Men you respect and admire


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
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From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
I am hoping to understand how common or rare, such a men are, in your experiences.

How many men do you actually know, in real life, that you TRULY respect and admire?

How many right now?_____
How many in your life to date?_____

Bonus: ;)
What distinguishes them for you?

How has knowing them affected you or you life?
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Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
Zilch, other than the Lord.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
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I admire Trump, the embodiment of alpha male-ness. Not even the deep state could intimidate him with their Russiagate bs.... They were hoping to scare him into resigning Nixon style...nope... Teflon Don aint budging....

In my personal life, I respect my father because he came from nothing and built himself up through sheer determination.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I know several that I respect, but don't really admire (admire to a man, sounds slipping into homodom minus Christ cause ALL men have their flaws..that you don't know about, saucers full of secrets etc etc). Then you say, "Well, we have the rank or word "Admiral?" So be it, I wouldn't even admire an Admiral.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
How many right now? 5
How many in your life to date? 12+
--1 Father
--1 Oldest Brother
--2 Client/Friends
--5 Teachers/Mentors
--1 Ex
--2 Doctors

What distinguishes them for you?
--Their character more than anything
--They also have a sense of certainty
--Clarity of purpose
--Their values
--Knowingness of who they are and owing it.

How has knowing them affected you or you life?
--I feel incredible deep respect and appreciation when I think of each of them.
--Each has played a pivotal part in who I am.
--The very nature of them being who they are, inspires more from within me.
--In someway, each has been a Hero to me.
--I am a better person for having know them.
--Thinking of each one inspires a special appreciation for their uniqueness.
--Thinking of each reminds me of the attributes that I most admire and inspires to me to further grow those and refine them in myself
--Lots more I am sure but that is what I can think of right now.
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Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
I know several that I respect, but don't really admire (admire to a man, sounds slipping into homodom
Admire: to have a feeling of great respect for someone or something
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
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Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
Interesting topic. Much more so than one about texting a woman after chatting with her that garners 100+ messages...

I had few role models growing up as my father drank and partied a lot and parents got divorced when I was young. So I looked to those who embodied the qualities I wanted as Goal Models.

A short list:

Grandfather: Built a solid life in the US after coming over "on the boat" and landing at Ellis Island in the 1910's from Poland with nothing. Only had an 8th education but worked hard to build a family, purchase property, save money and act as a solid provider for his family. Taught me how to hunt, fish, respect the outdoors, study hard, work hard, always do a good job. Proved that you can become successful through dogged hard work and determination when you start with zero.

Brett Favre: Ended up playing for GB Packers after begin a throw-away 3rd string QB for Atlanta Falcons. Became a Hall of Fame, 3-time MVP, and Super Bowl winning QB by playing hard, overlooking debilitating pain, being a good leader, having fun at what you do, always giving 100% effort, and taking HUGE risks to get what you want. Accepted that to win in the NFL or life, you need to take big chances.

Walter Payton: The absolute gold standard of hard work, toughness, attitude, and dedication and getting the most out of what you have. Came from a very poor family and small college to become one of the best players in NFL history despite being smaller and lacking speed. Also contributed much time, money and energy to the Chicago community to the point of where NFL has an award called Walter Payton Man of the Year Award.

Robin Yount: 2-time MLB MVP, and Hall of Famer, played hard with quiet confidence and continued to work on his game and body to become an often-over looked star player due to playing in the smallest MLB market (Milwaukee). Became a revered and highly respected player and teammate. Didn't want the attention and shy by nature, played his entire 20-year career in Milwaukee on mostly losing teams, never complaining or pulling BS diva crap. The gold standard of how to conduct yourself in a calm, confident, quiet manner and become one of the best at what you do.



Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Admire: to have a feeling of great respect for someone or something
Respect: a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
I respect Hilter for his Ability to lead, determination, and achievement of rooting out Communism in Germany, BUT I do not "Admire" the man.

Edit: I guess I'd admire a mythical figure such as Vaftrudner.


Master Don Juan
Jun 26, 2012
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no one really, I learned a long time ago you can't compare people, eveyone even in the same situation will see things diferent, so I can't admire anyone, it would be a waste of my time


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2014
Reaction score
From the Heart and Soul, of a Woman
I so wish there was more dialogue on this topic! If the questions I started the thread with are off putting to you, please feel free to simply disregard them and openly discuss whatever the topic brings up for you.

