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Mexico legalizes drugs... sort of


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Potbelly said:
Mexico sucks balls. Those ****ing illegals should get the hell outta America. How would you like it if I went to MExico, demanded free health care, demanded all teachers know how to speak english, demanded all police men to know how to speak english, demand jobs for me and my kids, and change the Mexican anthem into english?

how the fuk would you feel you goddam illegals?!?!

and i hate ****ers who say "immigrants built this country." No ****, but not ILLEGAL immigrants.

the end
Actually you're wrong. MANY of the European immigrants of the 19th century were illegal. Where do you think the term "wop" used on Italians comes from? It originally meant "without papers", i.e. ILLEGAL.

Also I think you probably know jack ****ing **** about how Mexico really is or is not. Have you ever even been there?

wunnaBsmooth said:
There are processes (Laws) in place for immigration. They should be followed.
I agree in principle, but our immigration system is royally ****ed up. Its a bureaucratic mess, and it can be very difficult for poor people without means to get into this country legally unless they come under refugee status. If we fixed our legal immigration system I don't think we'd be facing this large of a problem with illegal immigration.

wunnaBsmooth said:
I, personally, think all the illegals should be be rounded up during one of their "demonstrations" and shipped the he** outta here! THAT SAME DAY!! Why hasn't anyone in Gov't come up with a decent plan like that yet?
That may sound nice in your mind, but the impracticallity of it is mind boggling. We aren't talking about fifteen lawn workers, we're talking about at LEAST 11 million people. Who is going to foot the MASSIVE bill it would incur? Also its just not really possible to even do. Do you think they are all going to just show up to be deported? And who exactly would round them up? Whos going to pay the tens of thousands of law enforcement officials it would take to do this? And who is going to patrol the steets of their hometowns while they do it? Did you know if that if we were to put them on Greyhound buses, the line of buses BUMPER TO BUMPER would stretch from San Diego to Vancouver, Canada? I'm talking literally.

To further complicate matters you have tons of children of illegals who were born in this country and whether you like it or not are therefore citizens of this country. Even kids who weren't BORN here but came here very early are Americans basically. If you tried to send them back to Mexico they would be as out of place as you would be there. Say what you want- but those kids are Americans. Many of them cannot even speak Spanish, and many more definitely cannot properly read and write it.

THINK about what you are saying before you open your mouth.


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, canada
Mexican culture has gone down the toilet. The country is infested with major drug cartels and corrupted officials. The problem is exacerbate by the large influx of mexicans entering US illegally.
I am not an american but a canadian. I would be angry as hell if they come here in large numbers. The mexicans even dare to change the US national Anthem. They can't even learn English for godsake. How stupid can they be? they jump the immigration fence ahead of everyone and expect amnesty. Doesn't someone on this forum find it ridiculous.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
^Mexico has ALWAYS been very corrupt; that is nothing new. Neither are drugs. Being a canuck you have no room to speak on that front either. :D

Back in the 1930s when there was a movement to illegalize marijuana in this country, alot of the hysteria surrounded beliefs that smoking marijuana caused Mexican migrant workers to rape white women. Harry Aslinger who was the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics(which later became the DEA) at that time was looking for a new pet cause now that alcohol prohibition was coming to an end. He was known for being extremely jealous of J. Edgar Hoover's influence in Washington, D.C. and he picked up the anti-marijuana cause to give his agency a high-profile mission.

When Congress voted to put a prohibition on marijuana they were given very little information, and despite the fact that the American Medical Association filed a report saying there were no observable harmful effects from usage, Aslinger told Congress that marijuana used caused violence, insanity and murder.

As far as I'm concerned our current marijuana laws are a complete and total farce as well. So I welcome this move by Mexico.


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Nocturnal said:
Thank God someone finally did it, and even better, they are our next door neighbors so hopefully they'll put pressure on the US to follow suit (not saying it will happen anytime soon).

The sooner we get rid of these ridiculous, "force the citizen to follow our morality" laws, the sooner the government will stop wasting ridiculous amounts of tax money and do its job.
I wholeheartedly agree. 10 years ago I thought that drugs, at least pot, would be legallized for personal use in the US. It seems like the opposite has actually happened. Nowadays no one can so much as smoke a cigarette in public without being fined.

What I think will be the most interesting part is seeing how this all plays out on the streets. I doubt there will be any upswing in violence, maybe an increased number of muggings of tourists since I'm sure that tourism will go up some. Unless there is an open air market for the sale of these drugs the traffickers will remain and the problem, aside from a few dollars saved in resources, will remain if not be elevated. The money will still be in the hands of the cartels instead of in legit businesses.

Joe The Homophobe

Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2004
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2005
Reaction score
Toronto, canada
The minute men are a joke. They should focus efforts in lobbying the congress to deport mexicans. How the heck can minute men help US immigration by sitting at the border looking like bunch idiots.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Muskogee, OK
picard said:
The minute men are a joke. They should focus efforts in lobbying the congress to deport mexicans. How the heck can minute men help US immigration by sitting at the border looking like bunch idiots.
No they're not... although they've inflated their claims, they have certainly helped Border agents apprehend a lot of illegals.

