Mexican, Indian, Asian and Arab Men


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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Hitman10000 said:
That's a big opinion you got there. Here's a leafblower, why don't you get back to work, and when you're done doing that, I got this vacuuming project I want you to get done with.

opinion? are you saying those other races actually do better?

you must be indian, asian, black or arab


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
Oh really? Like what? I wanna hear this. Better make it good.
if you think people like you are unattractive than that means you think your own looks are unattractive

a similar example would be a red headed girl refusing to date guys with red hair, that would mean atleast subconsicously she wants her future kids to have a different hair color meaning she hates her own hair

refusing to date your own race means you don't like who you are

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Lmao. :crackup:

Why does liking another race automatically mean I don't like my own? That's just stupid. How can you even make a conclusion like that? I stated in my post that I still like white girls, did you just miss that, or you refuse to notice it? I think you're trying to battle your own demons here.

Your example makes no sense. Its not similar at all. All it says is that there are shallow girls out there. All that filler about subconsious thoughts is BS. Maybe the girl just doesn't like guys with red hair? Is that too far-fetched for you?

I don't refuse to date my own race. I never stated that I did, and that's not even what this thread is about. I only PREFER hispanic girls. I'll still date, fvck, and even marry a white girl, if she's everything I want in a girl. That goes the same for every other race.

I'm just gonna throw this out there, but you come across as someone who opposes bi-racial relationships. I may be wrong, and if I am, then you should reconsider the way you convey your points.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
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I don't oppose interracial dating i'm just saying if you REFUSE TO DATE YOUR OWN RACE you have issues

you quoted the post where a guy said anybody that doesn't date their own race has issues and you said "guess I have some issues then" so that is why I assumed and I didn't bother to read all of your post above so my mistake

and if a girl with red hair won't date guys with red hair than that mean she thinks her own hair is ugly are you seriously arguing that? shallow or not she hates her hair color

you are clueless if you think subconsicous thoughts are bs

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
So you admit you were wrong because you posted without reading everything? Ok then, good.

Subconsious thoughts are very important. When I said they were BS, I meant in the context of your bad example. What you said is possible, but not a guarantee. If maybe you had said, "Its possible that she hates her hair." then I would have agreed with you. But just because a red-haired girl doesn't like red-haired guys, it doesn't mean what you said. Could just be a preference, like me prefering Hispanic girls.


Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
indians and arabs are asians too mother****er...kuta

its like saying i love them european, french and german women!!!

Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
chandidas said:
indians and arabs are asians too mother****er...kuta

its like saying i love them european, french and german women!!!
Calm down man.

It is widely understood that by "Asian" people mean "east Asian" or sometimes "south east Asian". You know, people who have so called "slanted eyes"...:rolleyes:


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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From what I've seen a lot of white guys just expect women to fall into their lap, and they act like it's a big deal if they have to go out and find a woman. For this reason, it should be easy for a man of any skin color to find plenty of white chicks. You competetion for them is sitting around largely doing nothing.

Most of my black friend's expect to have to go hunt the ladies down, and they don't hold back. They will put themselves out there where they can be found. The media and women's addiction to it has also made this a prime time for black men to attract white women. Unfortunately, Asians and Arabians have not benefitted from this in the way black men have, and are largely ignored by the media.

Arabian guys and Asian guys might be at a disadvantage with white chicks, but a man doesn't need *every* chicks approval so you just have to keep getting better and keep plowing away. Besides, arabic and asian chicks are hot anyway if the white chicks really get annoying.

Mystery put together Mystery method for a reason. Despite being tall and fair looking, he couldn't get laid to save his life. A lot of people, both white and otherwise, have to overcome adversity. If you really believe painting your skin white will make all your problems go away, think again. Blaming external forces always get you further away from your goals. Overcome internal obstacles always get your closer.


Don Juan
Oct 5, 2005
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vorbis said:
I'm white and I do agree with the OP. Not so much mexicans and arabs but asian and indians are definetly fighting against a widespread stereotype of being small and weak. I have an asian friend who fits the general asian characteristics (small frame).

