It is important to remember that each year over 97% of all husbands do not resort to violence in their relationships. Considering the sheer amount of verbal abuse we withstand that statistic amazes me.
you know what I really bites?
The fact you don’t see many websites dedicated to women who want to improve:
There standing has a GF, Wife, mother, lover or great women a man desires.
Yeh there are remnants of it, but is there a female version of the DJ forum, or even the bible?
So whilst we endeavour to be the 'best' we can be it is pleasing to know, women are not in the slightest putting the same effort in at all.
Still I guess all this self actualization makes us more empowered to control the female species, instead of allowing them to control 'us', but still it would be refreshing to see women finally accepting it takes 'two' to tango and putting in as much effort has men need to do, to make the joining of the species work, so far I see towers built by men with women skipping around them dressed in material worth, dressed up in some materialistic ideal hoping to get in, or to see if the man will open to door to allow her entrance into his tower or castle of his mind, i.e. all this seduction learning to become 'the man a women would love to be with' we or I see mainly women not sharing the same ideal, merely stepping on board when they see what is on offer, worth latching onto.
Edit, i am going to contridict myself here.
Women actually spend there lives, learning how to manipulate, or win men over, look at play ground ideals, with women talking about boys, make-up and learning how to fabiricate an illusion, the problem then lies imo when a system is designed to reward 'poor' behaviour for women whilst at the same time accusing men of being the ones responisble for the poor behaviour, but when all is said and done it is mens fault for allowing the sorry state of affairs to continue or happen in the first place.
Men would abuse the system just has much if they could, the system is at fault! Has for abuse? mental or physical, i know the version is far from the truth and represents what social ideals want you to believe, society is at fault for being the biased bullcra8p it is sadly, it a testiment to how messed up things are when it takes forums like this to 'father' boys back into 'man hood' and show the truth is not has it appears to be.
Abuse of the sexies happens! The problem, men are painted out to be the abusers with women the victims as the general norm, but better not speak out about it, you may be labled a potential abuser, lol.