st 99,
Sounds like your sorted now. Do not listen to that block your number thing. Then if she answers - you seem stalkerish because you had your number blocked - which seems like your trying to trick her into answering.
I don't normally leave a
message, call back as many times as you like. Once I give up on calling, normally 3-4 unanswered calls - at different times. I'll send an sms.
"Hey its three12. Your obviously a busy girl. Wanted to make some plans for xxxxnight. Let me know if your free."
The ball is now in her court. -awesome. I'm an AFC. NO! I'm finished with wasting time on her. She'll either text/call back and we'll make plans. Or shes not interested and she receives no more contact from me, and I have lost nothing. Leaving a message would be a better way to get a date from a semi-interested girl. So long as your message is MORE then just asking for a date.
I don't have voice mail. I wouldn't check it. Many of my friends DO have voice mail, they don't check it. So I assume that many girls are the same. They WILL check their text message.
Great to see your out in the field and making number closes. That is awesome. But from my field experience 5 minute number closes are a great way to get flakes.
Dancefloor pickups - body language -> grinding -> making out for 20 minutes -> #closing are also a great way to get flakes.
Of course some of these numbers will turn into dates. More often then not they won't.
You really need to build some rapport through verbal communication. Spend some time with her. Be more then "that guy I met at the club." be "resilient, that really fun guy from the club!"
Keep up the approaching and you'll soon be giving great advice yourself.