Now he wouldn't be a smooth talker but if theres say 15 hot chicks in a bar, he'd approach every one. No approach anxiety whatsoever. His game is poor, he uses too much canned material and it doesn't really sound genuine. The point though is that if he were white, I'm sure at least one girl would be into him. I must have seen him approach over a 100 chicks and he got under 5 phone numbers.

I'm not saying this to put you down (as I said his game is poor) but to lay white chicks you'll need more game than an equivalent white guy.

btw. black guys have it easier with white chicks when it comes to ons and flings. None of my white female friends are in a ltr with a black guy though. Seems like a phase for white girls.
you don't need game to score, that **** is played out and girls can pick it up just like that. It's about speak what you know and ask questions what you don't know. Mannerism, assertiveness and confidence is also a must to have. **** all the pick up line BS makes you look desperate and thats a turn off, be orginal which means be yourself- simple as that.


Master Don Juan
Jun 13, 2006
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A lot of it has to do with primal archetypes and our US media that plays favorites and picks on others. And all this mass propaganda then trickles down to YOU in real life. And most girls are just shallow robots who will obey their programming.

When you leave the US borders though, you will immediately see how the racial playing field levels out much more. And realize just how racist the US m@trix really is...

Why do you think Loverboy and Hoobie are both living in the EU now?
Last edited:


Don Juan
Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Oakland, California
2 of the biggest pimps i know are arab and indian

these are all excuses, your own inferiority complex about your race limits your confidence and therefore, ur success with women

women dont care about race if your handsome and charming.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
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I wish everyone would stop pulling out the "you're just making excuses" card when someone trys to comment on anything negative they've observed. Theres an indian guy at work who's well built and I have no doubt that if he went sarging he'd do well.

You're right nubian-knight, women don't care what race you are if you're an 8+ in looks (have a built body, nice face). Most people don't have that, people should be working towards it though.

However, you take an average white guy and an average indian guy. Both are about a 6 - 7 in looks. 9 times out of 10, the white guy will get a better response from a white chick. As others have said, there's a negative media image when in comes to asians and indians.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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East Chicago
Why is their so much emphesis on white girls? All women, especially Black, Indian, Latina, Asian look fine. If not finer than white women. I like white women too but damn, it seems like you guys HAVE to have the white girl. This isn't a put down at all, I'm just curious of all the over evaluation on white girls, cause this kind of thread always pops up.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
Silverback82 said:
opinion? are you saying those other races actually do better?

you must be indian, asian, black or arab
stop whining and making excuses. Just because you are having a problem succeeding doesn't mean its a race problem lmao. Like I said I'm black and I don't have much of a problem. Sure there are girls that prefer certain types of guys, but that's in EVERY race. I know black girls who only like dark skinned black guys (like myself), where others prefer light s kinned black guys. It's called FREE WILL, stop trying to make excuses for failure.

Ace, yea man I live around alot of hispanics and blacks, but man I love my latina girls for some reason, so I know where you are coming from man :p.

if you think people like you are unattractive than that means you think your own looks are unattractive

a similar example would be a red headed girl refusing to date guys with red hair, that would mean atleast subconsicously she wants her future kids to have a different hair color meaning she hates her own hair

refusing to date your own race means you don't like who you are
Ace is right, that's stupid. If you don't prefer to date your own race that's a preference. If you dont like your own race for no reason, then thats a problem, but not liking and being attracted are two totally different things, I doubt ace hates white women, he just doesn't want to date them, that's fine.

I don't prefer to date black women all the time, but I will if they are really exceptional, but then again I try to only meet exceptional women.

Refusing to date a certain color is kind of racist, but at the same time it's a preference, if they said, "I will never date a black woman because she is black" then its ridiculous, but if you just don't like the culture of like a mainstream hip hop black girl, or a main stream preppy w hite girl (though that's getting more rare here up north), than that's fine, if you don't match the culture, why force yourself too.

