Mercury poisoning, the sickness noone talks about...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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I recently found out I have mercury poisoning and mercury hypersensitivity. The cause, my "friendly" dentist and his fillings. I always had bad teeth growing up, and started getting fillings when I was 9 or 10. Currently I have 10 fillings, with several so big it should count as 2 fillings.

At age 25 I started developing psoriasis. By age 30 I started having muscle twitching which the doctor said was Benign Fascuscilation Syndrome. Basically a fancy way of saying muscle twitching from an unknown cause that isn't harmful. I started developing dark circles under my eyes and started feeling really tired, especially at night. A few years later my eyelids started twutching on a regular basis, my hair started turning gray and I started losing my hair on the top of my head. This year I noticed a lipoma(soft bump on my head that I have always had) started growing larger and larger.

My curiosity may have ended up saving me from a long downward spiral. Reading something about lipomas growing I read how it was related to heavy metal toxicity. Basically the body attempts to lock up the heavy metal in a fat deposit to limit the harmful effects on the body. I read about another person who said he had mercury poisoning from his fillings and listed his symptoms. They were almost identical to mine.

For those that don't realize, mercury is the 2nd most toxic element to the human body. How huge amounts of this were considered OK to put inside the mouth is beyond me. When fillings are removed they must be discarded as toxic waste. Fillings are the largest source of mercury in water supplies and also in most air we are breathing when they get incinerated. It is a substance so toxic there is NO safe limit for human consumption. Fillings are made up of 50% mercury. The claims of them being safe are not only ridiculous, they are proven to be false. The FDA's own scientists warned the FDA they need to be banned. Still the FDA has done nothing other than change it to a Class II substance. They would rather protect the ADA from unprecedented liabilities from a class action lawsuit than protect the American people.

The ADA and FDA should be put on trial for crimes against humanity. They know mercury fillings are not safe yet they continue to allow them, setting people up for a lifetime of health problems and lts of doctors visits and drug sales. Mercury poisoning looks like a lot of different things and yet it is rarely suspected as the culprit. The FDA was sued and forced to admit in court under penalty of perjury they knew it wasn't safe. They knew it wasn't safe and they allowed children to be poisoned. They allowed mothers to transfer their mercury to their unborn fetuses in extremely concentrated amounts leading to autism, adhd and many other problems. Its sinister, its diabolical and its criminal.

Here is an article explaining the whole thing:

I am getting my fillings replaced asap with a dentist following IOAMT protocols to safely remove them without causing a huge overload of mercury vapors in your body from breathing in the drilling particles. I strongly, strongly urge you to do the same. You are being poisoned very slowly. The poisoning was intentional and designed to cause health problems years and years down the road with noone connecting the two. Well its been connected and I am paying the price now and so are milliins of other people being treated for diseases which are really mercury poisoning.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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So why did u start to get prosiaris only at 25 and muscle twiching only at 30? If u had these fillings when u were 10? That is the mystery in ur story.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Groovy said:
So why did u start to get prosiaris only at 25 and muscle twiching only at 30? If u had these fillings when u were 10? That is the mystery in ur story.

Not a mystery at all. The amount of mercury released each time you chew or drink hot liquids is very small, but mercury bioaccumulates, meaning your body retains it forever(kinda like radiation). It takes a long time to build up enough to cause problems, but once it does its like a snowball rolling downhill.

Consequently, its the same principal as to why some types of fish contain more mercury than others. Small fish get eaten by bigger fish and once it gets to the biggest fish, they take on all the mercury consumed by the smaller fish, which might be 6 or 7 times the level of the first fish by that point.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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marmel75 said:
Not a mystery at all. The amount of mercury released each time you chew or drink hot liquids is very small, but mercury bioaccumulates, meaning your body retains it forever(kinda like radiation). It takes a long time to build up enough to cause problems, but once it does its like a snowball rolling downhill.