I'll start by getting more personal here. I am going to share (unedited) part of conversation I had on the topic this week. It will add insight into what prompted the thread and the original questions from me. The conversation I had was great. It helped me see things I had not seen before. I appreciate that so much! I'd like that to continue. I value that.

I also wish to better understand men. Please feel free to share whatever your thoughts and/or experiences are, regarding men that you respect and admire.

Here is mine...
...I want to partner with a man that I deeply admire and respect. That's SUPER important to me. Looks are nice. What turns me on the most is how I feel about a man. A man that I truly admire and respect...that's HOT! Ok...I am not sure how I got off on that tangent. LOL Ummmm.

I wonder if men see men differently in that regard. Ok...not talking about what's hot...simply about men and respect.

How many men would you say you know that you deeply admire and respect?
Are there others you don't maybe personally know but you deeply admire and respect them? Many or Few?

Let me be more revealing. Cringe. Just as people can have high expectations for potential partners in how they look and some may say they are unrealistic. I am wondering if that is where I am treading with men that I deeply admire and respect. I don't know if that makes sense.

Maybe for a man he rarely meets his 10/10 or 9/10 beauty. My admission...I feel like that about men I respect and admire. Granted I am not actively meeting lots of men, so sample size is pretty small for a while. In my life, the men I have met that really gained my deep respect and admiration were few. I don't mean that in a mean or judgmental way. I am just trying to be open and honest.

It is hard to imagine partnering with a man that I didn't highly respect and admire.
I wonder if I'm expecting too much...not really and then I?

I think of regular men who are feel deserving of their supermodels and they get told to get real and adapt to being contended with their 5-6.

I wonder if that's me, so to speak. Is what I deep admire and respect too high a standard and I should be contented with a man who I simply respect? I have never pondered this out loud let alone shared it. I feel like a bit of a expectation snob when I put it down. Maybe I am? I don't wish to be. My heart is kind. I wish to be with a man who I feel proud of who he is (not in the world per se) but from the inside out. His character and values and the choices he makes to reflect those. How he lives his life and relates with others. A man that inspires me to be the best version of myself, not by demand, by his presence. Wow. Tall order? Unfair order?

I want to be that in some way for my man. I want to be a woman that he's proud of. I want to be a woman that brings out the best in him. I want to be a woman that he can come home to and just be himself. I want to be a woman that loves him with all her heart and Soul. I want to be a woman that just "gets him." I want to be a woman that he feels better for having known. I don't know.

I need to wrap this up. Two things really quick. First...flash a moment ago about why I so want a man I truly respect and admire. There is A LOT of truth in it...that is I want to partner (in more ways than one) with a man that I can truly surrender to. Is that weird to hear?

In the dance of masculinity and femininity I want to be able to let go and fully embrace my feminine. In life, I want to be with a man whose leadership I trust and don't silently second guess. Sexually, I ... topic for another time.
I shared what the topic brings forward for me. Any thoughts and insights on that are greatly appreciated. Please don't feel this thread needs to be limited to that. Whatever the topic brings up for you, please feel free to discuss that. I am interested in that too!

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I am hoping to understand how common or rare, such a men are, in your experiences.

How many men do you actually know, in real life, that you TRULY respect and admire?

How many right now?_____
How many in your life to date?_____

Bonus: ;)
What distinguishes them for you?

How has knowing them affected you or you life?
I respect and admire John Wayne, my dad, and my grandfather.

John Wayne was always cool, level headed, stuck to his guns, did what he said, played no games and honor meant something to him on and off the screen.

My grandfather was the son of a German immigrant. In the 1930's they started a small cattle operation in the Midwest and it has now turned into a multi-million dollar farming/cattle/ranch operation spread out over 11 states that is still all family owned. He had a tremendous work ethic, driven personality, came from nothing, didn't even complete high school. He never needed to impress anybody with fancy houses, cars, and restaurants. Just a simple man and everyone knew who he was. Always did his own thing and didn't care what everybody else thought. He was also a huge risk taker and lived his life by the bible. He married one woman and never supplicated to her ever. He kept his man card his entire life.