But stop blaming race for failure, there are successful exampes of every race, you are just too lazy to improve and transcend social barriers.


Why is their so much emphesis on white girls? All women, especially Black, Indian, Latina, Asian look fine. If not finer than white women. I like white women too but damn, it seems like you guys HAVE to have the white girl. This isn't a put down at all, I'm just curious of all the over evaluation on white girls, cause this kind of thread always pops up.
I was actually just thinking that too. I mean exotic women are ****ing great, especially latina and indian women who look good are just great. I love to see good looking middle eastern girls (egyptian girls especially). In fact I just love women in general.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
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See it IS harder because as a minortiy you have to build confidence in yourself so you dont feel inferior to the majority, its easy to fall prey and think that your 2nd class.

Hey we all come out of the same hole, and a white person or black person, mexican will get no ounce of extra respect for their color from me.

BTW i am indian.

Yes if you refuse to date your own kind that means you dont like the race you belong to but that means you are nto limited to only your race, as long as you give girls no matter what race they are a fair chance and not give brownie points to a girl for her skin black or white.

Its harder since you need to build confidence where you dont feel like your inferior and that takes time to build, learn about your people, learn your heritage learn the history of your people.

I am Indian, born and raised here, I read Us history to understand the history of my country and I read Indian history to understand the history of my PEOPLE. This country is mine, I was born here, so I am american just like everyone else but my people are from a diffrent nation.

Indian people didnt fight the revelutionary war, europeans did so its important that I know the history of the country of where my parents come from too as well as the country that I live in.

Take solice in the fact that even europeans came to this nation a few hundred years ago, that this nation isnt truely theirs and that you have every right to be here as everyone else does. So there is no need to feel inferior.

Media, of course since there no minority owned media companies you cant expect people to show "images" of minorities. In diffrent nations on tv you dont see minority "images' of power, it all depends on who the majoritys is, and they usually control the media.

It takes a long time to not give a damn about media bullshi*t.

I look at myself and think "Sh*t should i treat you any better just because your skin is white or black...Hell no"


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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It's better to be different, like when I go to a new place some people will be more interested in me just because I am something different, something new. I don't need to attract the entire populas. In fact, it's important to figure out how to give signals of not being interested :)

The less diversity in an environment, the more powerful something different becomes. Women's ideas are pretty
much either reflected or determined by the media (that's
a whole arguement of its own).


Senior Don Juan
Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score
In a land called **** it.
theapprentice said:
See it IS harder because as a minortiy you have to build confidence in yourself so you dont feel inferior to the majority, its easy to fall prey and think that your 2nd class.

Hey we all come out of the same hole, and a white person or black person, mexican will get no ounce of extra respect for their color from me.

BTW i am indian.

Yes if you refuse to date your own kind that means you dont like the race you belong to but that means you are nto limited to only your race, as long as you give girls no matter what race they are a fair chance and not give brownie points to a girl for her skin black or white.

Its harder since you need to build confidence where you dont feel like your inferior and that takes time to build, learn about your people, learn your heritage learn the history of your people.

I am Indian, born and raised here, I read Us history to understand the history of my country and I read Indian history to understand the history of my PEOPLE. This country is mine, I was born here, so I am american just like everyone else but my people are from a diffrent nation.

Indian people didnt fight the revelutionary war, europeans did so its important that I know the history of the country of where my parents come from too as well as the country that I live in.

Take solice in the fact that even europeans came to this nation a few hundred years ago, that this nation isnt truely theirs and that you have every right to be here as everyone else does. So there is no need to feel inferior.

Media, of course since there no minority owned media companies you cant expect people to show "images" of minorities. In diffrent nations on tv you dont see minority "images' of power, it all depends on who the majoritys is, and they usually control the media.

It takes a long time to not give a damn about media bullshi*t.

I look at myself and think "Sh*t should i treat you any better just because your skin is white or black...Hell no"
What? How is it harder to build confidence? Racism is everywhere, some blacks dont like whites, some whites dont like blacks.

