Megan Fox: 'women have the power because they have the vag!nas'...


Don Juan
May 17, 2009
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every member of the sex with a hole betwen their legs thinks that. fox needs to get over herself she isnt even that great. i wouldn't dive into her sewer if she paid me. she is overated.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
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Women like her are so dangerous. Crazy good looking, but for the person that allows her into their life, they're going to be tormented in so many ways.

Reminds me of the medieval Succubus. It'd be fun for a while......


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
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azanon said:
Women like her are so dangerous. Crazy good looking, but for the person that allows her into their life, they're going to be tormented in so many ways.

Reminds me of the medieval Succubus. It'd be fun for a while......
well just looking at her bio the red flags were all there:

Fox's parents divorced when she was young and she and her sister were raised by her mother and her stepfather

She came from a broken home = Got Daddy issues.

She said that the two were "very strict"[11] and that she wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend.

Very strict parents = frustration and rebellion which leads to an unhappy girl

Fox has spoken extensively of her time in education; that in middle school she was bullied and picked on and she ate lunch in the bathroom to avoid being "pelted with ketchup packets". Fox said that the problem was not her looks, but that she had "always gotten along better with boys" and that "rubbed some people the wrong way"..Fox also said of high school that she was never popular and that "everyone hated me, and I was a total outcast, my friends were always guys, I have a very aggressive personality, and girls didn’t like me for that. I’ve had only one great girlfriend my whole life

Had lots of male friends = attention wh0re who uses orbitors to her whims.

Aggressive personality = girls with aggressive personalities tend to be the biggest sluts.

Fox has said during an interview with The Times, on the topic of being a role model that: “It depends on what your idea of a role model is,” and continued with, "If your idea of a role model is somebody who’s gonna preach to your kids that sex before marriage is wrong and cursing is wrong and women should be this and be that, then I’m not a role model. But if you want your girls to feel strong and intelligent and be outspoken and fight for what they think is right, then I want to be that type of role model, yeah.

Teaching girls to feel strong intelligent and outspoken= teaching girls to be a feminists ball busting b1tches.

An unsigned letter from crew members of Transformers defended Michael Bay against accusations made by Fox. The letter alleges that Fox is unpleasant to work with on set and makes several accusations of ungracious behaviour that are at variance with her public persona.

unpleasent, ungracious and difficult to work with = selfish self serving b1tch.

Fox has eight known tattoos.

tattoos on a girl = tramp stamp. The more tattoos the sluttier the girl tends to be.

Fox has said that she is bisexual. In an interview with GQ Magazine, she said that when she was 18 years old she fell in love and sought to establish a relationship with a female stripper.

bisexual and had a relationship with a female stripper = the defence rest.

Conclusion: The girl is fvcked up in the head but because she is hot, guys tolerate her sh1tty behaviour thus making her the prize so no surprise when she walks all over them.

Guys may envy the man that gets to take her home every night, but he has to put up with alot of sh1t in order to tap that ass.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2009
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Bay Area, California
Is it just me or is the attention on this girl blown way out of proportion?

She found out that she can manipulate guys with the allure of her private parts... wow big revelation!

To me she is just an average hollywood skank, she comes a dime a dozen in that world.

Once her 15 minutes is up (which I think will be sooner rather than later) she'll go back to nobody wannabe status unless she shows some unique outstanding or enduring qualities like actual talent. Or she can be Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian route and just be well known for being the ultra slut (with the obligatory sex tape).

And this girl is way way overrated on her looks, she is not even an 8 by my book. Her excessive tattooing makes her sleazy and trashy, not sexy.