My dad has always impressed me with his people skills, his business decisions and his dedication to his family. The man has taught me so much about people and the right path to take. He is the reason I make good decisions and life is easy for me.

There was one other guy growing up that always had the hot girls, cool cars, all the toys, and the fun lifestyle. I always wanted to be him when I grew up.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
Reaction score
Genghis Khan

family and friends all murdered in his youth.

Got revenge on the world as a result.

Alexander the Great

Exceptional leader and strategist. Famous letter to Darius III:

Your ancestors invaded Macedonianote and the rest of Greecenoteand did us harm although we had not done you any previous injury. I have been appointed commander-in-chief of the Greeks and it is with the aim of punishing the Persians that I have crossed into Asia, since you are the aggressors.

[2.14.5] You gave support to the people of Perinthus, who had done my father harm, and Ochusnotesent a force to Thrace, which was under our rule. My father died at the hand of conspirators instigated by you,note as you yourself boasted to everybody in your letters, you killed Arsesnote with the help of Bagoasnote and gained your throne through unjust means, in defiance of Persian custom and doing wrong to the Persians. You sent unfriendly letters to the Greeks about me, to push them to war against me,

[2.14.6] and sent money to the Spartans and some other Greeks, which none of the other cities would accept apart from the Spartans. Your envoys corrupted my friends and sought to destroy the peace which I established among the Greeks.note I therefore led an expedition against you, and you started the quarrel.

[2.14.7] But now I have defeated in battle first your generals and satraps, and now you in person and your army, and by the grace of the gods I control the country. All those who fought on your side and did not die in battle but came over to me, I hold myself responsible for them; they are not on my side under duress but are taking part in the expedition of their own free will.

[2.14.8] Approach me therefore as the lord of all Asia. If you are afraid of suffering harm at my hands by coming in person, send some of your friends to receive proper assurances. Come to me to ask and receive your mother, your wife, your children and anything else you wish. Whatever you can persuade me to give shall be yours.

[2.14.9] In future whenever you communicate with me, send to me as king of Asia; do not write to me as an equal, but state your demands to the master of all your possessions. If not, I shall deal with you as a wrongdoer. If you wish to lay claim to the title of king, then stand your ground and fight for it; do not take to flight, as I shall pursue you wherever you may be."


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I prefer to admire instances and acts, rather than individuals. There are no perfect people, but if you take the best from each of us, you can get something to respect and admire.


Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
I admired my dad (late) because he was the most calm person under stress that ever existed. He could be under intense stress and you would never know it. He just smoked his pipe and carefully thought of his next reaction, which was never emotional ever. I also admired him because he was extremely handy, could build or fix anything.

I admired my grandpa (late), my dad's dad. He had my grandma wrapped around his finger. A quiet alpha male. Three meals a day at 6:00am sharp, noon sharp, and 5:00pm sharp. But if she was late he never said a word, she just respected him so much that she never wanted to be. She never once, not once, complained about serving him. She never had a job in her life past age 22, she was 100% dedicated to the house and him. He was a coal miner and then later a diesel mechanic. He was also extremely handy and could build or fix anything.

Other than these two, I need to be honest, I admire myself. I've been through more hardships than all of the men in my family combined, times 10. My dad and grandpa's problems were peanuts in comparision to mine. I think I am a perfect balance of old school values and modern day practicality. The only thing I wish I was better at is the handy stuff. I'm OK but nothing like by dad and grandpa were. I also will never know what it's like to have a successful marriage, to marry a woman at 20 and die in her arms at 78.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
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Alex Jones
fictional character John Galt


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score

I also wish to better understand men. Please feel free to share whatever your thoughts and/or experiences are, regarding men that you respect and admire.
You already understand men. It’s in your biology. You have all the training you need.

However, in a woman, men want:

1) young and fertile
2) decent looking
3) who initiates
4) doesn’t manipulate
5) young and fertile
6) respects money
7) doesn’t attack the man emotionally
8) has ethics
9) somewhat sexy
10) young and fertile


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
I also will never know what it's like to have a successful marriage, to marry a woman at 20 and die in her arms at 78.
I got a little choked up reading that. My dad also was married to my mom right up until she passed away. Through good times and bad times they stuck together. Us guys of this generation may have technological advantages that our forefathers did not have, but very few of us will ever know what its like to have a loving marriage.