting weights, spinning plates and having another major existential crisis. I'll do what elevates my mood, worrying about attracting women is not one of those things. Which is what I discovered when I got absolutely burnt out right before meeting my girlfriend. I would not sacrifice that sacred happiness for anyone, if my girlfriend tried ruining it I'd leave first.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2005
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You have to lose this mentality that lingers in the back of your mind...that if you do X, then the resulting Y with women will increase to better chances with them. You are not being true to yourself. You need to find out what will make you happy in life. There are a lot of people that simply don't know.
I like the ending paragraph.

We do all sorts of things to experiment with ourselves with the odds of increasing our success with women. Be it finances, career, gym progression, social skills, etc. Sometimes we end up with more plates, sometimes we don't which can lead to that jaded mentality. I think DJs have to take a time out from dating time to time and like you said figure out what makes you happy. Take up some hobbies. Go in with the mentality of surprising yourself not to surprise another plate.

I recently started playing the guitar again after a 17 year hiatus. I didn't play much the first time around because I was focused on another instrument. I had a real basic guitar that did the basics. Now that I'm much older, I bought a much nicer guitar. I have more impulse control, sustained attention, and a passion and desire to learn. I have no expectation I'm going to woo the ladies. I practice a ton daily because I admire so many music genres and bands that I want to figure out the techniques and skills that make their sound unique. All of that experimentation is making me happy. My self-esteem grows with my advancement and I can be proud of what I'm accomplishing and not needing the validation of women admiring skill.

Guitar is just a sample of a hobby to pursuit, yet there are infinite interests to get into out there that are entertaining and also have to do with self-improvement. Your brain will thank you later for the novelty in new neuronal connections in learning something new.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
I don't see that going over very well at all. I imagine that's bound to get you nothing but a "Fvck you," not to mention it will put you further away from getting a bl0wj0b because now she knows you're emotionally invested in getting what only she has the power to give you. Plus, pursuing it in a hostile way will likely only lead to increased resistance and resentment on her part.

But hey, let us know how it works out for you.
Not that I dont appreciate you trying but I laughed at this one. Emotionally invested? F*ck me? This is a woman I've been married to for over 11 years now...yes I am emotionally invested. No, she does not disrespect me by saying 'f*ck you' and I don't disrespect her like that either. But please, tell me more about how you know my wife better than I do. The last time I shoved my d!ck in her face she just got embarrassed (yes in our own home, just the 2 of us) and started laughing turning red. So it will just take a little more time.


Nov 18, 2014
Reaction score
Not that I dont appreciate you trying but I laughed at this one. Emotionally invested? F*ck me? This is a woman I've been married to for over 11 years now...yes I am emotionally invested. No, she does not disrespect me by saying 'f*ck you' and I don't disrespect her like that either. But please, tell me more about how you know my wife better than I do. The last time I shoved my d!ck in her face she just got embarrassed (yes in our own home, just the 2 of us) and started laughing turning red. So it will just take a little more time.
When I said "emotionally invested" I meant that you would be coming from a place of emotion by saying something like you mentioned in the OP. I'd say telling a woman your d!ck isn't going to suck itself and then demanding that she get to it comes from a place of frustration, even anger, that would likely get resistance.

That's what I meant by "emotionally invested."

And about the "Fvck you," I didn't mean that she'd necessarily say those words, but that's the message that would come through. That's what she would really be thinking in response to such a demand.

But you're right. I don't know your wife, and I imagine different women would respond differently to that situation.

So if you do end up going with this approach, please do share your results. I'd be interested in hearing what kind of reaction you actually would get. I just don't see it being very positive, though.