Consequently, its the same principal as to why some types of fish contain more mercury than others. Small fish get eaten by bigger fish and once it gets to the biggest fish, they take on all the mercury consumed by the smaller fish, which might be 6 or 7 times the level of the first fish by that point.
~~~~~u have a interesting theorry, the lipoma threw me in a loop, IDK about that. but pls make sure u consider the other options tho. cuz feeling tired at night, dark eye circles, it could be a hormonal problem, ppl who don't have mercury at all can have that too. so pls make sure ur hormones are in check!

anyway pls keep us posted on ur situation. let us know if u can improve alright?

and if u could be generous, give us ur lifestyle information, like diet, how early do u sleep, and how well, do u drink or smoke, do u do exercise, etc. if u don't wanna it's ok 2. see u soon!

u could be right, if u are, ur a friggin genius bro i tell u, but i think u could also be wrong. more opinions from other members are welcome.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Groovy said:
~~~~~u have a interesting theorry, the lipoma threw me in a loop, IDK about that. but pls make sure u consider the other options tho. cuz feeling tired at night, dark eye circles, it could be a hormonal problem, ppl who don't have mercury at all can have that too. so pls make sure ur hormones are in check!

anyway pls keep us posted on ur situation. let us know if u can improve alright?

and if u could be generous, give us ur lifestyle information, like diet, how early do u sleep, and how well, do u drink or smoke, do u do exercise, etc. if u don't wanna it's ok 2. see u soon!

u could be right, if u are, ur a friggin genius bro i tell u, but i think u could also be wrong. more opinions from other members are welcome.
Here is an article talking about how FDA scientists want them to ban mercury fillings.

I am no genius, it took me 12 years to discover this. Mercury is multiple times more toxic than lead, cadmium or arsenic, yet still allowed to be put into the body. Does that make sense? Would you go take a swig of arsenic and think its OK? What about giving your kid a pile of lead paint chips to eat? So why is something many times more toxic than either one of these things allowed in the body??

The proof will come when I have all traces of mercury removed from my mouth.
The funny thing is that all these other things it could be are all symptoms of mercury poisoning, which is why its rarely looked at.
To detox there are several options. NAC helps build up glutathione levels, which is the main anti-oxidant in the body. R-ALA and cilantro pull mercury out of the tissues and more importantly the brain. Chlorella and bentonite clay will bind to it an flush it out preventing it from being reintroduced to the body.

I am 37 years old, 185 lbs at 11.7% BF and am in excellent shape. I work out a lot and eat extremely clean.


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2012
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look into EDTA, I think it is. Chellation therapy, for removal of heavy metals, via IV's. I've also heard that it can be done via anal suppositories, overnight. Dunno about that one! :) Afriend had great results with the IV method, over a period of months, tho.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
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Be very careful about chellation therapy. It's main use is in alternative medical treatment of autism and it has killed several people. One thing to keep in mind is that any chemical that chelates will do so non-selectively... it's not like R-ALA has a mind or a chemical property that allows it to scavenge selectively for mercury, lead, or any other toxin. What they have found is that in the cases of the several people who have died from chellation therapy, their death was related to R-ALA or anything chemical chelating (and thus, essentially using up) the body's supply of calcium. And that's very bad. No calcium (or levels too low) = cardiac arrest.

Also keep in mind that the dosing requirements for R-ALA chelation therapy are significantly higher than the serving recommendations on the back of a bottle and are typically administered via IV, like don't said, because oral bioavailability is bad.

If you think you have mercury poisoning, I would first want to find some way to have it quantitatively assessed, if possible. Having your fillings replaced is going to be very expensive and it's unlikely that the dentist will truly be able to remove all of the amalgam fillings. Mercury is an element and it is very small (obviously). Getting it all out is probably impossible.