If anything I love the challenge of defeating racial adversity, because it just shows that that person is ignorant for limiting their interactions, but I don't run around thinking I'm inferior to all whites, just like allw hites who live in predominantly black or spanish neighborhoods shouldn't think that they are inferior to all blacks or spanish.

I love joking racially with my other friends of different races, whether they are white, black, spanish, etc, because it shows that WE DON'T CARE. Maybe its our naive adolescence, but we really don't care about skin color.

I even know some HB that won't date anything other than white guys, yet Istill f lirt and get IOIs from her because I joke on her SPECIFICALLY for that reason, it shows that I really don't need or care about her or opinions on other races and that I live life to have fun, not worry about other peopls objections.

Stop caring about other people's objections, live life for yourself, not for someone else.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
pooparu said:
stop whining and making excuses. Just because you are having a problem succeeding doesn't mean its a race problem lmao. Like I said I'm black and I don't have much of a problem. Sure there are girls that prefer certain types of guys, but that's in EVERY race. I know black girls who only like dark skinned black guys (like myself), where others prefer light s kinned black guys. It's called FREE WILL, stop trying to make excuses for failure.

Ace, yea man I live around alot of hispanics and blacks, but man I love my latina girls for some reason, so I know where you are coming from man :p.

Ace is right, that's stupid. If you don't prefer to date your own race that's a preference. If you dont like your own race for no reason, then thats a problem, but not liking and being attracted are two totally different things, I doubt ace hates white women, he just doesn't want to date them, that's fine.

I don't prefer to date black women all the time, but I will if they are really exceptional, but then again I try to only meet exceptional women.

Refusing to date a certain color is kind of racist, but at the same time it's a preference, if they said, "I will never date a black woman because she is black" then its ridiculous, but if you just don't like the culture of like a mainstream hip hop black girl, or a main stream preppy w hite girl (though that's getting more rare here up north), than that's fine, if you don't match the culture, why force yourself too.

But stop blaming race for failure, there are successful exampes of every race, you are just too lazy to improve and transcend social barriers.


I was actually just thinking that too. I mean exotic women are ****ing great, especially latina and indian women who look good are just great. I love to see good looking middle eastern girls (egyptian girls especially). In fact I just love women in general.
when did I use my race (which is white) as an excuse for my SUPPOSED failure with women?

can you read?

not being attracted to your own race is a sure sign of a ****ed up individual but nothing wrong with interracial dating


Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Ace of Flames said:
But just because a red-haired girl doesn't like red-haired guys, it doesn't mean what you said.
most likely it does

another example is a 4'11 girl that will only date guys 6'0 and up

on a subconsicous level she is attracted to these guys because she doesn't want her future children to be a midget like her


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2006
Reaction score

I hate being qouted and then poopuru just ends up saying the same thing.

Basically your post is saying that over comming racial adversity is easy.

I can assure you that it really isnt as easy as you make it sound.

Yes its great we can all make jokes, and laugh, but making racial jokes with other people doesnt mean you dont feel inferior.

I'm not saying you feel inferior or you dont, I dont know you.

But people have to fight racism there whole lives, does it sound like something easy?

I dought it, just because somebody is brash and loud about their nationality doesnt mean they actaully consider themseleves equal. Truely confident people dont worry about issues of ethnicity, they take their ethnicity as a grain of salt.

After fully understanding who they are, and building confidence in your ethnicity, you tend to forget that ethinicity even matters. You begin to feel that "hey I am just as good as you are no matter where I come from or where you come from"

You first must emerse yourself in discovering who you are and once in your mind all dought that your race is not inferior to any other race has been affirmed do you truely not even care about race.

Like I said we all come from the same hole.

If a girl doesnt like me for my skin color thats her problem not mine, I can either cry about it or understnad that she is stupid for not seeing past the skin at the goodness that is me. I probably am the best guy that she will ever meet but she lets skin get in the way...Oh well her loss.

You have to think like that I believe.
Then you truely become confident.