From the outset, one of their stated goals has been to bring attention to the issue of illegal immigration, and I think they've succeeded.

I'm proud of them (in a generic sense) for what they're doing - they've identified an area where the government is not doing its job and going ahead and doing it.
I wish people would become "minutemen" in other areas of life as well...


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
the United States is not even that great a country anymore. Im giving like 20 years and this country will be just as bad as every other country. In fact i wish I could leave the US and go live in Europe or something like that.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
Actually US living standards are still very high. Higher than many wealthy European nations.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Pot and ecstacy I could see being legalized. Even coke, but that would be twisting my arm. Heroin is going off the deep end IMO. It's so addictive, anyone who does it regularly probably will have a life span of 4-6 months after starting. I honestly can't see heroin being something you do "every once in a while" or "only on weekends." People are going to go overboard once it gets a hold of them.

Oh well. More drugs for college kids to do when they go to Cancun/Tijuana.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
theres people who have been doing heroin for years, it doesnt necesarly mean theyll die within 6 or so months...as long as they practice good hygine, the only side effects are its enourmous addiction potential, itching all over, constipation and a decreased in libido or whatever you want to call it. Is not as bad as people think, in my opinion exctasy is the worst drug on the list. Its effects from a single use are a lot worse than any other drug. cocaine, is a waste of money that will only make a hole in your septum with regular use.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Risk factors for nearly every STD include regular intraveneous drug users. By doing it you may not kill yourself on an overdose within 6 months, but you're statistically taking years, maybe even decades off your life.

People who are educated enough about heroin are probably already using it heavily in the States. I don't see why they're going to travel all the way to Mexico to do it.


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2004
Reaction score
who cares
of course, the reason heroin is up there as one of the most dangerous drugs is that it has to be IVed, there is no rush other wise and that rush speaking from experience is absolutly unimaginable awesome(they really dont lie when they say that its better than sex). i think the US is stupid by not allowing syringes to be bought OTC, if they were available and reasonably cheap there wouldnt be so much hepititis c and HIV going around from simply shooting with an infected needle. Mexico however has cheap and widely available syringes at any pharmacy, which will allow responsible people who shoot to diminish the chance of contracting hepititis or HIV.


Master Don Juan
Mar 26, 2003
Reaction score
Yeah, that would make sense. I guess the government doesn't want to be an accomplace to people using IV drugs.

I've had demmerol when I was in the hospital with appendicitis. I can also see why opiates are so addicting, I had that stuff pumped into my veins every 4 hours for 16 hours, and it was amazing. Before being discharged, I was plotting to bribe the nurse to put some more in my IV before being discharged. They put me on Percoset, which was still awesome but no where near as good as the IV stuff.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
There are a number of places in america where you can exchange dirty syringes in america. The Syringe Exchange Program is in almost every major city in the country and recives close to $13 million dollars in goverment aid, grants, and donations every year. But concidering how quickly your life can fall apart after getting hooked on heroin, its no wonder why people on the street don't utilize the program as much as necessary and the wealthy people who are hooked don't really need it as they can simply buy more. America is a bad bad country for serious heroin addicts. I'm glad mexico is potentially volounteering to create more for us while they're on vacation and can now purchase it without the hasstle of the law.:rolleyes:

I've done heroin my self (suprise I live in vegas!!) and it's a good high but it requires you do more and more of it to get high again. The physical dependencies of heroin are what make it the worst drug on the market ,but meth is gaining ground like a wild fire because of it's easy production and it's so wide spread. I've never met or heard any stories of drug use that were as sad or pathetic as people hooked on heroin again with meth coming in a close second.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 25, 2003
Reaction score
Muskogee, OK
Apparently Vicente Fox (why does everyone pronounce this guy's name with an "n" that isn't there???) won't sign this into law, because of pressure for the US.
However, Mexico's lack of law enforcement resources hasn't gone away, and it wouldn't surprise me if Fox has actually given the bill either tacit support or told the Mexican bureacracy through back channels that he supports it.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
LowPlainsDrifter said:
Apparently Vicente Fox (why does everyone pronounce this guy's name with an "n" that isn't there???) won't sign this into law, because of pressure for the US.
However, Mexico's lack of law enforcement resources hasn't gone away, and it wouldn't surprise me if Fox has actually given the bill either tacit support or told the Mexican bureacracy through back channels that he supports it.

SO TRUE! Just yesterday the spokesperson said that he would, indeed, sign the new law... and today he backed off. ¨To make sure everyone understands that drug distribution and possesion is, and will still be a crime¨.

Damn, I was so happy. I have high political aspirations, so dont worry guys! Anyways, I can still get drugs at any hour of the day.

On a happy note, the only decent candidate for president is up 1% from the populist *******. The populist **** wants to cut all he can from and to the US, make government FORCE, or, somehow make gas, electricity and food cheaper. Stupid ****.