In the meantime, R-ALA, NAC and Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate would all be good supplements to consider. R-ALA and Acetyl-L-Carnitine Arginate especially because of the legitimate neuroregenerative properties they've been shown to have when used alone or together. NAC will will be good to help increase glutathione levels, as you said, and pick up superoxides, free radicals, and help keep your DNA and the often overlooked mitochondrial DNA intact. Bear in mind that with NAC supplementation, there is a study that correlates a metabolic product of NAC with "tricking" the vessels in the pulmonary circuit in to thinking you are in a hypoxic state when you are not, but it doesn't matter... the consequences were the same. Right ventricular/Atrial hypertrophy. That's probably worse in the long run than suppressed levels of glutathione. The study was not perfect and it is the only one to ever assert that sort of phenomenon. NAC has been used for over 60 years in medicine as an antidote for tylenol poisoning and relief from mucous related problems in patients with cystic fibrosis, and there have not been any reports that I am aware of indicating a correlation with NAC use and right heart enlargement. Just keep in mind, that one study does exist.

You might also considering supplementing with melatonin at night, since it is a suicide antioxidant and cannot undergo further redox chemistry (like all other antioxidants). Endocrinologists may be aware of this, but most people do not realize the calcification process that takes place in the pineal gland as we age. It's a proposed mechanism for the induction of puberty in humans (it has been demonstrated as a mechanism in other species), particularly since melatonin is an anti-gonadatropic hormone. As the pineal is calcified, it is progressively damaged and less able to produce melatonin. Melatonin levels decline prior to the onset of puberty. Unfortunately, the calcification process is not reversible and once we are down "growing", the pineal is damaged, often with 70% calcified (ie, destroyed) by the time we're 18-21. By the time a person is 60, the pineal will be about 90% calcified.

This process is extremely interesting and is used to help explain the free radical theory of aging (since melatonin is the only known suicidal antioxidant and as it is progressively destroyed, melatonin levels drop to very small amounts the older we get) and why the elderly often have troubles sleeping. If the pineal is not functional (or barely functional), its not likely that it will be able to produce sufficient melatonin to control the circadian rhythm.

Something else to think about.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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Milk thistle and Aritchoke will help u build more gluthatione. U can just buy glutathione too, but for some reason, milk thistle adn aritchoke are gr8 for me haha.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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There are actually protocols to follow once fillings are out. One is by Klingelhof(sp?) and the other is by Andy Cutler... basically it involves drawing the mercury out and then having another substance bind it. Its a long process and you have to do it carefully otherwise there can be issues---mainly you reintroduce the mercury to the body and take it from a relatively safer spot to a not so safe spot.

Regarding R-ALA I believe its actually a smaller dose, like 12.5 mg every 3 hours around the clock because ALA only stays active for a short time. You actually have to break open the capsules and split it up...cilantro and ALA are the only known substances to pull the mercury from the brain...

Not big on the chemical chelators as cilantro is cheaper and more effective...


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40

I think you've been duped. I got what I think are the same fillings when I was about 11. A lot of people reading this have those same fillings. I don't have any problems at all, and I'm guessing most other people don't, either.

If what you are saying is true, then there would be a mass outbreak of mercury poisoning, and we would have figured it out by now. As you probably know, the 'mad hatter' of Alice in Wonderland was a common and true stereotype of a typical dry cleaner of the time, who would often handle mercury with bare hands in the course of his work, which would make him go insane. That's why they don't clean clothes that way any more. If our fillings were killing us, we would have figured it out by now.

Down Low

Master Don Juan
Feb 21, 2012
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Only an extremely minute amount of silver mercury is oxidized into dangerous red mercury.

Also, the surfaces of the fillings "fret" over years of contact with different metals on opposing surfaces. That is, they bind to other metals and thus are not free to oxidize into red mercury. You know your silvery fillings fretted if they are covered with a permanent white film.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2012
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Sorry to hear, hope everthing goes well! :rockon:

-DJ Krueg


New Member
May 10, 2012
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That makes me glad that I've been eating garlic religiously for a number of years now, it protects against mercury poisoning. I have quite a few fillings myself from my childhood. I'm 26 now and had a small psoriasis spot on the top of my head the size of a quarter I've been battling for 6 years using dovabet. I'm beating it since its all cleared up now and just a scar there.

My own fillings are something I've thought about getting removed. but its so expensive. Dentists are greedy mofos. The one near me charges 50 dollars just the x-ray.


