so my buddy's fraternity had this formal thing on saturday and i went with a bunch of friends. i was pretty drunk so i wasn't worrying about girls but i danced with a few and talked with some random girls throughout the party. this one girl i danced with, probably a HB7.5, seemed into me so i told her i'd find her later on.
saw her at a table with a few of her girlfriends so me and my wing walked over and sat down with them. i sat beside her friend (who turned out to be her roommate, probably an 8) and started talking to her. HB7.5 saw this and moved seats so she was on the other side of me. we shot the **** for a while and eventually everyone else left while i was talking with the 2 of them. turns out they were headed to the same party we were at. i danced with her for a couple more songs but missed out on some chances to escalate because i was pretty drunk. i also didn't # close so i felt stupid. proof that alcohol can help but also hurt you.
anyways we leave the first party and i end up not seeing them at the next one. i said whatever and didnt worry about it. the next day i happened to see her on facebook and added her. immediately i saw a message in my inbox.
lol so u called me a stalker for addin _____ as a friend on here. kinda seems like ur the stalker now haha.
haha whatever you say...i ended up getting way too drunk but i remember havin fun with you even though i had to put you to shame on the dance floor. way to show up at _____ by the way! (the party we wre supposed to meet at)
haha whatever u couldnt even pop lock and drop it!lol. I did go to the lodge but there was like no one there when i was there so we left. Did u have a good time in (town)?
yeah it was dead when we went by but our ride left and we ended up havin to walk back from there to UV. i had a good time though...i think we may be stoppin by thursday night. you should come out
that sucks. thats a long freakin walk! I'm livin in UV next year!
umm i might go out, depends on what u guys do seein as I cant go to the bars cause im still a youngin haha. but if u guys go to the club or jus chill at someone's apartment i might go. I was gonna go home but I have work on friday so i gotta stay here. :/
cant go to the bars i kids always ruining everyones fun haha. but nah its this girl's 20th bday party so i think we're just gonna be at UV for the night.
but i noticed youre friends with ____...i went to school with her. we were tight way back in the day in middle school haha
lol im sorry! i know im so young. but if u do that then ya i might stop by!
haha really? I love her!! I dated a guy for 4 years and she hangs out with him and his roommates a lot. What highschool did u go to?
i went to ____. dont think i have seen ____ and them since the summer we graduated..its been a while.
but yeah you should definitely come out thursday. just give me your number or somethin and ill get up with you sometime around then and let you know what we're doing. plus you owe me cause as far as im concerned you bailed on me last night haha
u did?! I went to ____ool! lol. wow u were like 10 mins away haha.small world.
lol i didnt bail on u! u got there too late haha. but ok sounds good. XXX-XXX-XXXX text me so i hae urs too.
so i texted her "alright heres the most important number youll ever put in your phone!"
she replied with "hahahah hmm ok. maybe ill save it as drunk guy fb stalker lol "
bla bla couple more messages and i told her i had to go, she said "ok sleep well!"
So there's a chance she's gonna stop by my friend's on thursday. i live about an hour and a half away and we go to diff schools so that's the only time i'd be able to see her. she's hung up on some dude from home i think but my friend said she will put out so i figured why not.
anyways did i do well? should i talk to her any more over the next couple days to build more rapport so she doesnt flake? im still learning..any advice appreciated
saw her at a table with a few of her girlfriends so me and my wing walked over and sat down with them. i sat beside her friend (who turned out to be her roommate, probably an 8) and started talking to her. HB7.5 saw this and moved seats so she was on the other side of me. we shot the **** for a while and eventually everyone else left while i was talking with the 2 of them. turns out they were headed to the same party we were at. i danced with her for a couple more songs but missed out on some chances to escalate because i was pretty drunk. i also didn't # close so i felt stupid. proof that alcohol can help but also hurt you.
anyways we leave the first party and i end up not seeing them at the next one. i said whatever and didnt worry about it. the next day i happened to see her on facebook and added her. immediately i saw a message in my inbox.
lol so u called me a stalker for addin _____ as a friend on here. kinda seems like ur the stalker now haha.
haha whatever you say...i ended up getting way too drunk but i remember havin fun with you even though i had to put you to shame on the dance floor. way to show up at _____ by the way! (the party we wre supposed to meet at)
haha whatever u couldnt even pop lock and drop it!lol. I did go to the lodge but there was like no one there when i was there so we left. Did u have a good time in (town)?
yeah it was dead when we went by but our ride left and we ended up havin to walk back from there to UV. i had a good time though...i think we may be stoppin by thursday night. you should come out
that sucks. thats a long freakin walk! I'm livin in UV next year!
umm i might go out, depends on what u guys do seein as I cant go to the bars cause im still a youngin haha. but if u guys go to the club or jus chill at someone's apartment i might go. I was gonna go home but I have work on friday so i gotta stay here. :/
cant go to the bars i kids always ruining everyones fun haha. but nah its this girl's 20th bday party so i think we're just gonna be at UV for the night.
but i noticed youre friends with ____...i went to school with her. we were tight way back in the day in middle school haha
lol im sorry! i know im so young. but if u do that then ya i might stop by!
haha really? I love her!! I dated a guy for 4 years and she hangs out with him and his roommates a lot. What highschool did u go to?
i went to ____. dont think i have seen ____ and them since the summer we graduated..its been a while.
but yeah you should definitely come out thursday. just give me your number or somethin and ill get up with you sometime around then and let you know what we're doing. plus you owe me cause as far as im concerned you bailed on me last night haha
u did?! I went to ____ool! lol. wow u were like 10 mins away haha.small world.
lol i didnt bail on u! u got there too late haha. but ok sounds good. XXX-XXX-XXXX text me so i hae urs too.
so i texted her "alright heres the most important number youll ever put in your phone!"
she replied with "hahahah hmm ok. maybe ill save it as drunk guy fb stalker lol "
bla bla couple more messages and i told her i had to go, she said "ok sleep well!"
So there's a chance she's gonna stop by my friend's on thursday. i live about an hour and a half away and we go to diff schools so that's the only time i'd be able to see her. she's hung up on some dude from home i think but my friend said she will put out so i figured why not.
anyways did i do well? should i talk to her any more over the next couple days to build more rapport so she doesnt flake? im still learning..any advice appreciated