"Mental Illness" in today's world


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2014
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rugby11 said:
You know i think i have seen the same thing with all the money and stuff being made. Kinda wanna stay from that stuff.
Aside from the money and what everyone else says, do what is best for you to help you get to where you want. People have never even tried the stuff, yet make all these negative claims. If you don't need help and are doing just fine, then stay away by all means. However, if you suspect you have a problem, it's ok to admit it.


Master Don Juan
Feb 20, 2005
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It's a complex discussion. I have ADD so I take medications to help me with to address a synaptic issue. That's purely a logical solution to the problem. It's not the only aspect. Exercise helps me a great deal as does avoiding certain chemicals like red #5 which affect people with ADD more so than those without.

To me medications only hold value if the person taking them can conceptualize that the medications aren't an ultimate solution(magic pill) but rather a way to assist one to get away from destructive behaviors. You still need to be accountable and address your issues.

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
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gov87 said:
People have never even tried the stuff, yet make all these negative claims. .
I was diagnosed psychotic and prescribed anti-psychotic risperidone.

the pills worked just fine. but what would happen if one day the world ran out of pills?

meditation and a healthy lifestyle work just as fine and its all me doing the hard work, not some pills.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
jurry said:
Again, maybe you can try and formulate your comments into some kind of coherent point in the future so I can respond. This site is filled with people bemoaning the supposed collapse of the white mans dominance (apparently being overthrown by gays, feminists and black people?), which is literally the most delusional idea I've ever encountered. I point this out and you respond by saying.. What exactly?
I'm still not really following you .You said this 3 posts in:

jurry said:
Poor white men, really had a rough time throughout history eh? They hardly control anything anymore..

Oh wait..
Which part of the OP's post in your mind triggered you to remind him to check his "white male privilege" ? I went over the OP's post twice and he never even makes mention of his race. Can you quote it, I'm genuinely curious now.

The guy makes a pretty personal and heart felt post detailing his diagnosis of depression/ bipolar, mood stabilizers,relationship with his dad etc and you respond with "Poor white men". It just seems a rather odd reaction to me.