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Bible_Belt said:

I think you've been duped. I got what I think are the same fillings when I was about 11. A lot of people reading this have those same fillings. I don't have any problems at all, and I'm guessing most other people don't, either.

If what you are saying is true, then there would be a mass outbreak of mercury poisoning, and we would have figured it out by now. As you probably know, the 'mad hatter' of Alice in Wonderland was a common and true stereotype of a typical dry cleaner of the time, who would often handle mercury with bare hands in the course of his work, which would make him go insane. That's why they don't clean clothes that way any more. If our fillings were killing us, we would have figured it out by now.
No it does not usually lead to mercury poisoning, because of the low amounts being excreted, it simply leads to lots of chronic conditions such as autoimmune disorders and various other things. Again, ANY amount of mercury is unsafe, regardless of the amount.

In fact, they HAVE figured it out by now, which is why the FDA's own scientists want it banned in the US, just as it is in numerous other countries around the world.

What would you say to a mother whose child has autism because of the amount of mercury the fetus is exposed to because of these fillings? Its no big deal?

I don't get duped bro, I do my homework. Research upon research upon research all point directly to the same conclusion. I have read probably 100-150 studies regarding this, and not ONE of them ascertain that mercury fillings are safe(other than ones by the ADA, someone they paid to do the study, or the FDA). Anyone saying otherwise ignores the evidence, which is what the FDA and ADA hope for, or pay for them to state otherwise, whatever works I guess...

Read the court transcripts when they had to testify under oath and decide for yourself.

Or I could post a few hundred studies for you to read,such as this one:

or you can get a whole bunch of information all in one place here:

and here:

I might be a lot of things, but under-prepared and under-researched is NEVER one of them...


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
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Down Low said:
Only an extremely minute amount of silver mercury is oxidized into dangerous red mercury.

Also, the surfaces of the fillings "fret" over years of contact with different metals on opposing surfaces. That is, they bind to other metals and thus are not free to oxidize into red mercury. You know your silvery fillings fretted if they are covered with a permanent white film.
Its not oxidizing you need to be worried about, its the release of mercury vapor that is easily absorbed by the body each time you chew or swallow.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
marmel75 said:

The first web site is to some low-budget environmentalist group in Florida. They are soliciting donations. The second site, which looks like somebody's grandma made it, is a quackery site selling books. The third site, which I admit is well-designed, is also the site of a guy selling you books. He must at least make decent money to afford that nice of a web site.

All three of them are soliciting your money, which does not make them credible sources. If there were any real proof that anything you assert is true, lawyers would have seen the dollar signs and have tv ads telling you that you may be entitled to compensation over your fillings.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
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I got psoriasis as well. It's just a one spot on both of my hands. I been playing around with epsom salt for a couple days and it seems to get better. I noticed a little dry spot on my face and went to the doctor to get a cream. Once I started putting the cream on it started to spread on my face. It doesn't look bad but at the same time I still notice that ****.

I been to the doctor too many times and have been prescribed too many creams. I've used over 5 creams and nothing ever seems to freaking work.

You got any suggestions Marmel?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
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marmel75 said:
I am 37 years old, 185 lbs at 11.7% BF and am in excellent shape. I work out a lot and eat extremely clean.
It doesn't matter. You may still have a bad body in terms of yin and yang energies! Like the muscle man who are totally crazy you know? ;)

You say you are tired. It could be because for example you work out too much. Or something else that depleted your hormones! Gray hair also can be because of low testosterone.

Ok, the lipoma I don't know. But why don't u consider this? What are u afraid of?

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
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PrettyBoyAJ said:
I got psoriasis as well. It's just a one spot on both of my hands. I been playing around with epsom salt for a couple days and it seems to get better. I noticed a little dry spot on my face and went to the doctor to get a cream. Once I started putting the cream on it started to spread on my face. It doesn't look bad but at the same time I still notice that ****.

I been to the doctor too many times and have been prescribed too many creams. I've used over 5 creams and nothing ever seems to freaking work.

You got any suggestions Marmel?
Is that autoimmune or due to organism living on the skin? is there much contrast between that and healthy skin?